

    Copyright (c) ECIT Solutions AS. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.
    See for license information.


Function Get-AtwsPicklistValue {
            This function gets valid fields for an Autotask Entity
            This function gets valid fields for an Autotask Entity
            Get-AtwsFieldInfo -Entity Account
            Gets all valid built-in fields and user defined fields for the Account entity.

        DefaultParameterSetName = 'by_Entity'
            ParameterSetName = 'by_Entity'
            ParameterSetName = 'as_Labels'
            ParameterSetName = 'as_Values'
            ParameterSetName = 'as_Labels'

            ParameterSetName = 'as_Values'

            ParameterSetName = 'as_Labels'
            ParameterSetName = 'as_Values'

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'by_Entity'
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'as_Labels'
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'as_Values'

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'by_Entity'
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'as_Labels'
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = 'as_Values'
    begin { 
        # Enable modern -Debug behavior
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'].IsPresent) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
        Write-Debug ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
        # Check if we are connected before trying anything
        if (-not($Script:Atws)) {
            throw [ApplicationException] 'Not connected to Autotask WebAPI. Connect with Connect-AtwsWebAPI. For help use "get-help Connect-AtwsWebAPI".'

        # Prepare an empty container for a result
        $picklistValues = @()
    process { 

        Write-Verbose -Message ('{0}: Looking up detailed Fieldinfo for entity {1}' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $Entity) 
        if ($UserDefinedFields.IsPresent -and $script:FieldInfoCache[$Entity].EntityInfo.HasUserDefinedFields) {

            $picklistValues = (Get-AtwsFieldInfo -Entity $Entity -UserDefinedFields).Where{ $_.Name -eq $FieldName }.PicklistValues.where{ $_.IsActive }
            Write-Debug -Message ('{0}: Entity {1} has userdefined fields and user defined field {2} has {3} picklist values.' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $Entity, $FieldName, $result.count) 
        elseIf ($script:FieldInfoCache[$Entity].HasPicklist) { 
            $picklistValues = (Get-AtwsFieldInfo -Entity $Entity).Where{ $_.Name -eq $FieldName }.PicklistValues.where{ $_.IsActive }
            Write-Debug -Message ('{0}: Entity {1} has picklists and field {2} has {3} picklist values.' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $Entity, $FieldName, $result.count) 
        if ($picklistValues.count -gt 0) {
            if ($Hashtable.IsPresent) {
                $result = @{}
                foreach ($item in $picklistValues) {
                    if ($Value.IsPresent) {
                        $result[$item.Value] = $item.Label
                    else {
                        $result[$item.Label] = $item.Value

            else { 
                $result = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                    'by_Entity' {
                    'as_Labels' {
                    'as_Values' {
    end {

        Write-Debug ('{0}: End of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
        if ($result.count -gt 0) {
            return $result