
Function New-AtwsDefinition
    $EntityName = '#EntityName'
    Write-Verbose ('{0}: Begin of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
    $ProcessObject = @()
    # Set up TimeZone offset handling
    If (-not($script:ESToffset))
      $Now = Get-Date
      $ESTzone = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time")
      $ESTtime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($Now.ToUniversalTime(), $ESTzone)

      $script:ESToffset = (New-TimeSpan -Start $ESTtime -End $Now).TotalHours


    $Fields = Get-FieldInfo -Entity $EntityName
    If ($InputObject)
      Write-Verbose ('{0}: Copy Object mode: Setting ID property to zero' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)  
      $CopyNo = 1

      Foreach ($Object in $InputObject) 
        # Create a new object and copy properties
        $NewObject = New-Object Autotask.$EntityName
        # Copy every non readonly property
        Foreach ($Field in $Fields.Where({$_.Name -ne 'id'}).Name)
          $NewObject.$Field = $Object.$Field
        If ($NewObject -is [Autotask.Ticket])
          Write-Verbose ('{0}: Copy Object mode: Object is a Ticket. Title must be modified to avoid duplicate detection.' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)  
          $Title = '{0} (Copy {1})' -F $NewObject.Title, $CopyNo
          $NewObject.Title = $Title
        $ProcessObject += $NewObject
      Write-Verbose ('{0}: Creating empty [Autotask.{1}]' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $EntityName) 
      $ProcessObject += New-Object Autotask.$EntityName    
    Foreach ($Parameter in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator())
      $Field = $Fields | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Parameter.Key}
      If ($Field -or $Parameter.Key -eq 'UserDefinedFields')
        If ($Field.IsPickList)
            $ParentField = $Fields.Where{$_.Name -eq $Field.PickListParentValueField}
            $ParentLabel = $PSBoundParameters.$($ParentField.Name)
            $ParentValue = $ParentField.PickListValues | Where-Object {$_.Label -eq $ParentLabel}
            $PickListValue = $Field.PickListValues | Where-Object {$_.Label -eq $Parameter.Value -and $_.ParentValue -eq $ParentValue.Value}                
            $PickListValue = $Field.PickListValues | Where-Object {$_.Label -eq $Parameter.Value}
          $Value = $PickListValue.Value
        ElseIf ($Field.Type -eq 'datetime')
          # Yes, you really have to ADD the difference
          $Value = $Parameter.Value.AddHours($script:ESToffset)
          $Value = $Parameter.Value

        Foreach ($Object in $ProcessObject) 
          $Object.$($Parameter.Key) = $Value
    $Result = New-AtwsData -Entity $ProcessObject

    Write-Verbose ('{0}: End of function' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

    If ($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Input_Object')
      # Verify copy mode
      Foreach ($Object in $Result)
        If ($InputObject.Id -contains $Object.Id)
          Write-Verbose ('{0}: Autotask detected new object as duplicate of {1} with Id {2} and tried to update object, not create a new copy. ' -F $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, $EntityName, $Object.Id)

    Return $Result
