
#Requires -Version 4.0
Copyright (c) Office Center Hønefoss AS. All rights reserved. Based on code from Jan Egil Ring (Crayon). Licensed under the MIT license.
See https://github.com/officecenter/Autotask/blob/master/LICENSE.md for license information.

Function Get-AtwsTicket

This function get one or more Ticket through the Autotask Web Services API.
This function creates a query based on any parameters you give and returns any resulting objects from the Autotask Web Services Api. By default the function returns any objects with properties that are Equal (-eq) to the value of the parameter. To give you more flexibility you can modify the operator by using -NotEquals [ParameterName[]], -LessThan [ParameterName[]] and so on.
Possible operators for all parameters are:
Additional operators for [String] parameters are:
 -Like (supports * or % as wildcards)
Properties with picklists are:
Entities that have fields that refer to the base entity of this CmdLet:
Nothing. This function only takes parameters.
[Autotask.Ticket[]]. This function outputs the Autotask.Ticket that was returned by the API.
Get-AtwsTicket -Id 0
Returns the object with Id 0, if any.
Get-AtwsTicket -TicketName SomeName
Returns the object with TicketName 'SomeName', if any.
Get-AtwsTicket -TicketName 'Some Name'
Returns the object with TicketName 'Some Name', if any.
Get-AtwsTicket -TicketName 'Some Name' -NotEquals TicketName
Returns any objects with a TicketName that is NOT equal to 'Some Name', if any.
Get-AtwsTicket -TicketName SomeName* -Like TicketName
Returns any object with a TicketName that matches the simple pattern 'SomeName*'. Supported wildcards are * and %.
Get-AtwsTicket -TicketName SomeName* -NotLike TicketName
Returns any object with a TicketName that DOES NOT match the simple pattern 'SomeName*'. Supported wildcards are * and %.
Get-AtwsTicket -IssueType <PickList Label>
Returns any Tickets with property IssueType equal to the <PickList Label>. '-PickList' is any parameter on .
Get-AtwsTicket -IssueType <PickList Label> -NotEquals IssueType
Returns any Tickets with property IssueType NOT equal to the <PickList Label>.
Get-AtwsTicket -IssueType <PickList Label1>, <PickList Label2>
Returns any Tickets with property IssueType equal to EITHER <PickList Label1> OR <PickList Label2>.
Get-AtwsTicket -IssueType <PickList Label1>, <PickList Label2> -NotEquals IssueType
Returns any Tickets with property IssueType NOT equal to NEITHER <PickList Label1> NOR <PickList Label2>.
Get-AtwsTicket -Id 1234 -TicketName SomeName* -IssueType <PickList Label1>, <PickList Label2> -Like TicketName -NotEquals IssueType -GreaterThan Id
An example of a more complex query. This command returns any Tickets with Id GREATER THAN 1234, a TicketName that matches the simple pattern SomeName* AND that has a IssueType that is NOT equal to NEITHER <PickList Label1> NOR <PickList Label2>.

  [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Filter', ConfirmImpact='None')]
# A filter that limits the number of objects that is returned from the API
      Mandatory = $true,
      ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true,
      ParameterSetName = 'Filter'

# Follow this external ID and return any external objects
      ParameterSetName = 'Filter'
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('AccountID', 'AllocationCodeID', 'AssignedResourceID', 'AssignedResourceRoleID', 'ContactID', 'ContractID', 'CreatorResourceID', 'InstalledProductID', 'ProblemTicketId', 'OpportunityId', 'ContractServiceID', 'ContractServiceBundleID', 'ProjectID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID', 'CompletedByResourceID', 'AccountPhysicalLocationID', 'LastActivityResourceID')]

# Return entities of selected type that are referencing to this entity.
      ParameterSetName = 'Filter'
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('BillingItem:TicketID', 'SurveyResults:TicketID', 'TicketCost:TicketID', 'TicketChecklistItem:TicketID', 'TicketAdditionalInstalledProduct:TicketID', 'TicketAdditionalContact:TicketID', 'ExpenseItem:TicketID', 'TicketSecondaryResource:TicketID', 'TicketNote:TicketID', 'ServiceCallTicket:TicketID', 'TicketChecklistLibrary:TicketID', 'TicketChangeRequestApproval:TicketID', 'AccountToDo:TicketID', 'TicketHistory:TicketID', 'Ticket:ProblemTicketId', 'ChangeRequestLink:ChangeRequestTicketID', 'ChangeRequestLink:ProblemOrIncidentTicketID', 'TimeEntry:TicketID', 'PurchaseOrderItem:TicketID', 'ServiceLevelAgreementResults:TicketID', 'NotificationHistory:TicketID')]

# Return all objects in one query
      ParameterSetName = 'Get_all'

# Do not add descriptions for all picklist attributes with values
      ParameterSetName = 'Filter'
      ParameterSetName = 'Get_all'
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# A single user defined field can be used pr query
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Client
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Allocation Code Name
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Resource
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Resource Role Name
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Date Completed by Complete Project Wizard
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Contact
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Contract
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Creation Date
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Creator
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Description
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket End Date
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Estimated Hours
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket External ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Configuration Item
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Issue
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Last Activity Date
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Priority
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Department Name OR Ticket Queue Name
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Source
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Status
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Subissue Type
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Number
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Title
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# First Response Date Time
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Resolution Plan Date Time
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Resolved Date Time
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# First Response Due Date Time
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Resolution Plan Due Date Time
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Resolved Due Date Time
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Service Level Agreement ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Has Met SLA
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Resolution
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# purchase_order_number
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Type
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Problem Ticket ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Opportunity ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Change Approval Board ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Change Approval Type
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Change Approval Status
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Change Info Field 1
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Change Info Field 2
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Change Info Field 3
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Change Info Field 4
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Change Info Field 5
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Last Customer Notification
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Last Customer Visible Activity
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Contract Service ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Contract Service Bundle ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Monitor Type ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Monitor ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# AEM Alert ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Hours to be Scheduled
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Category
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# First Response Initiating Resource
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# First Response Assigned Resource
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Project ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Business Division Subdivision ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Ticket Completed By
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Account Physical Location
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Last Edited Resource ID
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Current Service Thermometer Rating
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Previous Service Thermometer Rating
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

# Service Thermometer Temperature
      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('AccountID', 'AllocationCodeID', 'AssignedResourceID', 'AssignedResourceRoleID', 'CompletedDate', 'ContactID', 'ContractID', 'CreateDate', 'CreatorResourceID', 'Description', 'DueDateTime', 'EstimatedHours', 'ExternalID', 'id', 'InstalledProductID', 'IssueType', 'LastActivityDate', 'Priority', 'QueueID', 'Source', 'Status', 'SubIssueType', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'FirstResponseDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDateTime', 'ResolvedDateTime', 'FirstResponseDueDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDueDateTime', 'ResolvedDueDateTime', 'ServiceLevelAgreementID', 'ServiceLevelAgreementHasBeenMet', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'TicketType', 'ProblemTicketId', 'OpportunityId', 'ChangeApprovalBoard', 'ChangeApprovalType', 'ChangeApprovalStatus', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'LastCustomerNotificationDateTime', 'LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime', 'ContractServiceID', 'ContractServiceBundleID', 'MonitorTypeID', 'MonitorID', 'AEMAlertID', 'HoursToBeScheduled', 'TicketCategory', 'FirstResponseInitiatingResourceID', 'FirstResponseAssignedResourceID', 'ProjectID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID', 'CompletedByResourceID', 'AccountPhysicalLocationID', 'LastActivityResourceID', 'CurrentServiceThermometerRating', 'PreviousServiceThermometerRating', 'ServiceThermometerTemperature', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('AccountID', 'AllocationCodeID', 'AssignedResourceID', 'AssignedResourceRoleID', 'CompletedDate', 'ContactID', 'ContractID', 'CreateDate', 'CreatorResourceID', 'Description', 'DueDateTime', 'EstimatedHours', 'ExternalID', 'id', 'InstalledProductID', 'IssueType', 'LastActivityDate', 'Priority', 'QueueID', 'Source', 'Status', 'SubIssueType', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'FirstResponseDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDateTime', 'ResolvedDateTime', 'FirstResponseDueDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDueDateTime', 'ResolvedDueDateTime', 'ServiceLevelAgreementID', 'ServiceLevelAgreementHasBeenMet', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'TicketType', 'ProblemTicketId', 'OpportunityId', 'ChangeApprovalBoard', 'ChangeApprovalType', 'ChangeApprovalStatus', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'LastCustomerNotificationDateTime', 'LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime', 'ContractServiceID', 'ContractServiceBundleID', 'MonitorTypeID', 'MonitorID', 'AEMAlertID', 'HoursToBeScheduled', 'TicketCategory', 'FirstResponseInitiatingResourceID', 'FirstResponseAssignedResourceID', 'ProjectID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID', 'CompletedByResourceID', 'AccountPhysicalLocationID', 'LastActivityResourceID', 'CurrentServiceThermometerRating', 'PreviousServiceThermometerRating', 'ServiceThermometerTemperature', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('AccountID', 'AllocationCodeID', 'AssignedResourceID', 'AssignedResourceRoleID', 'CompletedDate', 'ContactID', 'ContractID', 'CreateDate', 'CreatorResourceID', 'Description', 'DueDateTime', 'EstimatedHours', 'ExternalID', 'id', 'InstalledProductID', 'IssueType', 'LastActivityDate', 'Priority', 'QueueID', 'Source', 'Status', 'SubIssueType', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'FirstResponseDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDateTime', 'ResolvedDateTime', 'FirstResponseDueDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDueDateTime', 'ResolvedDueDateTime', 'ServiceLevelAgreementID', 'ServiceLevelAgreementHasBeenMet', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'TicketType', 'ProblemTicketId', 'OpportunityId', 'ChangeApprovalBoard', 'ChangeApprovalType', 'ChangeApprovalStatus', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'LastCustomerNotificationDateTime', 'LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime', 'ContractServiceID', 'ContractServiceBundleID', 'MonitorTypeID', 'MonitorID', 'AEMAlertID', 'HoursToBeScheduled', 'TicketCategory', 'FirstResponseInitiatingResourceID', 'FirstResponseAssignedResourceID', 'ProjectID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID', 'CompletedByResourceID', 'AccountPhysicalLocationID', 'LastActivityResourceID', 'CurrentServiceThermometerRating', 'PreviousServiceThermometerRating', 'ServiceThermometerTemperature', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('AccountID', 'AllocationCodeID', 'AssignedResourceID', 'AssignedResourceRoleID', 'CompletedDate', 'ContactID', 'ContractID', 'CreateDate', 'CreatorResourceID', 'Description', 'DueDateTime', 'EstimatedHours', 'ExternalID', 'id', 'InstalledProductID', 'IssueType', 'LastActivityDate', 'Priority', 'QueueID', 'Source', 'Status', 'SubIssueType', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'FirstResponseDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDateTime', 'ResolvedDateTime', 'FirstResponseDueDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDueDateTime', 'ResolvedDueDateTime', 'ServiceLevelAgreementID', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'TicketType', 'ProblemTicketId', 'OpportunityId', 'ChangeApprovalBoard', 'ChangeApprovalType', 'ChangeApprovalStatus', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'LastCustomerNotificationDateTime', 'LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime', 'ContractServiceID', 'ContractServiceBundleID', 'MonitorTypeID', 'MonitorID', 'AEMAlertID', 'HoursToBeScheduled', 'TicketCategory', 'FirstResponseInitiatingResourceID', 'FirstResponseAssignedResourceID', 'ProjectID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID', 'CompletedByResourceID', 'AccountPhysicalLocationID', 'LastActivityResourceID', 'CurrentServiceThermometerRating', 'PreviousServiceThermometerRating', 'ServiceThermometerTemperature', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('AccountID', 'AllocationCodeID', 'AssignedResourceID', 'AssignedResourceRoleID', 'CompletedDate', 'ContactID', 'ContractID', 'CreateDate', 'CreatorResourceID', 'Description', 'DueDateTime', 'EstimatedHours', 'ExternalID', 'id', 'InstalledProductID', 'IssueType', 'LastActivityDate', 'Priority', 'QueueID', 'Source', 'Status', 'SubIssueType', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'FirstResponseDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDateTime', 'ResolvedDateTime', 'FirstResponseDueDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDueDateTime', 'ResolvedDueDateTime', 'ServiceLevelAgreementID', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'TicketType', 'ProblemTicketId', 'OpportunityId', 'ChangeApprovalBoard', 'ChangeApprovalType', 'ChangeApprovalStatus', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'LastCustomerNotificationDateTime', 'LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime', 'ContractServiceID', 'ContractServiceBundleID', 'MonitorTypeID', 'MonitorID', 'AEMAlertID', 'HoursToBeScheduled', 'TicketCategory', 'FirstResponseInitiatingResourceID', 'FirstResponseAssignedResourceID', 'ProjectID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID', 'CompletedByResourceID', 'AccountPhysicalLocationID', 'LastActivityResourceID', 'CurrentServiceThermometerRating', 'PreviousServiceThermometerRating', 'ServiceThermometerTemperature', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('AccountID', 'AllocationCodeID', 'AssignedResourceID', 'AssignedResourceRoleID', 'CompletedDate', 'ContactID', 'ContractID', 'CreateDate', 'CreatorResourceID', 'Description', 'DueDateTime', 'EstimatedHours', 'ExternalID', 'id', 'InstalledProductID', 'IssueType', 'LastActivityDate', 'Priority', 'QueueID', 'Source', 'Status', 'SubIssueType', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'FirstResponseDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDateTime', 'ResolvedDateTime', 'FirstResponseDueDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDueDateTime', 'ResolvedDueDateTime', 'ServiceLevelAgreementID', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'TicketType', 'ProblemTicketId', 'OpportunityId', 'ChangeApprovalBoard', 'ChangeApprovalType', 'ChangeApprovalStatus', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'LastCustomerNotificationDateTime', 'LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime', 'ContractServiceID', 'ContractServiceBundleID', 'MonitorTypeID', 'MonitorID', 'AEMAlertID', 'HoursToBeScheduled', 'TicketCategory', 'FirstResponseInitiatingResourceID', 'FirstResponseAssignedResourceID', 'ProjectID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID', 'CompletedByResourceID', 'AccountPhysicalLocationID', 'LastActivityResourceID', 'CurrentServiceThermometerRating', 'PreviousServiceThermometerRating', 'ServiceThermometerTemperature', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('AccountID', 'AllocationCodeID', 'AssignedResourceID', 'AssignedResourceRoleID', 'CompletedDate', 'ContactID', 'ContractID', 'CreateDate', 'CreatorResourceID', 'Description', 'DueDateTime', 'EstimatedHours', 'ExternalID', 'id', 'InstalledProductID', 'IssueType', 'LastActivityDate', 'Priority', 'QueueID', 'Source', 'Status', 'SubIssueType', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'FirstResponseDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDateTime', 'ResolvedDateTime', 'FirstResponseDueDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDueDateTime', 'ResolvedDueDateTime', 'ServiceLevelAgreementID', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'TicketType', 'ProblemTicketId', 'OpportunityId', 'ChangeApprovalBoard', 'ChangeApprovalType', 'ChangeApprovalStatus', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'LastCustomerNotificationDateTime', 'LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime', 'ContractServiceID', 'ContractServiceBundleID', 'MonitorTypeID', 'MonitorID', 'AEMAlertID', 'HoursToBeScheduled', 'TicketCategory', 'FirstResponseInitiatingResourceID', 'FirstResponseAssignedResourceID', 'ProjectID', 'BusinessDivisionSubdivisionID', 'CompletedByResourceID', 'AccountPhysicalLocationID', 'LastActivityResourceID', 'CurrentServiceThermometerRating', 'PreviousServiceThermometerRating', 'ServiceThermometerTemperature', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('Description', 'ExternalID', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'AEMAlertID', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('Description', 'ExternalID', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'AEMAlertID', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('Description', 'ExternalID', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'AEMAlertID', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('Description', 'ExternalID', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'AEMAlertID', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('Description', 'ExternalID', 'TicketNumber', 'Title', 'Resolution', 'PurchaseOrderNumber', 'ChangeInfoField1', 'ChangeInfoField2', 'ChangeInfoField3', 'ChangeInfoField4', 'ChangeInfoField5', 'AEMAlertID', 'UserDefinedField')]

      ParameterSetName = 'By_parameters'
    [ValidateSet('CompletedDate', 'CreateDate', 'DueDateTime', 'LastActivityDate', 'FirstResponseDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDateTime', 'ResolvedDateTime', 'FirstResponseDueDateTime', 'ResolutionPlanDueDateTime', 'ResolvedDueDateTime', 'LastCustomerNotificationDateTime', 'LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime', 'UserDefinedField')]

    $EntityName = 'Ticket'
    # Enable modern -Debug behavior
    If ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'].IsPresent) {$DebugPreference = 'Continue'}
    Write-Debug ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
    # Set up TimeZone offset handling
    If (-not($script:ESTzone)) {
      $script:ESTzone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time")
    If (-not($script:ESToffset)) {
      $Now = Get-Date
      $ESTtime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($Now.ToUniversalTime(), $ESTzone)

      $script:ESToffset = (New-TimeSpan -Start $ESTtime -End $Now).TotalHours

    If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Get_all')
      $Filter = @('id', '-ge', 0)
    ElseIf (-not ($Filter)) {
      Write-Debug ('{0}: Query based on parameters, parsing' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
      # Convert named parameters to a filter definition that can be parsed to QueryXML
      $Filter = ConvertTo-AtwsFilter -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -EntityName $EntityName
    Else {
      Write-Debug ('{0}: Query based on manual filter, parsing' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
      # $Filter is usually passed as a flat string. Convert it to an array.
      If ($Filter.Count -eq 1 -and $Filter -match ' ' )
        # First, make sure it is a single string and replace parenthesis with our special operator
        $Filter = $Filter -join ' ' -replace '\(',' -begin ' -replace '\)', ' -end '
        # Removing double possible spaces we may have introduced
        Do {$Filter = $Filter -replace ' ',' '}
        While ($Filter -match ' ')

        # Split back in to array, respecting quotes
        $Words = $Filter.Trim().Split(' ')
        [String[]]$Filter = @()
        $Temp = @()
        Foreach ($Word in $Words)
          If ($Temp.Count -eq 0 -and $Word -match '^[\"\'']')
            $Temp += $Word.TrimStart('"''')
          ElseIf ($Temp.Count -gt 0 -and $Word -match "[\'\""]$")
            $Temp += $Word.TrimEnd("'""")
            $Filter += $Temp -join ' '
            $Temp = @()
          ElseIf ($Temp.Count -gt 0)
            $Temp += $Word
            $Filter += $Word
      Write-Debug ('{0}: Checking query for variables that have survived as string' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
      $NewFilter = @()
      Foreach ($Word in $Filter)
        $Value = $Word
        # Is it a variable name?
        If ($Word -match '^\$\{?(\w+:)?(\w+)\}?(\.\w[\.\w]+)?$')
          # If present, first group is SCOPE. In the context of this function, the only possible scope
          # is Global; Script = the module, local is internal to this function.
          $Scope = 'Global' # or numbered scope 2
          # The variable name MUST be present
          $VariableName = $Matches[2]

          # A property tail CAN be present
          $PropertyTail = $Matches[3]
          # Check that the variable exists
          $Variable = Try
          { Get-Variable -Name $VariableName -Scope $Scope -ValueOnly -ErrorAction Stop }
            Write-Error ('{0}: Could not find any variable called ${1}. Is it misspelled or has it not been set yet?' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $VariableName)
            # Force stop of calling script, because this will completely break the query

          # Test if the variable "Variable" has been set
          If (Test-Path Variable:Variable) {
            Write-Debug ('{0}: Substituting {1} for its value' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $Word)
            If ($PropertyTail) {
              # Add properties back
              $Expression = '$Variable{0}' -F $PropertyTail
              # Invoke-Expression is considered risky from an SQL injection kind of perspective. But by only
              # permitting a .dot separated string of [a-zA-Z0-9_] we are PROBABLY safe...
              $Value = Invoke-Expression -Command $Expression
            Else {
              $Value = $Variable
            If ($Value -eq $Null) {
              Write-Error ('{0}: Could not find any variable called {1}. Is it misspelled or has it not been set yet?' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $Expression)
              # Force stop of calling script, because this will completely break the query
            Else { 
              # Normalize dates. Important to avoid QueryXML problems
              If ($Value.GetType().Name -eq 'DateTime')
              {[String]$Value = ConvertTo-AtwsDate -ParameterName $NewFilter[-2] -DateTime $Value}
        $NewFilter += $Value

    $Result = Get-AtwsData -Entity $EntityName -Filter $Filter

    Write-Verbose ('{0}: Number of entities returned by base query: {1}' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $Result.Count)
    # Datetimeparameters
    $DateTimeParams = $Fields.Where({$_.Type -eq 'datetime'}).Name
    # Expand UDFs by default
    Foreach ($Item in $Result)
      # Any userdefined fields?
      If ($Item.UserDefinedFields.Count -gt 0)
        # Expand User defined fields for easy filtering of collections and readability
        Foreach ($UDF in $Item.UserDefinedFields)
          # Make names you HAVE TO escape...
          $UDFName = '#{0}' -F $UDF.Name
          Add-Member -InputObject $Item -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $UDFName -Value $UDF.Value
      # Adjust TimeZone on all DateTime properties
      Foreach ($DateTimeParam in $DateTimeParams) {
        # Get the datetime value
        $ParameterValue = $Item.$DateTimeParam
        # Skip if parameter is empty
        If (-not ($ParameterValue)) {
        $TimePresent = $ParameterValue.Hour -gt 0 -or $ParameterValue.Minute -gt 0 -or $ParameterValue.Second -gt 0 -or $ParameterValue.Millisecond -gt 0 
        # If this is a DATE it should not be touched
        If ($DateTimeParam -like "*DateTime" -or $TimePresent) {

          # This is DATETIME
          # We need to adjust the timezone difference

          # Yes, you really have to ADD the difference
          $ParameterValue = $ParameterValue.AddHours($script:ESToffset)
          # Store the value back to the object (not the API!)
          $Item.$DateTimeParam = $ParameterValue
    # Should we return an indirect object?
    if ( ($Result) -and ($GetReferenceEntityById))
      Write-Debug ('{0}: User has asked for external reference objects by {1}' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $GetReferenceEntityById)
      $Field = $Fields.Where({$_.Name -eq $GetReferenceEntityById})
      $ResultValues = $Result | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.$GetReferenceEntityById}
      If ($ResultValues.Count -lt $Result.Count)
        Write-Warning ('{0}: Only {1} of the {2}s in the primary query had a value in the property {3}.' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, 
        $GetReferenceEntityById) -WarningAction Continue
      $Filter = 'id -eq {0}' -F $($ResultValues.$GetReferenceEntityById -join ' -or id -eq ')
      $Result = Get-Atwsdata -Entity $Field.ReferenceEntityType -Filter $Filter
    ElseIf ( ($Result) -and ($GetExternalEntityByThisEntityId))
      Write-Debug ('{0}: User has asked for {1} that are referencing this result' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $GetExternalEntityByThisEntityId)
      $ReferenceInfo = $GetExternalEntityByThisEntityId -Split ':'
      $Filter = '{0} -eq {1}' -F $ReferenceInfo[1], $($Result.id -join (' -or {0}id -eq ' -F $ReferenceInfo[1]))
      $Result = Get-Atwsdata -Entity $ReferenceInfo[0] -Filter $Filter
    # Do the user want labels along with index values for Picklists?
    ElseIf ( ($Result) -and -not ($NoPickListLabel))
      Foreach ($Field in $Fields.Where{$_.IsPickList})
        $FieldName = '{0}Label' -F $Field.Name
        Foreach ($Item in $Result)
          $Value = ($Field.PickListValues.Where{$_.Value -eq $Item.$($Field.Name)}).Label
          Add-Member -InputObject $Item -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $FieldName -Value $Value -Force

    Write-Debug ('{0}: End of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
    If ($Result)
      Return $Result
