
function Set-AxiumHelpLink {
            Replaces the "axiUm Help Files" directory in a given axiUm copy with a symbolic link to
            another directory.
            Replaces the "axiUm Help Files" directory in a given axiUm copy with a symbolic link to
            another directory. This is useful for having all of your axiUm installations use help files
            that are on a network share, rather than stored locally. This allows you to not worry about
            updating the help file when using axiUm's auto-update mechanism.
            Aliases: sahl
            PS> 'C:\axiUm' | Set-AxiumHelpLinks -HelpPathOrPrefix '\\domain\axiUm-HelpFiles'
            Creates a link at "C:\axiUm\axiUm Help Files" that points to "\\domain\axiUm-HelpFiles", if such a link
            doesn't already exist. If "C:\axiUm\axiUm Help Files" is already a stock directory containing the help
            files, it will be deleted and replaced with a link.
            PS> 'C:\axiUm' | Set-AxiumHelpLinks -HelpPathOrPrefix '\\domain\axiUm-HelpFiles' -RequireInSubnet @('', '') -RequireNotInSubnet @('', '
            Let us say that your organization has IP addresses in, but your VPN uses a small
            part of that ( This would do the same as Example 1, but only if the workstation
            this was run on was connected to your organization's network, but not through VPN.
            This is useful if you are worried about breaking somebody's connection to the help files when they are
            on a slow, off-site Wi-Fi connection.
            PS> 'C:\axiUm' | Get-ChildItem -Directory | Set-AxiumHelpLinks -HelpPathOrPrefix '\\domain\axiUm-HelpFiles-' -MultipleCopies
            This is an example of using the MultipleCopies switch to create links for multiple copies of axiUm.
            Let us assume there are two installations of axiUm on the workstation this is being run on:
                * "C:\axiUm\Production"
                * "C:\axiUm\Test"
            This will:
                * Create a link at "C:\axiUm\Production\axiUm Help Files" that points to
                "\\domain\axiUm-HelpFiles-Production", if this link doesn't already exist. If
                "C:\axiUm\Production\axiUm Help Files" is already a stock directory containing the help files, it
                will be deleted and replaced with a link.
                * Create a link at "C:\axiUm\Test\axiUm Help Files" that points to "\\domain\axiUm-HelpFiles-Test",
                if this link doesn't already exist. If "C:\axiUm\Test\axiUm Help Files" is already a stock
                directory containing the help files, it will be deleted and replaced with a link.
            Author : Dan Thompson
            Copyright : 2020 Case Western Reserve University


        # Where the axiUm client is installed. Can be passed via the pipeline, in which case it can be
        # a collection of paths.
        # Aliases: clp
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            Mandatory = $True
        [ValidateScript({ $_ | Test-Path -PathType 'Container' })]

        # If MultipleCopies is set, the name of the last folder in ClientPath will be appended to HelpPathOrPrefix
        # to get where the help files are stored.

        # Otherwise, HelpPathOrPrefix will be treated as the complete path of where the help files are.
        # Aliases: hpp
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        # An array of 2 IP addresses, the first being the subnet, and the second the subnet mask.
        # Files will only be copied if an IP address IS found connected to this subnet. If not set, this
        # will not be used to determine if files should be copied.
        # Aliases: ris, insubnet, in_subnet
        [Alias('ris', 'insubnet', 'in_subnet')]

        # An array of 2 IP addresses, the first being the subnet, and the second the subnet mask.
        # Files will only be copied if an IP address IS NOT found connected to this subnet. If not set, this
        # will not be used to determine if files should be copied.
        # Aliases: rnis, notinsubnet, not_in_subnet
        [Alias('rnis', 'notinsubnet', 'not_in_subnet')]

        # Set this if the computer(s) you are running this on may have more than copy installed, and you have
        # separate help files for each copy. This might be the case if you have a test copy of axiUm that is
        # on a different version from your production instance, thus requiring a separate install.
        # Aliases: mi

    begin {
        # Determine if we meet the requirements set forth to make the link.

        $SubnetRequirements = @{}

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RequireInSubnet') -and ($Null -ne $RequireInSubnet)) {
            $SubnetRequirements.InSubnet = $RequireInSubnet

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RequireNotInSubnet') -and ($Null -ne $RequireNotInSubnet)) {
            $SubnetRequirements.NotInSubnet = $RequireNotInSubnet

        $CanMakeLink = (Get-IPAddresses | Test-IPAddressRequirementsMet @SubnetRequirements).Contains($True)

        if ($CanMakeLink) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Met requirements to make links.'
        } else {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Requirements to make links not met, so not doing anything. Bye now!'

        # Set the System.IO.DirectoryInfo we will output.
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Link = $Null

    process {
        # Get the actual help files path. This will be different from $HelpPathOrPrefix if we have multiple copies
        # of axiUm.
        $HelpPath = $HelpPathOrPrefix
        if ($MultipleCopies.IsPresent) {
            $HelpPath = $HelpPathOrPrefix | Join-Path -ChildPath ($ClientPath | Split-Path -Leaf)

        # Check if we have help files for this copy of axiUm.
        $HaveHelpFiles = $True
        if ($MultipleCopies.IsPresent) {
            $HaveHelpFiles = $HelpPath | Test-Path -PathType 'Container'

        if ($HaveHelpFiles) {
            # We do, so we are good to create the link.
            Write-Verbose -Message "$HelpPath exists, so creating link ..."

            # Set the path to the link before we make any changes.
            $LinkPath = $ClientPath | Join-Path -ChildPath 'axiUm Help Files'

            # Make the link if we meet the requirements.
            if ($CanMakeLink) {
                # Check if ClientPath actually contains an installation of axiUm.
                $AxiumExePath = $ClientPath | Join-Path -ChildPath 'axiUm.exe'
                if ($AxiumExePath | Test-Path -PathType 'Leaf') {
                    Write-Verbose -Message """$AxiumExePath"" exists, so we have a copy of axiUm."

                    # If the help files is already a plain, local directory, we need to recursivley delete it.
                    if (($LinkPath | Test-Path -PathType 'Container') -and
                        ($Null -eq ($LinkPath | Get-Item).LinkType)) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message """$LinkPath"" is a plain directory. Deleting it and its contents ..."

                        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($LinkPath, 'Delete Directory and Contents')) {
                            $LinkPath | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

                    # Create the link.
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($LinkPath, 'Create Symbolic Link')) {
                        $LinkMessageSuffix = "a link with the following properties:"`
                            + "`n`tPATH : ""$LinkPath"""`
                            + "`n`tTARGET: ""$HelpPath"""

                        $Link = $LinkPath | New-Item -Value $HelpPath -ItemType 'SymbolicLink' -Force
                        if ($Null -eq $Link) {
                            Write-Error -Message "Failed to create $LinkMessageSuffix"
                        } else {
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Created $LinkMessageSuffix"
                } else {
                    Write-Warning -Message """$AxiumExePath"" doesn't exist, so we don't have a copy of axiUm. Not creating link."
        } else {
            Write-Warning -Message """$HelpPath"" doesn't exist, or is not a directory. Not creating link."


New-Alias -Name 'sahl' -Value 'Set-AxiumHelpLink'