
    Provides functions for retrieving Test Results attached to a build in Azure DevOps
    This module downloads the test results (TRX files, code coverage, etc.) associated
    with a build in Azure DevOps. Additionally, the dependencies of the TRX file can
    will be restored using the directory structure specified in the TRX, optionally being
    restored into a directory structure which is user-configurable. By default, the directory
    convention is organized to support third-party testing tools and uses the format:
    The specific directoy convention for TRX dependencies utilizes two special variables:
    Variable Description
    ------------------ -------------------
    $folder The directory structure specified in the TRX file
    $trxFolder A directory name based on the name of the TRX file
                                   with the file extension removed and spaces replaced
                                   with underscores.
    If you have any questions, suggestions, or bug reports, please contact Ken
    at kmuse@wintellect.com.
    The following cmdlets are included.
    Cmdlet Description
    ------------------ ----------------------------------------------
    Copy-TestResult Retrieves test results from a specific Azure DevOps build
                                   pipeline and places them in the specified output folder.
    Copy-TestResultToCommon Retrieves test results from the currently running Azure DevOps
                                   build pipeline and places them in the directory specified.
                                   by the COMMON_TESTRESULTSDIRECTORY environment variable
    Copy-TestResultToTemp Retrieves test results from the currently running Azure DevOps
                                   build pipeline and places them in the TestResults directory
                                   inside the director specified by the AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY
                                   environment variable.
    Online help and updates:
    GitHub repository: