
# PowershellWindow Functions
$Script:showWindowAsync = Add-Type -MemberDefinition @"
public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
 -Name "Win32ShowWindowAsync" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru
function Show-PowershellWindow() {
    $null = $showWindowAsync::ShowWindowAsync((Get-Process -Id $pid).MainWindowHandle, 10)
function Hide-PowershellWindow() {
    $null = $showWindowAsync::ShowWindowAsync((Get-Process -Id $pid).MainWindowHandle, 2)

# MahApps.Metro
# Assign current script directory to a global variable
$Global:MyScriptDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)

# Load presentationframework and Dlls for the MahApps.Metro theme
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("presentationframework") | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$Global:MyScriptDir\assembly\MahApps.Metro.dll") | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$Global:MyScriptDir\assembly\System.Windows.Interactivity.dll") | Out-Null

# Set console size and title
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Start-AutopilotOOBE"
# LoadForm
function LoadForm {

    [xml]$Global:xmlWPF = @"
        xmlns = ""
        xmlns:x = ""
        xmlns:d = ""
        xmlns:mc = ""
        xmlns:Controls = "clr-namespace:MahApps.Metro.Controls;assembly=MahApps.Metro"
        Title = ""
        BorderBrush = "{DynamicResource AccentColorBrush}"
        BorderThickness = "2"
        Width = "980"
        Height = "670"
        Background = "#004275"
        ResizeMode = "CanResizeWithGrip"
        WindowStartupLocation = "CenterScreen"
        WindowStyle = "None">
                <!-- MahApps.Metro resource dictionaries. Make sure that all file names are Case Sensitive! -->
                <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Controls.xaml" />
                <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Fonts.xaml" />
                <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Colors.xaml" />
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type Window}">
                <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Segoe UI" />
                <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Light" />
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="#1f1f1f" />
                <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="white" />
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="#FF1D3245" />
                <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="#FFE8EDF9" />
                <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="15" />
                <Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="True" />
                <Setter Property="Template">
                        <ControlTemplate TargetType="Button" >
                            <Border Name = "Border"
                                BorderThickness = "1"
                                Padding = "4,2"
                                BorderBrush = "#336891"
                                CornerRadius = "1"
                                Background = "#0078d7">
                                <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment = "Center" VerticalAlignment = "Center" TextBlock.TextAlignment = "Center" />
                                <Trigger Property = "IsFocused" Value = "False">
                                    <Setter TargetName = "Border" Property = "BorderBrush" Value = "#336891" />
                                    <Setter Property = "Button.Background" Value = "#336891" />
                                <Trigger Property = "IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                                    <Setter TargetName = "Border" Property = "BorderBrush" Value = "#FFE8EDF9" />
                                <Trigger Property = "IsEnabled" Value = "False">
                                    <Setter TargetName = "Border" Property = "BorderBrush" Value = "#336891" />
                                    <Setter Property = "Button.Foreground" Value = "#336891" />
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type Label}">
                <Setter Property = "FontFamily" Value = "Segoe UI" />
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
                <Setter Property = "FontFamily" Value = "Segoe UI" />
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}">
                <Setter Property = "FontFamily" Value = "Segoe UI" />
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            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="600"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
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            <RowDefinition Height="380"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="120"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="10"/>
        <StackPanel Grid.Column = "0">
            <Label Name = "SidebarModuleVersion"
            Content = ""
            FontFamily = "Segoe UI" FontSize = "11"
            Foreground = "White"
            HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
            Padding = "10,1,10,0"
        <StackPanel Grid.Column = "4">
            <Label Name = "SidebarManufacturer"
            Content = ""
            FontFamily = "Segoe UI" FontSize = "11"
            Foreground = "White"
            HorizontalAlignment = "Right"
            Padding = "10,1,10,0"
            <Label Name = "SidebarModel"
            Content = ""
            FontFamily = "Segoe UI" FontSize = "11"
            Foreground = "White"
            HorizontalAlignment = "Right"
            Padding = "10,1,10,0"
            <Label Name = "SidebarSerialNumber"
            Content = ""
            FontFamily = "Segoe UI" FontSize = "11"
            Foreground = "White"
            HorizontalAlignment = "Right"
            Padding = "10,1,10,0"
            <Label Name = "SidebarBiosVersion"
            Content = ""
            FontFamily = "Segoe UI" FontSize = "11"
            Foreground = "White"
            HorizontalAlignment = "Right"
            Padding = "10,1,10,0"
        <StackPanel Grid.Column = "1" Grid.ColumnSpan = "3">
            <Label Name = "TitleMain"
            Content = "Autopilot Manual Enrollment"
            FontFamily = "Segoe UI Light" FontSize = "46"
            Foreground = "White"
            HorizontalAlignment = "Center"
            Grid.Row = "0"
        <StackPanel Grid.Column = "2" Grid.Row = "1">
            <StackPanel x:Name = "StackPanelGroupTag" Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                <Label Name = "GroupTagLabel"
                Content = "GroupTag:"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI" FontSize = "15"
                Foreground = "White"
                <TextBox Name = "GroupTagTextBox"
                Background = "#002846"
                BorderThickness = "2"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Foreground = "White"
                Height = "40"
                Padding = "8"
                Width = "380"
            <StackPanel x:Name = "StackPanelAddToGroup" Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                <Label Name = "AddToGroupLabel"
                Content = "AddToGroup:"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                Foreground = "White"
                <TextBox Name = "AddToGroupTextBox"
                Background = "#002846"
                BorderThickness = "2"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Foreground = "White"
                Height = "40"
                Width = "380"
                Padding = "8"
            <StackPanel x:Name = "StackPanelAssignedUser" Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                <Label Name = "AssignedUserLabel"
                Content = "AssignedUser:"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                Foreground = "White"
                <TextBox Name = "AssignedUserTextBox"
                Background = "#002846"
                BorderThickness = "2"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Foreground = "White"
                Height = "40"
                Width = "380"
                Padding = "8"
            <StackPanel x:Name = "StackPanelAssignedComputerName" Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                <Label Name = "AssignedComputerNameLabel"
                Content = "AssignedComputerName:"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                Foreground = "White"
                <TextBox Name = "AssignedComputerNameTextBox"
                Background = "#002846"
                BorderThickness = "2"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Foreground = "White"
                Height = "40"
                Text = "Azure AD Join Only"
                Width = "380"
                Padding = "8"
            <StackPanel x:Name = "StackPanelPostAction" Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                Name = "PostActionLabel"
                Content = "PostAction:"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                Foreground = "White"
                Name = "PostActionComboBox"
                BorderThickness = "2"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Foreground = "Black"
                Height = "40"
                Padding = "8"
                Width = "380"
            <StackPanel x:Name = "StackPanelAssign" Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                Name = "AssignCheckbox"
                Background = "#002846"
                BorderThickness = "2"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                Foreground = "White"
                >Assign: Wait for Intune to assign an Autopilot profile for this device
            <StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                <Button Name = "RegisterButton"
                Content = "Register"
                FontFamily = "Segoe UI"
                FontSize = "15"
                Height = "40"
                Width = "170"
            <StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
        <StackPanel Grid.Column = "2" Grid.Row = "3" VerticalAlignment = "Bottom">
            <StackPanel x:Name = "StackPanelRun" Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                <Button Name = "RunButton"
                Content = "Run"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Height = "40"
                Width = "60"
                <ComboBox Name = "RunComboBox"
                Background = "#002846"
                BorderThickness = "2"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Foreground = "Black"
                Height = "40"
                Padding = "8"
                Width = "500"
            <StackPanel x:Name = "StackPanelDocs" Orientation = "Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment = "Right" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "7">
                <Button Name = "DocsButton"
                Content = "Docs"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Height = "40"
                Width = "60"
                <TextBox Name = "DocsTextBox"
                Background = "#002846"
                BorderThickness = "2"
                FontSize = "15"
                FontWeight = "Normal"
                Foreground = "White"
                Height = "40"
                Padding = "8"
                Width = "500"

    # Add WPF and Windows Forms assemblies
    Try {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore, PresentationFramework, WindowsBase,
    Catch {
        Throw "Failed to load Windows Presentation Framework assemblies."

    #Create the XAML reader using a new XML node reader
    $Global:xamGUI = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((new-object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xmlWPF))

    #Create hooks to each named object in the XAML
    $xmlWPF.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | foreach {
        Set-Variable -Name ($_.Name) -Value $xamGUI.FindName($_.Name) -Scope Global
# LoadForm
# Sidebar
$ModuleVersion = (Get-Module -Name AutopilotOOBE | Sort-Object Version | Select-Object Version -Last 1).Version
$SidebarModuleVersion.Content = "Version: $ModuleVersion"

$SidebarManufacturer.Content = ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_ComputerSystem).Manufacturer).Trim()

if ($SidebarManufacturer.Content -match 'Lenovo') {
    $SidebarModel.Content = ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystemProduct).Version).Trim()
else {
    $SidebarModel.Content = ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_ComputerSystem).Model).Trim()

$SerialNumber = ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS).SerialNumber).Trim()
$SidebarSerialNumber.Content = $SerialNumber

$BiosVersion = ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS).SMBIOSBIOSVersion).Trim()
$SidebarBiosVersion.Content = "BIOS $BiosVersion"
# Parameters
$AutopilotOOBEParams = (Get-Command Start-AutopilotOOBE).Parameters
# Parameter Title
$TitleMain.Content = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.Title
# Parameter GroupTag
$GroupTagTextBox.Text = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.GroupTag

if ($Disabled -contains 'GroupTag') {$GroupTagTextBox.IsEnabled = $false}

if ($Hidden -contains 'GroupTag') {
    $StackPanelGroupTag = $Global:xamGUI.FindName("StackPanelGroupTag")
    $StackPanelGroupTag.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
# Parameter AddToGroup
$AddToGroupTextBox.Text = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.AddToGroup

if ($Disabled -contains 'AddToGroup') {
    $AddToGroupTextBox.IsEnabled = $false

if ($Hidden -contains 'AddToGroup') {
    $StackPanelAddToGroup = $Global:xamGUI.FindName("StackPanelAddToGroup")
    $StackPanelAddToGroup.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
# Parameter AssignedUser
$AssignedUserTextBox.Text = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.AssignedUserExample
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.AssignedUser -gt 0) {$AssignedUserTextBox.Text = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.AssignedUser}

if ($Disabled -contains 'AssignedUser') {$AssignedUserTextBox.IsEnabled = $false}

if ($Hidden -contains 'AssignedUser') {
    $StackPanelAssignedUser = $Global:xamGUI.FindName("StackPanelAssignedUser")
    $StackPanelAssignedUser.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
# Parameter AssignedComputerName
$AssignedComputerNameTextBox.Text = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.AssignedComputerNameExample
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.AssignedComputerName -gt 0) {$AssignedComputerNameTextBox.Text = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.AssignedComputerName}

if ($Disabled -contains 'AssignedComputerName') {$AssignedComputerNameTextBox.IsEnabled = $false}

if ($Hidden -contains 'AssignedComputerName') {
    $StackPanelAssignedComputerName = $Global:xamGUI.FindName("StackPanelAssignedComputerName")
    $StackPanelAssignedComputerName.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
# Parameter PostAction
#$AutopilotOOBEParams["PostAction"].Attributes.ValidValues | ForEach-Object {
# $PostActionComboBox.Items.Add($_) | Out-Null
#$PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.PostAction
$PostActionComboBox.Items.Add('None') | Out-Null
$PostActionComboBox.Items.Add('Sysprep /oobe /quit') | Out-Null
$PostActionComboBox.Items.Add('Sysprep /oobe /reboot') | Out-Null
$PostActionComboBox.Items.Add('Sysprep /oobe /shutdown') | Out-Null

if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.PostAction -eq 'None') {$PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue = 'None'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.PostAction -eq 'Sysprep') {$PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Sysprep /oobe /quit'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.PostAction -eq 'SysprepReboot') {$PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Sysprep /oobe /reboot'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.PostAction -eq 'SysprepShutdown') {$PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Sysprep /oobe /shutdown'}

if ($Disabled -contains 'PostAction') {$PostActionComboBox.IsEnabled = $false}

if ($Hidden -contains 'PostAction') {
    $StackPanelPostAction = $Global:xamGUI.FindName("StackPanelPostAction")
    $StackPanelPostAction.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
# Parameter Assign
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Assign -eq $true) {$AssignCheckBox.IsChecked = $true}

if ($Disabled -contains 'Assign') {$AssignCheckBox.IsEnabled = $false}

if ($Hidden -contains 'Assign') {
    $StackPanelAssign = $Global:xamGUI.FindName("StackPanelAssign")
    $StackPanelAssign.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
# Parameter Run
#$AutopilotOOBEParams["Run"].Attributes.ValidValues | ForEach-Object {
# $RunComboBox.Items.Add($_) | Out-Null
#$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Command Prompt') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('PowerShell') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('PowerShell ISE') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Open Windows Explorer') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Open Windows Settings') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Open Network and Wireless Settings') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Restart Computer') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Shutdown Computer') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Sysprep /oobe /quit') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Sysprep /oobe /reboot') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('Sysprep /oobe /shutdown') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('MDMDiagnosticsTool -out C:\Temp') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('MDMDiagnosticsTool -area Autopilot -cab C:\Temp\') | Out-Null
$RunComboBox.Items.Add('MDMDiagnosticsTool -area Autopilot;TPM -cab C:\Temp\') | Out-Null

if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'CommandPrompt') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Command Prompt'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'PowerShell') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'PowerShell'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'PowerShellISE') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'PowerShell ISE'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'WindowsExplorer') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Open Windows Explorer'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'WindowsSettings') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Open Windows Settings'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'NetworkingWireless') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Open Network and Wireless Settings'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'Restart') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Restart Computer'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'Shutdown') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Shutdown Computer'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'Sysprep') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Sysprep /oobe /quit'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'SysprepReboot') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Sysprep /oobe /reboot'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'SysprepShutdown') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'Sysprep /oobe /shutdown'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'MDMDiag') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'MDMDiagnosticsTool -out C:\Temp'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'MDMDiagAutopilot') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'MDMDiagnosticsTool -area Autopilot -cab C:\Temp\'}
if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Run -eq 'MDMDiagAutopilotTPM') {$RunComboBox.SelectedValue = 'MDMDiagnosticsTool -area Autopilot;TPM -cab C:\Temp\'}

$RunButton.add_Click( {
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Command Prompt') {Start-Process Cmd.exe}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'PowerShell') {Start-Process PowerShell.exe -ArgumentList "-Nologo"}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'PowerShell ISE') {Start-Process PowerShell_ISE.exe}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Open Windows Explorer') {Start-Process Explorer.exe}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Open Windows Settings') {Start-Process ms-settings:}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Open Network and Wireless Settings') {Start-Process ms-availablenetworks:}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Restart Computer') {Restart-Computer}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Shutdown Computer') {Stop-Computer}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Sysprep /oobe /quit') {Start-Process "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe" -ArgumentList "/oobe", "/quit"}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Sysprep /oobe /reboot') {Start-Process "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe" -ArgumentList "/oobe", "/reboot"}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'Sysprep /oobe /shutdown') {Start-Process "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe" -ArgumentList "/oobe", "/shutdown"}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'MDMDiagnosticsTool -out C:\Temp') {Start-Process MDMDiagnosticsTool.exe -ArgumentList "-out C:\Temp"}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'MDMDiagnosticsTool -area Autopilot -cab C:\Temp\') {Start-Process MDMDiagnosticsTool.exe -ArgumentList "-area Autopilot","-cab C:\Temp\"}
    if ($RunComboBox.SelectedValue -eq 'MDMDiagnosticsTool -area Autopilot;TPM -cab C:\Temp\') {Start-Process MDMDiagnosticsTool.exe -ArgumentList "-area Autopilot;TPM","-cab C:\Temp\"}

if ($Hidden -contains 'Run') {
    $StackPanelRun = $Global:xamGUI.FindName("StackPanelRun")
    $StackPanelRun.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
# Parameter Docs
$DocsTextBox.Text = $Global:AutopilotOOBE.Docs

$DocsButton.add_Click( {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Run: $($DocsTextBox.Text)"
    try {
        Start-Process $DocsTextBox.Text
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Could not execute $($DocsTextBox.Text)"

if ($Hidden -contains 'Docs') {
    $StackPanelDocs = $Global:xamGUI.FindName("StackPanelDocs")
    $StackPanelDocs.Visibility = 'Collapsed'
# RegisterButton
$RegisterButton.add_Click( {

    $Params = @{
        Online = $true

    if ($AssignCheckbox.IsChecked) {
        $Params.Assign = $true

    if ($AddToGroupTextBox.Text -gt 0) {
        $Params.AddToGroup = $AddToGroupTextBox.Text

    if ($GroupTagTextBox.Text -gt 0) {
        $Params.GroupTag = $GroupTagTextBox.Text

    if (($AssignedUserTextBox.Text -gt 0) -and ($AssignedUserTextBox.Text -notmatch $Global:AutopilotOOBE.AssignedUserExample)) {
        $Params.AssignedUser = $AssignedUserTextBox.Text

    if (($AssignedComputerNameTextBox.Text -gt 0) -and ($AssignedComputerNameTextBox.Text -notmatch $Global:AutopilotOOBE.AssignedComputerNameExample)) {
        $Params.AssignedComputerName = $AssignedComputerNameTextBox.Text

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Install-Script Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo"
    if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Demo -ne $true) {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        Install-Script Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo -Force

    Write-Host ($Params | Out-String)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo @Params"

    if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Demo -ne $true) {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo @Params

    if ($PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue -match 'Sysprep') {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Executing Sysprep"
    if ($Global:AutopilotOOBE.Demo -ne $true) {
        if ($PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue -match 'quit') {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
            Start-Process "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe" -ArgumentList "/oobe", "/quit" -Wait
        if ($PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue -match 'reboot') {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
            Start-Process "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe" -ArgumentList "/oobe", "/reboot" -Wait
        if ($PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue -match 'shutdown') {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
            Start-Process "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe" -ArgumentList "/oobe", "/shutdown" -Wait

    if ($PostActionComboBox.SelectedValue -notmatch 'Sysprep') {
        & "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Forms\Join-AutopilotOOBE.ps1"
# ShowDialog
$xamGUI.ShowDialog() | Out-Null