
        Resize an image using the specified scaling factor
    .PARAMETER Source
        The image to be resized
    .PARAMETER Destination
        The output path for the resized image
    .PARAMETER Scale
        The scaling factor to apply

Function Resize-Image
        [System.String]$Destination = $env:TEMP,
        [System.Double]$Scale = 0.50
        $ScaleTransform=New-Object System.Windows.Media.ScaleTransform($Scale,$scale)
        foreach($item in $Source)
            #Prevent the file from getting locked
            $ImageSource=New-Object System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage
            ## Open and resize the image
            $image = New-Object System.Windows.Media.Imaging.TransformedBitmap ($ImageSource,$ScaleTransform)
            ## Put it on the clipboard (just for fun)

            $destinationPath=Join-Path $Destination $item.Name
            Write-Verbose "Creating $destinationPath"
            ## Write out an image file:
            $stream = [System.IO.File]::Open($destinationPath, "OpenOrCreate")
            $encoder = New-Object System.Windows.Media.Imaging.$($item.Extension.Substring(1))BitmapEncoder


        Compresses the contents of the specified folder to a Zip file
    .PARAMETER FileName
        The path to the file to be created
    .PARAMETER SourcePath
        The path of the content to compress
        The file to be created
    .PARAMETER Source
        The source of the content
    .PARAMETER Overwrite
        Overwrite an existing file
    .PARAMETER IncludeParent
        Include the specified folder within the archive
    .PARAMETER OptimalCompression
        Use optimal compression
    .PARAMETER FastestCompression
        Use fastest compression

function Compress-ZipFileFromFolder
        Write-Debug "New-ZipFileFromFolder - IncludeParent Switch Specified"
    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'io')
        Write-Debug "New-ZipFileFromFolder - Overwrite Switch Specified"
        if(Test-Path -Path $FileName)
            Write-Warning "New-ZipFileFromFolder - Deleting $FileName"
            Remove-Item -Path $FileName -Force

        Write-Debug "New-ZipFileFromFolder - Overwrite Switch Specified"
        $CompressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
   [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($SourcePath,$FileName, $CompressionLevel, $Parent)
   Write-Verbose "New-ZipFileFromFolder - Created Zip File $FileName"

        Downloads a file from a URL to the specified location
    .PARAMETER Source
        The uri of the item to download
    .PARAMETER DownloadPath
        The path of the downloaded file

Function Copy-WebFile
        [System.String]$DownloadPath=(Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE "Downloads")


    $FileName=Split-Path $Source.AbsolutePath -Leaf
    $Destination=Join-Path $DownloadPath $FileName
    $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient


        Formats and indents an XmlDocument to a string
        An XmlDocument to be formatted
    .PARAMETER XmlString
        A valid string of an XML document

Function Format-XML
    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "string")
        $Xml=New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
    $sw=New-Object System.IO.StringWriter
    $writer=New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextWriter($sw)
    $writer.Formatting = [System.Xml.Formatting]::Indented
    return $sw.ToString()

        Converts a CIDR or Prefix Length as string to a Subnet Mask
        The CIDR or Prefix Length to convert

Function ConvertTo-SubnetMaskFromCIDR
    $CIDRLength=[System.Convert]::ToInt32(($CIDR.Split('/')|Select-Object -Last 1).Trim())
    Write-Debug "Converting Prefix Length $CIDRLength from input $CIDR"
    switch ($CIDRLength) {
        {$_ -gt 0 -and $_ -lt 8}
            $binary="$( "1" * $CIDRLength)".PadRight(8,"0")
            $o1 = [System.Convert]::ToInt32($binary.Trim(),2)       
            $NetMask = "$o1.0.0.0"
        8 {$NetMask=""}
        {$_ -gt 8 -and $_ -lt 16}
            $binary="$( "1" * ($CIDRLength - 8))".PadRight(8,"0")
            $o2 = [System.Convert]::ToInt32($binary.Trim(),2)       
            $NetMask = "255.$o2.0.0"
        16 {$NetMask=""}
        {$_ -gt 16 -and $_ -lt 24}
            $binary="$("1" * ($CIDRLength - 16))".PadRight(8,"0")
            $o3 = [System.Convert]::ToInt32($binary.Trim(),2)
            $NetMask = "255.255.$o3.0"
        24 {$NetMask=""}
        {$_ -gt 24 -and $_ -lt 32}
            $binary="$("1" * ($CIDRLength - 24))".PadRight(8,"0")
            $o4 = [convert]::ToInt32($binary.Trim(),2)              
            $NetMask= "255.255.255.$o4"
        32 {$NetMask=""}
    return $NetMask

        Converts a CIDR as string to a network address
        The CIDR to convert

Function ConvertTo-NetworkAddressFromCIDR
        #Bitwise AND the NetMask and the IP
        $NetMask=[Convert]::ToUInt32(("1" * $PrefixLength).PadRight(32, "0"), 2)
        $NetAddressBytes=[BitConverter]::GetBytes(($IpAsUint -band $NetMask))
        $NetAddressAsIp=New-Object System.Net.IPAddress -ArgumentList (,$NetAddressBytes)
        return $NetAddressAsIp.IPAddressToString
        throw "Unable to parse the IP Address $IpString"

        Converts a CIDR as string to a broadcast address
        The CIDR to convert

Function ConvertTo-BroadcastAddressFromCIDR
        #Bitwise OR the Host Mask and the IP
        $HostMask = [Convert]::ToUInt32("1" * (32 - $PrefixLength), 2)
        $NetAddressBytes=[BitConverter]::GetBytes(($IpAsUint -bor $HostMask))
        $NetAddressAsIp=New-Object System.Net.IPAddress -ArgumentList (,$NetAddressBytes)
        return $NetAddressAsIp.IPAddressToString
        throw "Unable to parse the IP Address $IpString"

        Converts a CIDR as string to the last address
        The CIDR to convert

Function ConvertTo-NetworkRangeEndFromCIDR
        #Bitwise OR the Host Mask and the IP
        $HostMask = [Convert]::ToUInt32("1" * (32 - $PrefixLength), 2)
        $LastAddress=($IpAsUint -bor $HostMask)-1
        $NetAddressAsIp=New-Object System.Net.IPAddress -ArgumentList (,$NetAddressBytes)
        return $NetAddressAsIp.IPAddressToString
        throw "Unable to parse the IP Address $IpString"

        Converts a Subnet Mask to a Prefix Length
    .PARAMETER SubnetMask
        The SubnetMask to convert

Function ConvertTo-PrefixLengthFromSubnetMask
        # Subnet Mask

        foreach ($AddressByte in $SubnetAsIp.GetAddressBytes())
        $MaskString=$MaskString -Replace '[\s0]'
        return $MaskString.Length
        throw "Unable to parse the Subnet Mask $SubnetMask!"    

        Copies a file with a progress stream
        The file to be copied
        The destination file
    .PARAMETER ToDirectory
        The destination directory
    .PARAMETER ActivityName
        The Progress ActivityName
    .PARAMETER ActivityId
        The Progress Activity Id
    .PARAMETER ParentActivityId
        The Parent Activity

Function Copy-FileWithProgress 
        $ActivityName="Copying file",

  if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'dirinfo')
        if(-not $ToDirectory.Exists)
            New-Item -Path $ToDirectory.Parent.FullName -Name $ToDirectory.Name -ItemType Directory -Force|Out-Null
        $To=New-Object System.IO.FileInfo((Join-Path $ToDirectory.FullName $From.Name))

    $ffile = $From.OpenRead()
    $Tofile = $To.OpenWrite()

    Write-Verbose "BEGIN:Copying $From -> $To ..."
    Write-Progress -Id $ActivityId -Activity $ActivityName `
        -ParentId $ParentActivityId `
        -Status "Copying $From -> $To" `
        -PercentComplete $CurrentProgress
        [System.Byte[]]$FileBuffer = New-Object System.Byte[] $BufferLength
        [long]$Total = [long]$ReadCount = 0
            $ReadCount = $ffile.Read($FileBuffer, 0, $FileBuffer.Length)
            $Tofile.Write($FileBuffer, 0, $ReadCount)
            $Total += $ReadCount
            if ($Total % 1mb -eq 0)
                $CurrentProgress=[int]($TotalCopiedInMb/$FileSizeInMb * 100)
                Write-Progress -Id $ActivityId `
                -Activity "$ActivityName %$CurrentProgress"`
                -ParentId $ParentActivityId `
                -Status "Copying $From -> $To ($($TotalCopiedInMb.ToString("#.##")) of $($FileSizeInMb.ToString("#.##")) Mb) $($CurrentSpeed) MB/s" `
                -PercentComplete $CurrentProgress
        } while ($ReadCount -gt 0)
        Write-Progress -Id $ActivityId -Activity $ActivityName `
            -ParentId $ParentActivityId `
            -Status "Copying $From -> $To" `
            -PercentComplete $CurrentProgress -Completed
        Write-Verbose "END:Copy $From -> $To Took:$($StopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)ms. $($CurrentSpeed) MB/s"
    catch [System.IO.IOException],[System.Exception]
        Write-Warning "Error Copying File $_"
        if($StopWatch -ne $null -and $StopWatch.IsRunning)

        Converts a Unix Timestamp to DateTime
    .PARAMETER UnixTime
        The Unix Timestamp to be converted

Function ConvertFrom-UnixTime
    $epoch = New-Object System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    return $epoch.AddSeconds($UnixTime)

        Converts a DateTime to a Unix Timestamp
    .PARAMETER DateTime
        The DateTime to be converted

Function ConvertTo-UnixTime
    $epoch = New-Object System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $delta = $DateTime - $epoch;
    return [Math]::Floor($delta.TotalSeconds);