
A module for managing AWS CLI configuration and credentials
AwsCredentialsManager is a PowerShell module for managing AWS CLI configuration
and credentials. It defines a naming convention for related profiles, makes it
easy to add, find and switch between profiles, and greatly simplifies the
process of refreshing temporary MFA credentials.
For example, at work you might have an IAM user and then several roles (one per
environment) which require MFA to use. AwsCredentialsManager makes it easy to
set up and manage the following profiles:
* work:iam to represent your IAM user, defined by your CLI access key/secret,
* work:mfa to represent your temporary MFA credentials, which uses work:iam to
  obtain a session token,
* work:dev to represent your role for the dev account, which uses work:mfa as
  the source profile,
* etc.

Create a new IAM user profile
Create a new user profile that authenticates via an access key and secret
The domain that the user belongs to, to help group related users, e.g. work
The AWS Access Key ID
.PARAMETER SecretAccessKey
The AWS Secret Access Key
A path to a CSV file containing the "Access key ID" and "Secret access key"

Function New-AwsIamUser
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName='KeySecret')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='KeySecret')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='KeySecret')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='CSV')]

    If ($PathToCsv)
        $credentials = Import-Csv -Path $PathToCsv
        $AccessKeyIdPlainText = $credentials.'Access key ID'
        $SecretAccessKeyPlainText = $credentials.'Secret access key'
        $AccessKeyIdPlainText = SecureStringToPlainText $AccessKeyId
        $SecretAccessKeyPlainText = SecureStringToPlainText $SecretAccessKey

    $profileName = "$Domain`:iam"

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set aws_access_key_id $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $AccessKeyIdPlainText) --profile $profileName",
        "[profile $profileName]",
        "Set aws_access_key_id to $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $AccessKeyIdPlainText)"))
        aws configure set aws_access_key_id $AccessKeyIdPlainText --profile $profileName

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $SecretAccessKeyPlainText) --profile $profileName",
        "[profile $profileName]",
        "Set aws_secret_access_key to $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $SecretAccessKeyPlainText)"))
        aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $SecretAccessKeyPlainText --profile $profileName

Create a new MFA user profile
Create a new user profile that authenticates via MFA-enabled tempoary session
The domain that the user (and corresponding IAM user) belongs to, to help group
related users, e.g. work
The ARN of the user's MFA device

Function New-AwsMfaUser
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsDomains $args[2] })]


    $mfaProfileName = "$domain`:mfa"

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set mfa_device_arn $DeviceArn --profile $mfaProfileName",
        "[profile $mfaProfileName]",
        "Set mfa_device_arn to $DeviceArn"))
        aws configure set mfa_device_arn $DeviceArn --profile $mfaProfileName

Create a new assume-role profile
Create a new user profile for assuming roles, which authenticates via a source
profile of either an IAM or MFA user
A short name to describe the role
The ARN of the role to assume
The default AWS region for the role
The source profile to use for authentication. Tab-completion will list all
available IAM and MFA users
The source profile to use for authentication. Tab-completion will list all
available IAM users
The source profile to use for authentication. Tab-completion will list all
available MFA users

Function New-AwsAssumeRole
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName='User')]



        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='User')]
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsProfilesCompleter @args })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='IamUser')]
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsProfilesCompleter @args })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='MfaUser')]
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsProfilesCompleter @args })]

    $SourceProfile = If ($User) { $User } `
        ElseIf ($Iam) { $Iam } `
        Else { $Mfa }

    $domain = Get-AwsDomain $SourceProfile

    $profileName = "$domain`:$RoleName"

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set role_arn $RoleArn --profile $profileName",
        "[profile $profileName]",
        "Set role_arn to $RoleArn"))
        aws configure set role_arn $RoleArn --profile $profileName

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set source_profile $SourceProfile --profile $profileName",
        "[profile $profileName]",
        "Set source_profile to $SourceProfile"))
        aws configure set source_profile $SourceProfile --profile $profileName

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set region $Region --profile $profileName",
        "[profile $profileName]",
        "Set region to $Region"))
        aws configure set region $Region --profile $profileName

Set the active AWS profile
Set the active AWS profile by setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable
The domain that the user belongs to
The profile within the given domain to use. Tab-completion will list all
available IAM, MFA and assume-role profiles
The profile within the given domain to use. Tab-completion will list all
available assume-role profiles
The profile within the given domain to use. Tab-completion will list all
available IAM profiles
The profile within the given domain to use. Tab-completion will list all
available MFA profiles

Function Set-AwsProfile
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName='All')]
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsDomains @args })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='All')]
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsProfilesCompleter @args })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='AssumeRole')]
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsProfilesCompleter @args })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='IamUser')]
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsProfilesCompleter @args })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='MfaUser')]
        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsProfilesCompleter @args })]

    $roleName = If ($All) { $All } `
        ElseIf ($AssumeRole) { $AssumeRole} `
        ElseIf ($Iam) { $Iam } `
        Else { $Mfa }

    $profileName = If ($Domain) { "$Domain`:$roleName" } Else { $RoleName }

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "`$env:AWS_PROFILE = '$profileName'",
        "Set value to $profileName"))
        $env:AWS_PROFILE = $profileName
Update an MFA-based temporary session token
Use an MFA code to update the temporary session token for the MFA profile
associated with the currently active profile
The MFA code

Function Update-AwsMfaCredentials


    If (-not (Get-AwsProfile))
        Write-Error "No profile set. Please run Set-AwsProfile"

    $domain = Get-AwsDomain (Get-AwsProfile)
    $iamProfileName = "$domain`:iam"
    $mfaProfileName = "$domain`:mfa"

    $expiration = [DateTime](aws configure get expiration --profile $mfaProfileName)

    If (-not $Force -and $expiration - [DateTime]::Now -gt [TimeSpan]::FromHours(1))
        Write-Host "Session already valid until $expiration"

    If (-not $Code)
        $Code = Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Code"

    $codePlainText = SecureStringToPlainText $Code

    $deviceArn = aws configure get mfa_device_arn --profile $mfaProfileName

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws sts get-session-token --serial-number $deviceArn --token-code $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $codePlainText) --duration-seconds 129600 --profile $iamProfileName",
        "[profile $iamProfileName]",
        "Get session token"))
        $resp = aws sts get-session-token `
            --serial-number $deviceArn `
            --token-code $codePlainText `
            --duration-seconds 129600 <# 36hrs #> `
            --profile $iamProfileName

        If (-not $?)
            Write-Error "Failed to acquire new session token"
        Write-Error "Failed to acquire new session token"

    $json = $resp | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Expand Credentials

    $accessKeyId = $json.AccessKeyId
    $secretAccessKey = $json.SecretAccessKey
    $sessionToken = $json.SessionToken
    $expiration = $json.Expiration.ToString("o")

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set aws_access_key_id $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $accessKeyId) --profile $mfaProfileName",
        "[profile $mfaProfileName]",
        "Set aws_access_key_id to $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $accessKeyId)"))
        aws configure set aws_access_key_id $accessKeyId --profile $mfaProfileName

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $accessKeyId) --profile $mfaProfileName",
        "[profile $mfaProfileName]",
        "Set aws_secret_access_key to $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $secretAccessKey)"))
        aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $secretAccessKey --profile $mfaProfileName

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $accessKeyId) --profile $mfaProfileName",
        "[profile $mfaProfileName]",
        "Set aws_secret_access_key to $(ConvertTo-MaskedString $secretAccessKey)"))
        aws configure set aws_session_token $sessionToken --profile $mfaProfileName

    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
        "aws configure set expiration $expiration --profile $mfaProfileName",
        "[profile $mfaProfileName]",
        "Set expiration to $expiration"))
        aws configure set expiration $expiration --profile $mfaProfileName

# Helpers

Function Get-AwsDomain

    ($ProfileName -split ':',2)[0]

Function Get-AwsDomains

    aws configure list-profiles `
        | ForEach-Object { Get-AwsDomain $_ } `
        | Where-Object { $_ -like "$Search*" } `
        | Sort-Object -Unique

Function Get-AwsRoleName

    ($ProfileName -split ':',2)[1]

Function Get-AwsProfile

Function Get-AwsProfiles
        [ValidateSet('Iam', 'Mfa', 'User', 'AssumeRole', 'All')]
        $Type = 'All',

        [ArgumentCompleter({ Get-AwsDomains $args[2] })]

    $profiles = aws configure list-profiles

    $profiles = Switch ($Type)
        'Iam' { $profiles | Where-Object { $_ -like '*:iam' } }
        'Mfa' { $profiles | Where-Object { $_ -like '*:mfa' } }
        'User' { $profiles | Where-Object { $_ -like '*:iam' -or $_ -like '*:mfa' } }
        'AssumeRole' { $profiles | Where-Object { -not ($_ -like '*:iam' -or $_ -like '*:mfa') } }
        'All' { $profiles }

    $profiles = Switch ($Domain)
        '' { $profiles }
        Default { $profiles | Where-Object { $_ -like "$domain`:*" } }


Function Get-AwsProfilesCompleter

    $domain = $FakeBoundParameters.Domain

    $profiles = Get-AwsProfiles -Type $Parameter -Domain $domain

    $Search = If ($domain) { "*:*$Search*" } Else { "*$Search*" }

    $profiles = $profiles | Where-Object { $_ -like $Search }

    If ($domain) { $profiles = $profiles | ForEach-Object { Get-AwsRoleName $_ } }


Function SecureStringToPlainText

    If ($Host.Version.Major -ge 7)
        ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText $SecureString

Function ConvertTo-MaskedString

    $String -Replace '.','*'