
Function Get-StdDev
        # Range/Array of numbers to calculate for

        # Precision (Significant Figures)
        $Precision = 2
        # Determine Parameter Route and Create Array Aggregate
        $ParamType = try{$Range.GetType()}catch{"Decimal"}
        switch ($ParamType)
            "Array" {$FullRange = $Range}
            "Decimal" {$FullRange = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()}
        # Aggregate Pipeline Values
        switch ($ParamType){"Decimal" {$NULL = $FullRange.Add([decimal]$Range[0])}}
        # Measure the Current Range for Count and Mean
        $ArrayRange = $FullRange | Foreach {[decimal]$_}
        $MeasureRange = $ArrayRange | Measure-Object -Average | Select Average,Count
        if($MeasureRange.count -gt 1)
            # Iterate through the range and calculate variance
            [decimal]$Variance = $null
            Foreach ($N in $ArrayRange){$Variance += [Math]::Pow(($N - $MeasureRange.Average), 2)}
            # Calculate StdDev using Variance and Mean
            $stdDev = [math]::Sqrt($($Variance / ($MeasureRange.Count - 1)))
            # Output Standard Deviation
            write-host "Not Enough Numbers in Range ($($measurerange.count)) to calculate a Standard Deviation!" -ForegroundColor Red