
function Set-NpmVersionString {
        # Path to the package.json file to update.

        # The full TFS build number string of the build whose output we are publishing.

        # If set, marks the published version as a preview version.
        # Cannot be set together with stableVersion.
        # If neither is set, marks the published version as a CB version.

        # If set, marks the published version as a stable version.
        # Cannot be set together with previewVersion.
        # If neither is set, marks the published version as a CB version.

    if ($previewVersion -and $stableVersion) {
        Write-Error "Cannot set both previewVersion and stableVersion."

    # Expected input: 1.2.3-XXXXXX-YYYYYYY
    $components = $buildNumber -split "-"

    if ($components.Length -ne 3) {
        Write-Error "buildNumber did not consist of the expected 3 components."

    if (!(Test-Path -PathType Leaf $packageJsonPath)) {
        Write-Error "Unable to find the package.json file at $packageJsonPath"

    $version = $components[0]

    if ($stableVersion) {
        # All good, that's enough.
    } else {
        if ($previewVersion) {
            $version = $version + "-pre-"
        } else {
            $version = $version + "-cb-"

        $version = $version + $components[1] + "-" + $components[2]

    Write-Host "NPM package version is $version"

    $json = Get-Content -Raw $packageJsonPath

    $package = ConvertFrom-Json $json
    $package.version = $version
    $json = ConvertTo-Json $package

    Set-Content -Path $packageJsonPath -Value $json

    Write-Host "Finished updating the package.json file"