

Copyright (c) Hugo Klemmestad. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.
See for license information.


Function Get-AtwsfunctionDefinition {







        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    begin {

        # Hashtable for storing all function properties
        $functionDefinition = @{ }
        # A container for all valid verbs for a function
        $verbs = @()

        Write-Debug ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)


    process { 
        # Collect valid verbs based on Autotask.EntityInfo for the current entity
        if ($Entity.CanCreate) {
            $verbs += 'New'
        if ($Entity.CanDelete) {
            $verbs += 'Remove'
        if ($Entity.CanQuery) {
            $verbs += 'Get'
        if ($Entity.CanUpdate) {
            $verbs += 'Set'

        # Loop through the valid verbs and generate functions for each of them
        foreach ($verb in $verbs) {
            $functionName = '{0}-Atws{1}' -F $verb, $Entity.Name

            Write-Verbose ('{0}: Creating Function {1}' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $functionName)
            $confirmImpact = switch ($verb) {
                'New' { 'Low' }
                'Remove' { 'Low' }
                'Get' { 'None' }
                'Set' { 'Low' }
            $defaultParameterSetName = switch ($verb) {
                'New' { 'By_parameters' }
                'Remove' { 'Input_Object' }
                'Get' { 'Filter' }
                'Set' { 'InputObject' }
            $atwsFunction = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                FunctionName            = $functionName
                Copyright               = Get-Copyright
                HelpText                = Get-AtwsHelpText -Entity $Entity -verb $verb -functionName $functionName
                DefaultParameterSetName = $defaultParameterSetName 
                ConfirmImpact           = $confirmImpact
                Parameters              = Get-AtwsParameterDefinition -Entity $Entity -verb $verb
                Definition              = (Get-Command ('{0}-AtwsDefinition' -F $verb)).Definition -replace '#EntityName', $($Entity.Name)
            $functionDefinition[$functionName] = Convert-AtwsFunctionToText -AtwsFunction $atwsFunction
    end { 
        Return $functionDefinition