
   Processes an Input MAC Address in any standard notation and outputs into selected notation.
   This script takes in a MAC Address, strips out all the normal delimiters, tests whether or not the inpt is a standard 6 byte string
   and then outputs the results into the selected notation style.
   Format-MAC -MAC "E4:43:4B:18:3D:A8"
   Format-MAC -MAC "E4:43:4B:18:3D:A8" -Notation "Colon6"

function Format-MAC
        # MAC Address to Reformat

        # Notation to use in reformatting. All three standard notations are present as well as Raw undelimited output.
        $Notation = "Colon6"

        $RawMAC = $MAC -replace ':','' -replace '\.','' -replace '-',''
        if ($RawMAC.Length -eq 12)
            $FormMac = switch ($Notation)
                'Colon6' {"{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}:{5}" -f ((0..5) | foreach-object {$RawMAC.Substring(($_*2),2)})}
                'Hyphen6' {"{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}" -f ((0..5) | foreach-object {$RawMAC.Substring(($_*2),2)})}
                'Period3' {"{0}.{1}.{2}" -f ((0..2) | foreach-object {$RawMAC.Substring(($_*4),4)})}
                'Raw' {$RawMAC}
            {Write-Error "The input MAC Address ($MAC) is not a complete regular 6 Byte Address" -ErrorAction Continue}
