
function Get-AzDevOpsBlueprintVariableGroups
        Get Azure DevOps Variable Group or Groups

        A string containing the name of a variable group to target. By default all Variable Groups are returned unless the a Variable Group is named

    .PARAMETER DevOpsUri
        A string containing the Azure DevOps Project Uri. This is the value assigned the Azure DevOps predefined variable 'System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri'. See

    .PARAMETER DevOpsProject
        A string containing the Name of Azure DevOps Project. This is the value assigned the Azure DevOps predefined variable 'System.TeamProject'. See
        e.g. myProject

        A string containing the Azure DevOps Person Access Token required to communicate with the Azure DevOps API

    .PARAMETER DevOpsApiVersion
        A string containing the Azure DevOps API Version. Defaults to 5.0-preview.1

        Get all Variable Groups for an Azure DevOps Project
        Get-AzDevOpsBlueprintVariableGroups `
            -DevOpsProject $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT `
            -DevOpsPAT $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN

        Get a Variable Group for an Azure DevOps Project
        Get-AzDevOpsBlueprintVariableGroups `
            -Name TEST-Variable-Group `
            -DevOpsProject $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT `
            -DevOpsPAT $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AllScope')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'ByName')]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]


        [string]$DevOpsApiVersion = "5.0-preview.1"

        # Checking if Commandlet is running on Azure DevOps
            Write-Warning "It appears you are not running this command in Azure DevOps."
            Write-Warning "This command will still work, but is designed as a job in Azure DevOps. See for more information.`r`n"

        # variables
        $DevOpsHeader = @{Authorization = 'Basic ' + [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$DevOpsPAT"))}
        $getVarGrpsUri = "{0}{1}/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version={2}" -f $DevOpsUri, $DevOpsProject, $DevOpsApiVersion

        $results = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $getVarGrpsUri -Method GET -Headers $DevOpsHeader).value

        if ($Name)
        { $results = $results | Where-Object Name -eq $Name }

        return $results
        if ($_.ErrorDetails.Message) {$ErrDetails = $_.ErrorDetails.Message } else {$ErrDetails = $_}
        Get-StandardError -Exception $($ErrDetails)