
function Get-KeyVaultCredential {
Fetches Azure Key Vault credentials using a managed service identity with a more lightweight approach than the Az powershell module
.\Get-AzFunctionsKeyVaultCredential.ps1 -Identifier
.\Get-AzFunctionsKeyVaultCredential.ps1 -KeyVaultName MYKEYVAULTNAME -KeyNme MYSECRET



    param (
        #The Identifier URI for the key or secret. This can be found on the object itself in the Azure Portal
        #The name of your Azure Key Vault
        #The name of the key you wish to fetch
        #The type of key you want to fetch. Valid entires are Secret, Key, and Certificate
        [ValidateSet('Secret','Key','Certificate')][Parameter(ParameterSetName='Components')]$KeyType = 'Secret'
    $endpoint = $env:MSI_ENDPOINT
    $secret = $env:MSI_SECRET

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Components') {
        [URI]$Identifier = "https://$$KeyType`s/$KeyName"

    #Sanity Checks
    if (-not $env:FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION) {throw "Did not detect the Azure Functions environment. You must run this within azure functions"}
    if (-not ($env:MSI_Endpoint -and $env:MSI_SECRET)) {throw "No managed services identity found. You must enable one first."}

    # Get Key Vault AuthN Token
    $authRequestParams = @{
        Method = 'GET'
        UseBasicParsing = $true
        Header = @{'Secret' = $secret}
        URI = $endpoint
        Body = @{
            resource = ''
            'api-version' = '2017-09-01'
    $authenticationResult = Invoke-RestMethod @AuthRequestParams
    $authToken = "Bearer $($authenticationResult.access_token)"

    # Fetch the Credential
    $CredRequestParams = @{
        Method = 'GET'
        UseBasicParsing = $true
        ContentType = 'application/json'
        Headers = @{Authorization = $authToken}
        Body = @{
            'api-version' = '2016-10-01'
        URI = $Identifier

    #Safely store the credresult securely in memory
    $credValue = New-Object SecureString
    (Invoke-RestMethod @credRequestParams).value.tochararray() | foreach {$credValue.appendchar($PSItem)}

    #Extract the credential name from the identifier
    $credName = ([uri]$Identifier).segments[2] -replace '/',''

    #Return the credential object
    New-Object PSCredential ($credName,$credValue)