
If (Import-RequiredModules -ModuleFilePath $PSCommandPath -AutoInstall )
    Write-Verbose "All PSRequiredModules loaded !"

        Return if Log Analytics workspace exists
    .PARAMETER LogAnalyticsId
        Set Log Analytics workspace id (resourceId)
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        Set an explicit bearer token (if you're not using an Azure PowerShell session with Az.Accounts)
        PS C:\> Test-LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExist -LogAnalyticsId '/subscriptions/<subId>/resourcegroups/<rgName>/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/<workspaceName>'
        Return if Log Analytics workspace exists (using Az PowerShell session)
        PS C:\> Test-LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExist -LogAnalyticsId '/subscriptions/<subId>/resourcegroups/<rgName>/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/<workspaceName>' -BearerToken $BearerToken
        Return if Log Analytics workspace exists (using an explicit token)
        Author: JDMSFT
        Created: 21/03/21

    Function Test-LogAnalyticsWorkspaceExist ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$LogAnalyticsId, [String] $BearerToken = (Get-AzAccessToken).Token)
        $headers = @{"authorization" = "bearer $bearerToken" }
        $baseUri = ''
        $uri = "$baseUri$LogAnalyticsId`?api-version=2020-08-01" 
        Try { $request = iwr -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing } Catch { $null }
        Finally { If ($request.StatusCode -eq 200) { $true } Else { $false } }

        Get Log Analytics workspace information. Return null if information can't be retrieved.
    .PARAMETER LogAnalyticsId
        Set Log Analytics workspace id (resourceId)
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        Set an explicit bearer token (if you're not using an Azure PowerShell session with Az.Accounts)
        PS C:\> Get-LogAnalyticsWorkspace -LogAnalyticsId '/subscriptions/<subId>/resourcegroups/<rgName>/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/<workspaceName>'
        Get Log Analytics workspace information (using Az PowerShell session)
        PS C:\> Get-LogAnalyticsWorkspace -LogAnalyticsId '/subscriptions/<subId>/resourcegroups/<rgName>/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/<workspaceName>' -BearerToken $BearerToken
        Get Log Analytics workspace information (using an explicit token)
        Author: JDMSFT
        Created: 21/03/21

    Function Get-LogAnalyticsWorkspace ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$LogAnalyticsId, [String] $BearerToken = (Get-AzAccessToken).Token)

        $headers = @{"authorization" = "bearer $bearerToken" }
        $baseUri = ''
        $uri = "$baseUri$LogAnalyticsId`?api-version=2020-08-01" 
        Try { $request = iwr -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing } Catch { $null }
        Finally { If ($request.StatusCode -eq 200) { $request.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } Else { $null } }

        Get Log Analytics workspace shared keys. Return null if information can't be retrieved.
    .PARAMETER LogAnalyticsId
        Set Log Analytics workspace id (resourceId)
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        Set an explicit bearer token (if you're not using an Azure PowerShell session with Az.Accounts)
        PS C:\> Get-LogAnalyticsWorkspaceSharedKeys -LogAnalyticsId '/subscriptions/<subId>/resourcegroups/<rgName>/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/<workspaceName>'
        Get Log Analytics workspace shared keys (using Az PowerShell session)
        PS C:\> Get-LogAnalyticsWorkspaceSharedKeys -LogAnalyticsId '/subscriptions/<subId>/resourcegroups/<rgName>/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/<workspaceName>' -BearerToken $BearerToken
        Get Log Analytics workspace shared keys (using an explicit token)
        Author: JDMSFT
        Created: 21/03/21

    Function Get-LogAnalyticsWorkspaceSharedKeys ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$LogAnalyticsId, [String] $BearerToken = (Get-AzAccessToken).Token)

        $headers = @{"authorization" = "bearer $bearerToken" }
        $baseUri = ''
        $uri = "$baseUri$LogAnalyticsId/sharedKeys`?api-version=2020-08-01" 
        Try { $request = iwr -Uri $uri -Method POST -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing } Catch { $null }
        Finally { If ($request.StatusCode -eq 200) { $request.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } Else { $null } }

    # NOTE : Internal Function
     Function Build-LogAnalyticsSignature ($CustomerId, $SharedKey, $ContentLength, $ContentType, $Date, $Resource, $Methodd)
            # Signature string
            $SignatureString = $Method + "`n" + $ContentLength + "`n" + $ContentType + "`n" + "x-ms-date:" + $Date + "`n" + $Resource

            # Signature encoding
            $bytesToHash = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($SignatureString)
            $keyBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($sharedKey)
            $sha256 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
            $sha256.Key = $keyBytes
            $calculatedHash = $sha256.ComputeHash($bytesToHash)
            $encodedHash = [Convert]::ToBase64String($calculatedHash)
            $authorization = 'SharedKey {0}:{1}' -f $customerId, $encodedHash

            return $authorization
        Catch { Write-Output "[ERROR] $($_)`n[ERROR] [$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)] $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName) >> $($_.InvocationInfo.Line.TrimStart())" }

        Send custom log to Log Analytics workspace.
    .PARAMETER CustomerId
        Set Log Analytics workspace customer id (customerId)
    .PARAMETER SharedKey
        Set Log Analytics workspace shared key (sharedKey)
        Set log content to send to Log Analytics
    .PARAMETER LogType
        Set log type (defines the table name) for the log to send to Log Analytics
        PS C:\> Send-LogToLogAnalytics -CustomerId <customerId> -SharedKey <sharedKey> -Log $jsonObject -LogType 'MyCustomLog'
        Send custom log to Log Analytics workspace.
        Author: JDMSFT
        Created: 21/03/21

    Function Send-LogToLogAnalytics ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$CustomerId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$SharedKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Log, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$LogType)
            # Set variables
            $contentLength = $Log.Length
            $contentType = "application/json"
            $resource = "/api/logs"
            $method = "POST"

            # Dates should use UTC (TimeZone used by Azure)
            $date_RFC1123 = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString("r")
            $date_ISO8661 = Get-Date ([DateTime]::UtcNow) -Format yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ
            # Set uri + headers
            $uri = "https://" + $customerId + "" + $resource + "?api-version=2016-04-01"

            $authorization = Build-LogAnalyticsSignature `
                -customerId $customerId `
                -sharedKey $sharedKey `
                -contentLength $contentLength `
                -contentType $contentType `
                -date $date_RFC1123 `
                -resource $resource `
                -method $method

            $headers = @{
                "Authorization"        = $authorization;
                "Log-Type"             = $logType;
                "x-ms-date"            = $date_RFC1123;
                "time-generated-field" = $date_ISO8661;

            # Send Log
            Write-Verbose "Sending log to log Analytics ..."
            $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method $method -ContentType $contentType -Headers $headers -Body $Log -UseBasicParsing

            # Get log send result
            If ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Output "Log sent to Log Analytics!" }
            Else { Write-Warning "Log not sent! [STATUS = $($response.StatusCode)]" }
        Catch { Write-Output "[ERROR] $($_)`n[ERROR] [$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)] $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName) >> $($_.InvocationInfo.Line.TrimStart())" }
Else { Remove-Module PSRequiredModules ; throw "Some required modules versions aren't imported/installed. Can't load this module. See PSRequiredModules data in module manifest for more details about required modules." }