
namespace Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.AppConfiguration.Models.Api20200601
    using Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.AppConfiguration.Runtime.Json;
    public partial class KeyVaultProperties
        partial void AfterToJson(ref Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.AppConfiguration.Runtime.Json.JsonObject container)
            // API is defined in a way that, to disable CMK, you need to pass null as keyIdentifier and/or identityClientId
            // However this is impossible in PowerShell, because when you pass a $null to a [System.String]$var, it's converted to string.Empty
            // To work-around that, I made this customization
            if (this._keyIdentifier == string.Empty)
                container["keyIdentifier"] = JsonNode.FromObject(null);
            if (this._identityClientId == string.Empty)
                container["identityClientId"] = JsonNode.FromObject(null);