
function Export-UnattendedKickstartFile
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $idx = $script:un.IndexOf('%post')

    if ($idx -eq -1)
        $idx = $script:un.IndexOf('%post')

        'function IsNotInstalled {'
        'if yum list installed "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1; then'
        'curl | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo'
        'yum install -y openssl'
        'yum install -y powershell'
        'yum install -y omi-psrp-server'
        'if IsNotInstalled powershell; then yum install -y powershell; fi'
        'if IsNotInstalled omi-psrp-server; then yum install -y powershell; fi'
        'yum list installed "powershell" > /tmp/ksPowerShell'
        'yum list installed "omi-psrp-server" > /tmp/ksOmi'
    ) | ForEach-Object -Process {
        $script:un.Insert($idx, $_)

    # When index of end is greater then index of package end: add %end to EOF
    # else add %end before %packages

    $idxPackage = $script:un.IndexOf('%packages --ignoremissing')
    $idxPost = $script:un.IndexOf('%post')

    $idxEnd = if (-1 -ne $idxPackage -and $idxPost -lt $idxPackage)

    $script:un.Insert($idxEnd, '%end')

    ($script:un | Out-String) -replace "`r`n", "`n" | Set-Content -Path $Path -Force