
#region Internals
#region IP function
Function Get-NetworkAddress
    Takes an IP address and subnet mask then calculates the network address for the range.
    Get-NetworkAddress returns the network address for a subnet by performing a bitwise AND
    operation against the decimal forms of the IP address and subnet mask. Get-NetworkAddress
    expects both the IP address and subnet mask in dotted decimal format.
    .Parameter IPAddress
    Any IP address within the network range.
    .Parameter SubnetMask
    The subnet mask for the network.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)]
        Return ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ((ConvertTo-DecimalIP $IPAddress) -BAnd (ConvertTo-DecimalIP $SubnetMask))

Function ConvertTo-Mask
    Returns a dotted decimal subnet mask from a mask length.
    ConvertTo-Mask returns a subnet mask in dotted decimal format from an integer value ranging
    between 0 and 32. ConvertTo-Mask first creates a binary string from the length, converts
    that to an unsigned 32-bit integer then calls ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP to complete the operation.
    .Parameter MaskLength
    The number of bits which must be masked.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [ValidateRange(0, 32)]
        Return ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ([Convert]::ToUInt32($(('1' * $MaskLength).PadRight(32, '0')), 2))

Function ConvertTo-MaskLength
    Returns the length of a subnet mask.
    ConvertTo-MaskLength accepts any IPv4 address as input, however the output value
    only makes sense when using a subnet mask.
    .Parameter SubnetMask
    A subnet mask to convert into length

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        $Bits = "$( $SubnetMask.GetAddressBytes() | ForEach-Object -Process { [Convert]::ToString($_, 2)
    } )"

        $Bitsx = $Bits -Replace '[\s0]'
        Return $Bitsx.Length

Function ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP
    Returns a dotted decimal IP address from either an unsigned 32-bit integer or a dotted binary string.
    ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP uses a regular expression match on the input string to convert to an IP address.
    .Parameter IPAddress
    A string representation of an IP address from either UInt32 or dotted binary.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        switch -RegEx ($IPAddress)
                return [String]::Join('.', $($IPAddress.Split('.') | ForEach-Object -Process {
                    [Convert]::ToUInt32($_, 2)
                $IPAddress = [UInt32]$IPAddress
                $dottedIP = $(For ($i = 3; $i -gt -1; $i--)
                    $remainder = $IPAddress % [Math]::Pow(256, $i)
                    ($IPAddress - $remainder) / [Math]::Pow(256, $i)
                    $IPAddress = $remainder
                return [String]::Join('.', $dottedIP)
                Write-Error 'Cannot convert this format'

Function ConvertTo-DecimalIP
    Converts a Decimal IP address into a 32-bit unsigned integer.
    ConvertTo-DecimalIP takes a decimal IP, uses a shift-like operation on each octet and returns a single UInt32 value.
    .Parameter IPAddress
    An IP Address to convert.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        $i = 3
        $decimalIP = 0
        $IPAddress.GetAddressBytes() | ForEach-Object -Process {
            $decimalIP += $_ * [Math]::Pow(256, $i)
        Return [UInt32]$decimalIP

Function ConvertTo-BinaryIP
    Converts a Decimal IP address into a binary format.
    ConvertTo-BinaryIP uses System.Convert to switch between decimal and binary format. The output from this function is dotted binary.
    .Parameter IPAddress
    An IP Address to convert.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        Return [String]::Join('.', $($IPAddress.GetAddressBytes() |
        ForEach-Object -Process {
            [Convert]::ToString($_, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')

Function Get-BroadcastAddress
    Takes an IP address and subnet mask then calculates the broadcast address for the range.
    Get-BroadcastAddress returns the broadcast address for a subnet by performing a bitwise AND
    operation against the decimal forms of the IP address and inverted subnet mask.
    Get-BroadcastAddress expects both the IP address and subnet mask in dotted decimal format.
    .Parameter IPAddress
    Any IP address within the network range.
    .Parameter SubnetMask
    The subnet mask for the network.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)]
        return ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP $((ConvertTo-DecimalIP $IPAddress) -BOr `
        ((-bnot (ConvertTo-DecimalIP $SubnetMask)) -band [UInt32]::MaxValue))

function Get-NetworkSummary
    param (
    If ($IPAddress.Contains('/'))
        $temp = $IP.Split('/')
        $IPAddress = $temp[0]
        $SubnetMask = $temp[1]
    If (!$SubnetMask.Contains('.'))
        $SubnetMask = ConvertTo-Mask $SubnetMask
    $decimalIP = ConvertTo-DecimalIP $IPAddress
    $decimalMask = ConvertTo-DecimalIP $SubnetMask
    $network = $decimalIP -BAnd $decimalMask
    $broadcast = $decimalIP -BOr
    ((-BNot $decimalMask) -BAnd [UInt32]::MaxValue)
    $networkAddress = ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP $network
    $rangeStart = ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ($network + 1)
    $rangeEnd = ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ($broadcast - 1)
    $broadcastAddress = ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP $broadcast
    $MaskLength = ConvertTo-MaskLength $SubnetMask
    $binaryIP = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $IPAddress
    $private = $false
    switch -RegEx ($binaryIP)
            $class = 'E'
            $subnetBitMap = '1111'
            $class = 'D'
            $subnetBitMap = '1110'
            $class = 'C'
            If ($binaryIP -Match '^11000000.10101000')
                $private = $True
            $class = 'B'
            If ($binaryIP -Match '^10101100.0001')
                $private = $True
            $class = 'A'
            If ($binaryIP -Match '^00001010')
                $private = $True
    $netInfo = New-Object -TypeName Object
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Network' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $networkAddress
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Broadcast' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $broadcastAddress
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Range' -InputObject $netInfo `
               -Value "$rangeStart - $rangeEnd"
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Mask' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $SubnetMask
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MaskLength' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $MaskLength
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hosts' -InputObject $netInfo `
               -Value $($broadcast - $network - 1)
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Class' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $class
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'IsPrivate' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $private
    return $netInfo

<#Work in progress
function Test-SubnetInSubnet
    param (
    If ($IPAddress.Contains('/'))
        $temp = $IP.Split('/')
        $IPAddress = $temp[0]
        $SubnetMask = $temp[1]
    If (!$SubnetMask.Contains('.'))
        $SubnetMask = ConvertTo-Mask $SubnetMask
    $decimalIP = ConvertTo-DecimalIP $IPAddress
    $decimalMask = ConvertTo-DecimalIP $SubnetMask
    $network = $decimalIP -BAnd $decimalMask
    $broadcast = $decimalIP -BOr
    ((-BNot $decimalMask) -BAnd [UInt32]::MaxValue)
    $networkAddress = ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP $network
    $rangeStart = ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ($network + 1)
    $rangeEnd = ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ($broadcast - 1)
    $broadcastAddress = ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP $broadcast
    $MaskLength = ConvertTo-MaskLength $SubnetMask
    $binaryIP = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $IPAddress
    $private = $false
    switch -RegEx ($binaryIP)
            $class = 'E'
            $subnetBitMap = '1111'
            $class = 'D'
            $subnetBitMap = '1110'
            $class = 'C'
            If ($binaryIP -Match '^11000000.10101000')
                $private = $True
            $class = 'B'
            If ($binaryIP -Match '^10101100.0001')
                $private = $True
            $class = 'A'
            If ($binaryIP -Match '^00001010')
                $private = $True
    $netInfo = New-Object -TypeName Object
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Network' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $networkAddress
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Broadcast' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $broadcastAddress
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Range' -InputObject $netInfo `
               -Value "$rangeStart - $rangeEnd"
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Mask' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $SubnetMask
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MaskLength' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $MaskLength
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Hosts' -InputObject $netInfo `
               -Value $($broadcast - $network - 1)
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Class' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $class
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'IsPrivate' -InputObject $netInfo -Value $private
    $startIP = ($rangeStart.split('.')[0] * 256*256*256) + ($rangeStart.split('.')[1] * 256*256) + ($rangeStart.split('.')[2] * 256) + ($rangeStart.split('.')[3])
    $endIP = ($rangeEnd.split('.')[0] * 256*256*256) + ($rangeEnd.split('.')[1] * 256*256) + ($rangeEnd.split('.')[2] * 256) + ($rangeEnd.split('.')[3])
    if (([ipaddress]$IpAddress).Address -ge ([ipaddress]$rangeStart).Address -and ([ipaddress]$IpAddress).Address -le ([ipaddress]$rangeEnd).Address)

function Get-NetworkRange
    param (
    if ($IPAddress.Contains('/'))
        $temp = $IPAddress.Split('/')
        $IPAddress = $temp[0]
        $SubnetMask = $temp[1]
    If (-not $SubnetMask.Contains('.'))
        $SubnetMask = ConvertTo-Mask -MaskLength $SubnetMask
    $decimalIP = ConvertTo-DecimalIP -IPAddress $IPAddress
    $decimalMask = ConvertTo-DecimalIP -IPAddress $SubnetMask
    $network = $decimalIP -band $decimalMask
    $broadcast = $decimalIP -bor ((-bnot $decimalMask) -band [UInt32]::MaxValue)
    for ($i = $($network + 1); $i -lt $broadcast; $i++)
        ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP -IPAddress $i

#region Function Test-IpInSameSameNetwork
Function Test-IpInSameSameNetwork
    $ip1Decimal = $Ip1.SerializationNetworkAddress
    $ip2Decimal = $Ip2.SerializationNetworkAddress
    $ip1Total   = $Ip1.Total
    $ip2Total   = $Ip2.Total
    if (($ip1Decimal -ge $ip2Decimal) -and ($ip1Decimal -lt ([long]$ip2Decimal+[long]$ip2Total)))
        return $true

    if (($ip2Decimal -ge $ip1Decimal) -and ($ip2Decimal -lt ([long]$ip1Decimal+[long]$ip1Total)))
        return $true
    return $false

#endregion Test-IpInSameSameNetwork

#endregion IP functions

#region Get-Type (helper function for creating generic types)
function Get-Type
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
        [string] $GenericType,
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
        [string[]] $T
    $T = $T -as [type[]]
        $generic = [type]($GenericType + '`' + $T.Count)
    catch [Exception]
        throw New-Object -TypeName System.Exception -ArgumentList ('Cannot create generic type', $_.Exception)
#region Invoke-Ternary
function Invoke-Ternary ([scriptblock]$decider, [scriptblock]$ifTrue, [scriptblock]$ifFalse)
    if (&$decider)
Set-Alias -Name ?? -Value Invoke-Ternary -Option AllScope -Description "Ternary Operator like '?' in C#"
#endregion Internals