
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/Authentication.psm1

    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile will confirm that the bicep files provided pass the checks executed by `bicep build`.

    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile executes `bicep build` and returns an object that has an array field Errors. Each element of
    this array is an object that contains the bicep file path that had errors and a collection of
    System.Object.ErrorRecord that correspond to the file at that path:

    {Errors: [
        {Path: [string], ErrorResults: [ErrorRecord[]]}, {Path: [string], ErrorResults: [ErrorRecord[]]}, ...

    Any errors will also be output to stdout for capture by CI/CD pipelines.

  .PARAMETER BicepPath
    This is the path to the bicep file that will be confirmed.
    BicepPath is a mandatory parameter.
    The property name is optional if the path is provided as the first argument to Confirm-AzBPBicepFile.

    Pipe path into Confirm-AzBPBicepFile

    "./examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep" | Confirm-AzBPBicepFile

    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: ../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep:
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(6,7) : Warning no-unused-params: Parameter "location" is declared but never used. []
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(12,13) : Warning no-hardcoded-location: A resource location should not use a hard-coded string or variable value. Please use a parameter value, an expression, or the string 'global'. Found: 'westus' []

    {@{Path=../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep; ErrorResults=System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]...

    Pipe multiple paths into Confirm-AzBPBicepFile

    "./examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep", "./examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep" | Confirm-AzBPBicepFile

    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: ../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep:
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(6,7) : Warning no-unused-params: Parameter "location" is declared but never used. []
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(12,13) : Warning no-hardcoded-location: A resource location should not use a hard-coded string or variable value. Please use a parameter value, an expression, or the string 'global'. Found: 'westus' []
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: ../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep:
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(6,7) : Warning no-unused-params: Parameter "location" is declared but never used. []
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(12,13) : Warning no-hardcoded-location: A resource location should not use a hard-coded string or variable value. Please use a parameter value, an expression, or the string 'global'. Found: 'westus' []

    {@{Path=../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep; ErrorResults=System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]...

    Provide -BicepPath Parameter

    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile -BicepPath ./examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep

    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: ../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep:
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(6,7) : Warning no-unused-params: Parameter "location" is declared but never used. []
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(12,13) : Warning no-hardcoded-location: A resource location should not use a hard-coded string or variable value. Please use a parameter value, an expression, or the string 'global'. Found: 'westus' []

    {@{Path=../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep; ErrorResults=System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]...

      Path without -BicepPath Parameter

    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile ./examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep

    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: ../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep:
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(6,7) : Warning no-unused-params: Parameter "location" is declared but never used. []
    Confirm-AzBPBicepFile: /workspaces/benchpress/examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep(12,13) : Warning no-hardcoded-location: A resource location should not use a hard-coded string or variable value. Please use a parameter value, an expression, or the string 'global'. Found: 'westus' []

    {@{Path=../../../examples/actionGroupErrors.bicep; ErrorResults=System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]...



function Confirm-BicepFile {
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]]$BicepFilePath
    $out = [PSCustomObject]@{
      Errors = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
  Process {
    foreach ($path in $BicepFilePath) {
      # The --stdout parameter will send the built ARM template to stdout instead of creating a file
      # 2>&1 will send errors to stdout so that they can be captured by PowerShell
      # Both the ARM template and any output from linting will be in the array $results, with individual errors in the
      # array separately
      $results = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { bicep build $path --stdout 2>&1 }
      # .Where() returns a collection of System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord or null if there are no errors
      $errorResults = $results.Where({$PSItem.GetType().Name -eq 'ErrorRecord'})

      if ($errorResults.Count -gt 0) {
        Write-Error "${path}:"
        $errorResults | Write-Error

        $out.Errors.Add([PSCustomObject]@{Path = $path; ErrorResults = $errorResults})
  End {
    return $out

    Deploys Azure resources using a bicep file.

    Deploy-AzBPBicepFeature cmdlet deploys Azure resources when given a path to a bicep file. The cmdlet will transpile the
    bicep file to an ARM template and uses the ARM template to deploy to Azure.

  .PARAMETER BicepPath
    This is the path to the bicep file that will be used to transpile to ARM and deploy to Azure.

    $params = @{
      name = "acrbenchpresstest1"
      location = "westus3"
    Deploy-AzBPBicepFeature -BicepPath "./containerRegistry.bicep" -Params $params -ResourceGroupName "rg-test"



function Deploy-BicepFeature(){
  param (


  $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($BicepPath)
  $folder = Split-Path $BicepPath
  $armPath  = Join-Path -Path $folder -ChildPath "$fileName.json"


  Write-Information "Transpiling Bicep to Arm"
  # 2>&1 will send errors to stdout so that they can be captured by PowerShell
  # Both the ARM template and any output from linting will be in the array $results, with individual errors in the
  # array separately
  $results = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { bicep build $BicepPath 2>&1 }
  # .Where() returns a collection of System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord or null if there are no errors
  $errorResults = $results.Where({$PSItem.GetType().Name -eq 'ErrorRecord'})

  # Only deploy if there are no errors.
  if ($errorResults.Count -eq 0) {
    $location = $Params.location
    $deploymentName = $Params.deploymentName

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($deploymentName)) {
      $deploymentName = "BenchPressDeployment"

    Write-Information "Deploying ARM Template ($deploymentName) to $location"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourceGroupName)) {
      New-AzSubscriptionDeployment -Name "$deploymentName" -Location "$location" -TemplateFile "$armPath" -TemplateParameterObject $Params -SkipTemplateParameterPrompt
      New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name "$deploymentName" -ResourceGroupName "$ResourceGroupName" -TemplateFile "$armPath" -TemplateParameterObject $Params -SkipTemplateParameterPrompt

  Write-Information "Removing Arm template json"
  Remove-Item "$armPath"

    Deletes Azure resources.

    Remove-AzBPBicepFeature cmdlet will take an Azure Resource Group name and delete that resource group and all
    resources contained in it.

  .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Name of the Resource Group to delete

    Remove-AzBPBicepFeature -ResourceGroupName "rg-test"



function Remove-BicepFeature(){
  [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
  param (


  $resourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName
  Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Force

Export-ModuleMember -Function Confirm-BicepFile, Deploy-BicepFeature, Remove-BicepFeature