
    Simple REST Wrappers for the Azure AD Graph

#region Helper Methods

        Wrapper method for paging OData REST calls

Function GetAzureGraphODataResult

    $UriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiRoot)
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter) -eq $false) {
        if ($Filter -like '$top=') {
    if ($Top -gt 0) {
            $GraphResult=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $UriBld.Uri -Headers $Headers -ContentType $ContentType  -ErrorAction Stop
            if($ -match $ValueProperty)
                $RequestValue=@($GraphResult|Select-Object -ExpandProperty $ValueProperty)
                if($ -match $NextLinkProperty)
                    if ($Top -gt 0 -or $LimitResultPages -gt 0) {
                        if ($TotalItems -ge $Top -or $ResultPages -ge $LimitResultPages) {
                            Write-Verbose "[GetAzureGraphODataResult] Stopped Iterating Page:$ResultPages Total Items:$TotalItems"
                        $NextLinkValue=$GraphResult|Select-Object -ExpandProperty $NextLinkProperty
                        #HACK: Inconsistent nextLink behavior on Graph
                        if ($NextLinkValue -like 'http*') {
                            $UriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder([Uri]::UnescapeDataString($NextLinkValue))
                        else {
                            $UpdatedQuery=[Uri]::UnescapeDataString((($NextLinkValue.Split('?')|Select-Object -Last 1).Split('&')|Select-Object -Last 1))
                        Write-Verbose "[GetAzureGraphODataResult] Page:$ResultPages Page Size:$($RequestValue.Count) More Results Available @ $($UriBld.Uri)"                     
                else {
                Write-Verbose "[GetAzureGraphODataResult] Page:$ResultPages Total Items:$TotalItems"
                Write-Output $RequestValue
            Write-Warning "[GetAzureGraphODataResult] $($UriBld.Uri) $_"
    } until ($UriBld -eq $null)


#region Graph Functions

        Retrieves the graph report metadata for the desired tenant(s)
    .PARAMETER TenantName
        The tenant name(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphReportMetadata
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept='application/json'}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        foreach ($item in $TenantName)
                $GraphResult=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GraphUriBld.Uri -Headers $Headers -ContentType 'application/json'
                Write-Output $GraphResult
                Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphReportMetadata] $item api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"


        Retrieves a list of audit events
    .PARAMETER TenantName
        The tenant name(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER LimitResultPages
        Limit the number of paged results
        Limits the result set
    .PARAMETER Filter
        OData filter clause
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphAuditEvent
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        foreach ($Tenant in $TenantName)
                if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter) -eq $false) {
                if ($Top -gt 0) {
                $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                    -ContentType 'application/json' `
                    -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty '@odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
                    -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                    -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
                Write-Output $Result
                Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphAuditEvent] $Tenant api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"


        Retrieves the list of graph signin events
    .PARAMETER TenantName
        The tenant name(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER LimitResultPages
        Limit the number of paged results
        Limits the result set
    .PARAMETER Filter
        OData filter clause
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphSigninEvent
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        foreach ($Tenant in $TenantName)
                if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter) -eq $false) {
                if ($Top -gt 0) {
                $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                    -ContentType 'application/json' `
                    -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty '@odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
                    -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                    -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
                Write-Output $Result               
                Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphSigninEvent] $Tenant api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"    


        Retrieves a report of the desired audit event elements
    .PARAMETER TenantName
        The tenant name(s)
    .PARAMETER Element
        The audit event element(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER LimitResultPages
        Limit the number of paged results
        Limits the result set
    .PARAMETER Filter
        OData filter clause
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphReport
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        foreach ($Tenant in $TenantName)
            foreach ($item in $Element)
                    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter) -eq $false) {
                    if ($Top -gt 0) {
                    $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                        -ContentType 'application/json' `
                        -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty '@odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
                        -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                        -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
                    Write-Output $Result                    
                    Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphReport] $Tenant $item api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"


        Retrieves a list of the OAuth permission grants for the
        current tenant scope
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER LimitResultPages
        Limit the number of paged results
        Limits the result set
    .PARAMETER Filter
        OData filter clause
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphOauthPermissionGrant
    $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
    $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter) -eq $false) {
    if ($Top -gt 0) {
    #odata call
    $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
        -ContentType 'application/json' `
        -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty 'odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
        -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
        -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
    Write-Output $Result

        Retrieves a list of the domains
    .PARAMETER DomainName
        The domain name(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphDomain
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        if ($DomainName -ne $null) 
            foreach ($Domain in $DomainName)
                    $Result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GraphUriBld.Uri -Headers $Headers -ContentType 'application/json'
                    Write-Output $Result
                catch {
                    Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphDomain] $Domain api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"
            $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                -ContentType 'application/json' `
                -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty 'odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
                -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
            Write-Output $Result


        Retrieves a list of the policies
    .PARAMETER PolicyId
        The policy id(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphPolicy
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        if ($PolicyId -ne $null) 
            foreach ($Policy in $PolicyId)
                    $Result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GraphUriBld.Uri -Headers $Headers -ContentType 'application/json'
                    Write-Output $Result
                catch {
                    Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphPolicy] $Policy api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"
            $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                -ContentType 'application/json' `
                -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty 'odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
                -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
            Write-Output $Result


        Retrieves a list of the roles
        The policy id(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphRole
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'query') {
            if ($Filter.Contains('top=') -eq $false -and $Top -gt 0) {
        else {
            if ($Top -gt 0) {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'noquery' -and $RoleId -ne $null) 
            foreach ($Role in $RoleId)
                    $Result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GraphUriBld.Uri -Headers $Headers -ContentType 'application/json'
                    Write-Output $Result
                catch {
                    Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphRole] $Role api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"
            $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                -ContentType 'application/json' `
                -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty 'odata.nextLink' `
                -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
            Write-Output $Result


        Retrieves a list of the roles
    .PARAMETER TemplateId
        The policy id(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphRoleTemplate
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'query') {
            if ($Filter.Contains('top=') -eq $false -and $Top -gt 0) {
        else {
            if ($Top -gt 0) {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'noquery' -and $TemplateId -ne $null) 
            foreach ($Template in $TemplateId)
                    $Result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GraphUriBld.Uri -Headers $Headers -ContentType 'application/json'
                    Write-Output $Result
                catch {
                    Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphRoleTemplate] $Template api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"
            $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                -ContentType 'application/json' `
                -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty 'odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
                -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
            Write-Output $Result


        Retrieves a list of the roles
        The user id(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphUser
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'query') {
            if ($Filter.Contains('top=') -eq $false -and $Top -gt 0) {
        else {
            if ($Top -gt 0) {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'noquery' -and $UserId -ne $null)
            foreach ($User in $UserId)
                    $Result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GraphUriBld.Uri -Headers $Headers -ContentType 'application/json'
                    Write-Output $Result
                catch {
                    Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphUser] $User api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"
            $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                -ContentType 'application/json' `
                -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty 'odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
                -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
            Write-Output $Result


        Retrieves a list of the roles
        The user id(s)
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The OAuth Bearer token
    .PARAMETER GraphApiEndpoint
        The Azure Graph API Uri
    .PARAMETER GraphApiVersion
        The Azure Graph API Version

Function Get-AzureADGraphGroup
        $Headers=@{Authorization="Bearer $AccessToken";Accept="application/json"}
        $GraphUriBld=New-Object System.UriBuilder($GraphApiEndpoint)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'query') {
            if ($Filter.Contains('top=') -eq $false -and $Top -gt 0) {
        else {
            if ($Top -gt 0) {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'noquery' -and $GroupId -ne $null)
            foreach ($Group in $GroupId)
                    $Result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $GraphUriBld.Uri -Headers $Headers -ContentType 'application/json'
                    Write-Output $Result
                catch {
                    Write-Warning "[Get-AzureADGraphGroup] $User api-version=$GraphApiVersion $_"
            $Result=GetAzureGraphODataResult -Path $GraphUriBld.Path -Headers $Headers `
                -ContentType 'application/json' `
                -ValueProperty 'value' -NextLinkProperty 'odata.nextLink' -Filter $Filter `
                -Top $Top -LimitResultPages $LimitResultPages -GraphApiRoot $GraphApiEndpoint `
                -GraphApiVersion $GraphApiVersion
            Write-Output $Result

