
function Test-ParameterValue
        Checks the type of Blueprint Parameter

        Determines the type of Blueprint Parameter and returns a description of what the Azure DevOps variable requires as a value.

    .PARAMETER Value
        A PSCustomObject containing the Blueprint Parameter information

        Test-ParameterValue `
            -Value [PSCustomObject]@{
                type = "string"
                metadata = [PSCustomObject]@{displayName = "app_tshirt-size (WebApp Template)"; description = "What T-Shirt size is required for the Web App"}
                defaultValue = "Medium"
                allowedValues = @("Small", "Medium", "Large")


    switch ($Value.type)
        {    $tmpValue = "Needs to be an Array e.g. value1,value2,etc."    }

        {     $tmpValue = "Needs to be an Object, but as JSON e.g. '{`"key1`": `"value1`", `"key2`": `"value2`"}'"    }

        {    $tmpValue = "Needs to be an Int i.e. Integer/Number e.g. 123 etc."    }

        {    $tmpValue = "Needs to be ReferenceId to a password in a Key Vault e.g. /subscriptions/`$(subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/`$(keyVault.ResourceGroup)/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/`$(keyVault),`$(BP_activedirectorydomainservices_addomainadminusername)."    }

        {    $tmpValue = "Needs to be an String or Text e.g. This is Text etc."    }

        {    $tmpValue = "Needs to be an Object, but as JSON e.g. '{`"name`": `"ResourceGroupName`", `"location`": `"azureregion`"}'"    }

        {     $tmpValue = ""    }

    return $tmpValue