
Function Add-CertPFXwithLegacyCSP
        # Path to PFXFile
        # Password for Secured PFX File
        # Cert Store Location (CurrentUser or LocalMachine)
        $CertLocation = "LocalMachine"

        # Get available CSPs
        $CertStores = (Get-CertStoreInfo -Location $CertLocation)

        # Instantiate Runtime Parameter Dictionary, Attach Runtime Parameters, and return
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add('CertStoreName', (New-DynamicParameter -ParamName 'CertStoreName' -ValueType string -Dataset ($ -Mandatory $false))
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        # Convert Runtime Parameter Dictionary into Available Constants
        foreach ($key in $RuntimeParameterDictionary.keys){New-Variable -Name $key -Value $RuntimeParameterDictionary.$key.value}
        # Select Store
        $TargetStore = $CertStores.$CertStoreName

        # Define Legacy CSP Option
        $Option = "AT_KEYEXCHANGE"

        # Switch on CertLocation
        $LocationMap = Switch ($Location)
            "LocalMachine" {"MACHINE"}
            "CurrentUser" {"USER"}
        # Import Certificate into selected store
        $Response = certutil -p "$PFXPass" -importpfx "$TargetStore" "$PFXPath" $Option
        if($Response[-1] -like "*CertUtil: -importPFX command completed successfully."){write-host "$($Response[0]) (with Legacy CSP)" -ForegroundColor Green}