
#region New-LWNetworkSwitch
function New-LWHypervNetworkSwitch
    param (

    foreach ($network in $VirtualNetwork)
        if (-not $network.Name)
            throw 'No name specified for virtual network to be created'
        Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Creating Hyper-V virtual network '$($network.Name)'" -TaskStart
        if (Get-VMSwitch -Name $network.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            Write-ScreenInfo -Message "The network switch '$($network.Name)' already exists" -Type Warning
        if ((Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4) -contains $network.AddressSpace.FirstUsable)
            Write-ScreenInfo -Message "The IP '$($network.AddressSpace.FirstUsable)' Address for network switch '$($network.Name)' is already in use" -Type Error
        if ($network.SwitchType -eq 'External')
            $switch = New-VMSwitch -NetAdapterName $network.AdapterName -Name $network.Name -ErrorAction Stop
                $switch = New-VMSwitch -Name $network.Name -SwitchType ([string]$network.SwitchType) -ErrorAction Stop
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
                $switch = New-VMSwitch -Name $network.Name -SwitchType ([string]$network.SwitchType) -ErrorAction Stop

            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $config = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object NetConnectionID -Match "vEthernet \($($network.Name)\) ?(\d{1,2})?" | Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
            if (-not $config)
                throw "The network adapter for network switch '$network' could not be found. Cannot set up address hence will not be able to contact the machines"

            #if the network address was defined, get the first usable IP for the network adapter
            $adapterIpAddress = if ($network.AddressSpace.IpAddress -eq $network.AddressSpace.Network)

            while ($adapterIpAddress -in (Get-LabMachineDefinition).IpAddress.IpAddress)
                $adapterIpAddress = $adapterIpAddress.Increment()
            $arguments = @{
                IPAddress = @($adapterIpAddress.AddressAsString)
                SubnetMask = @($network.AddressSpace.Netmask.AddressAsString)

            $result = $config | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName EnableStatic -Arguments $arguments
            if ($result.ReturnValue)
                throw "Could not set the IP address '$($arguments.IPAddress)' with subnet mask '$($arguments.SubnetMask)' on adapter 'vEthernet ($($network.Name))'. The error code was $($result.ReturnValue). Lookup the documentation of the class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration in the MSDN to get more information about the error code."
        Write-ScreenInfo -Message "Done" -TaskEnd
        if ($PassThru)
#endregion New-LWNetworkSwitch

#region Remove-LWNetworkSwitch
function Remove-LWNetworkSwitch
    param (
    if (-not (Get-VMSwitch -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        Write-Warning 'The network switch does not exist'
        Remove-VMSwitch -Name $Name -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        Remove-VMSwitch -Name $Name -Force
    Write-Verbose "Network switch '$Name' removed"

#endregion Remove-LWNetworkSwitch