
Function Aws-Util{
Encoding and encryption tool for use with AWS
Adds a file name extension to a supplied name.
Takes any strings for the file name or extension.
base 64 encodes the specified input string
base 64 decodes the specified input string
.PARAMETER encrypt
encrypts the specified input string with the aws encryption key of the current context. Run this command after logging in with the aws-keyhub tool.
.PARAMETER decrypt
decrypts an existing secret encrypted with the aws encryption key of the current context. Run this command after logging in with the aws-keyhub tool.
Specifies the input string. Double quotes are optional for simple strings
Saves the output to a specified file
uses a file as input rather than a string

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$encode = $false,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$decode = $false,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$encrypt = $false,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$decrypt = $false,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$f = $false

    BEGIN {
        $commandHasFailedToRun = $false
        $processed_file_name = "processed_file"
        if ($o){
            $processed_file_name = $o
        if ($f){
            Copy-Item $i infile
        }else {
            $i | Out-File -NoNewLine -NoClobber infile -Encoding utf8

        if ($encrypt){
            certutil -encodehex infile outfile 1 >$null 2>&1
            findstr /v CERTIFICATE outfile > encoded_file
            aws kms encrypt --key-id=alias/topicus/platform --plaintext="$(cat encoded_file)" --output=text --query=CiphertextBlob | Out-File -NoNewLine -NoClobber $processed_file_name
            cat $processed_file_name
            Remove-item outfile
            Remove-item encoded_file

        } elseif ($decrypt){
            certutil -decode infile decoded_string >$null 2>&1
            aws kms decrypt --ciphertext-blob fileb://.\decoded_string --query Plaintext --output text > decrypted_file 
            certutil -decode decrypted_file $processed_file_name >$null 2>&1
            cat $processed_file_name
            Remove-item decoded_string
            Remove-item decrypted_file

        } elseif ($encode){
            certutil -encode infile outfile >$null 2>&1
            [String]$no_headers = findstr /v CERTIFICATE outfile
            $no_headers| Out-File -NoNewLine -NoClobber $processed_file_name -Encoding utf8
            cat $processed_file_name
            Remove-item outfile

        } elseif ($decode){
            certutil -decode infile $processed_file_name >$null 2>&1
            cat $processed_file_name

        } else {
            echo "please specify the -decrypt, -encrypt, -encode or -decode flag"
            $commandHasFailedToRun = $true;

    END {
    Remove-Item infile
        if ($commandHasFailedToRun -eq $false){
            if (!$o){
                Remove-item .\processed_file

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Aws-Util'