
   Uses an Outlook process to draft an outgoing email.
   Uses an Outlook process to draft an outgoing email.

function New-MailDraft
        # Subject of Email

        # List of Contacts to Send as TO

        # Body of Email
        $Body = "",

        # Body Format Html, Plain or Rich
        $BodyFormat = "HTML",

        # List of Contacts to Send as CC

        # List of Contacts to Send as BCC

        # Add Interop Assembly
        Add-Type -assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"

        # Conditional Application Process Instantiator
        $outlookapp = try
            $outlookProcess = get-process OUTLOOK -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($outlookProcess){[Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject('Outlook.Application')}
            else{New-Object -comObject Outlook.Application}
        catch{New-Object -comObject Outlook.Application}

        # Create Email Object
        $Mail = $outlookapp.CreateItem(0)
        # Body Format Type Switch
        switch ($BodyFormat)
                $mail.BodyFormat = 2
                $mail.HTMLBody = $Body
                $mail.BodyFormat = 1
                $mail.Body = $Body
                $mail.BodyFormat = 3
                $mail.RTFBody = $Body
        # Attach Subject
        $Mail.Subject = $Subject

        # Attach Recipients and Resolve
        $SendTo = foreach ($TORecipient in $to)
            $thisTo = $Mail.Recipients.Add($TORecipient)
        $SendCC = foreach ($CCRecipient in $cc)
            $thisCC = $mail.Recipients.Add($CCRecipient)
            $thisCC.type = 2
        $SendBCC = foreach ($BCCRecipient in $bcc)
            $thisBCC = $mail.Recipients.Add($BCCRecipient)
            $thisBCC.type = 3
        $Resolve = $mail.Recipients.ResolveAll()

        # Save This Mail in the draft Box