
Create a new database
Create a new Local DB database on the connectionString
.PARAMETER ConnectionString
SQL Connection String pointing to the master database
.PARAMETER DatabaseName
The name of the database to create
New-LocalDbDatabase -DatabaseName "MyDb" -ConnectionString "servername='server'"
Creates the databse 'MyDb' on the specified connection string
Questions about this script:

function New-Database {

    Invoke-LocalDbSqlcmd -Command "create database $DatabaseName" -ConnectionString $ConnectionString

Publish the scripts to the Database
Using DbUp to publish the scripts to database. DbUp keeps track of which scripts it needs to run.
.PARAMETER ConnectionString
SQL Connection String pointing to a existing database
Path pointing to the location of the DbUp.dll binary
Path pointing oo the location of the SQL scripts. The folder must contain SQL scripts
Publish-DbUpScripts -ConnectionString "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=Test" -DbUpPath "lib\dbup.dll" -DbScripts "\sql\"
Publish the scripts in folder sql\ to the specified connection string.
DbUp docs:
Questions about this script:

function Publish-DbUpScripts {
    If (!(Test-SQLConnectionString($ConnectionString))) {
        throw "ConnectionString wrongly formatted";
    if (!(Test-DbUplocation($DbUpPath))) {
        throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "DbUp.dll location cannot be found"
    if (!(Test-DbScriptsPath($DbScripts))) {
        throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Scripts path cannot be found or does not contain sql scripts"

    Add-Type -Path $DbUpPath

    $dbUp = [DbUp.DeployChanges]::To
    $dbUp = [SqlServerExtensions]::SqlDatabase($dbUp, $ConnectionString)
     $dbUp = [StandardExtensions]::WithScriptsFromFileSystem($dbUp, $scriptPath)
    $dbUp = [SqlServerExtensions]::JournalToSqlTable($dbUp, 'dbo', 'SchemaVersions')
    $dbUp = [StandardExtensions]::LogToConsole($dbUp)


Downloads the DbUp binary
The Get-DbUp function downloads and extract a DbUp package specified URL. It is extracted to the local temp directory. The location of the DbUp.dll is returned.
URL that contains the location of the online DbUp zip/nupkg file. Default:
System.string containing the location of the DbUp.dll binary
Downloads the package and returns the location of the DbUp.dll location
Get-DbUp -URL
Downloads the package from the custom location
DbUp docs:
Questions about this script:

function Get-DbUp {

    $dbUpTempPath ="$env:TEMP\dbup"
    $dbUpZipLocation = "$env:TEMP\"

        Write-Status "Deleting old packages... "
        Remove-Item $dbUpZipLocation -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Item $dbUpTempPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Write-Status "Downloading package... "
        Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile $dbUpZipLocation
        Write-Status "Expand archive... " 
        Expand-Archive $dbUpZipLocation -DestinationPath $dbUpTempPath -Force

        Write-Status "Locating DbUp... "
        $dbupPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $dbUpTempPath -Filter "DbUp.dll" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force |
                    Select-Object -First 1  | 
                    ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }
        if (!$dbupPath) {
            throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "DbUp.dll location cannot be found"
        return $dbupPath;
    Catch {

Determines whether the database exist.
The Test-Database function determines whether the specified database exist.
.PARAMETER ConnectionString
SQL Connection String pointing to the master database
.PARAMETER DatabaseName
The name of the database to check
System.Boolean, true when database exist otherwise false
Test-Database -ConnectionString "servername='server'" -DatabaseName "MyDb"
Test whether the database MyDb exist
Questions about this script:

function Test-Database() {

    $allDatabases = Invoke-LocalDbSqlcmd -Command "sp_databases" -ConnectionString $ConnectionString

    return $allDatabases.Contains($DatabaseName);

Gets the connection string from of the LocalDB instance
The Get-LocalDbConnectionString returns the connection string to connect to a local Db instance. It defaults retrieves the connection string from the instance mssqllocaldb. If the instance is not running the function will starts the instance.
.PARAMETER InstanceName
The instance from which the connection string must be retrieved. Default: mssqllocaldb
System.string containing the connection string
Returns the connection string from the instance mssqllocaldb
Get-LocalDbConnectionString -InstanceName "MyInstance"
Returns the connection string from the instance MyInstance
Questions about this script:

function Get-LocalDbConnectionString() {
        $InstanceName = "mssqllocaldb"

    sqllocaldb start $InstanceName | Out-Null
    $instanceInfo = sqllocaldb info $InstanceName | Out-String
    return (($instanceInfo).split(" ")[-1]).Trim()

function Invoke-LocalDbSqlcmd{

    $databases = sqlcmd -E -S $ConnectionString -Q $Command | Out-String

    return $database;

function Test-SQLConnectionString{
    Source of this method: [Martin Brandl]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $ConnectionString;

        return $true;
        return $false;

function Start-DbUp($dbUp){
    return $dbUp.Build().PerformUpgrade()

function Test-DbUplocation($location){
    return Test-Path $location

function Test-DbScriptsPath($location){
    if (!(Test-Path $location)){
        return $false;

     $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $location -Filter "*.sql" | Measure-Object
    return !($items.Count -eq 0)

function Write-Status{
    param (
    Write-Host "$message... " -NoNewline

function Write-Succeed{
    Write-Host "[Succeed]" -ForegroundColor Green

function Write-Fail{
    Write-Host "[Fail]" -ForegroundColor Red