
function Remove-AzDnsAsCodeZone
        Execute a request to create a new Azure DNS Zone
        Execute a request to create a new Azure DNS Zone
        Which rest method to use.
        Defaults to PUT
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionID
        Set Subscription ID
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
        Set ResourceGroup NAME (NOT ID!!!)
        PS C:\> Remove-AzDnsAsCodeZone -Name '' -RessourceGroupid '<RessourceGroupid>' -SubscriptionId '<SubscriptionId>'
        Remove a DNS Zone inside of Azure DNS Service

    param (
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)][String]$Name,

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)][String]$SubscriptionID,

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true)][String]$ResourceGroup

    #region Set uri
        $uri = "$SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/dnszones/$($Name)?api-version=$($script:APIversion)"
    #endregion Set uri
    #region send apicall
        Write-Output "Remove DNS Zone $($Name)"
        $response = AzAPICall -uri $uri -Method DELETE -currentTask "Remove DNSZone $($Name)"
    #endregion send apicall

    #region response
        Write-Output "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        Write-Output "Response ->"
    #region response