
$ManifestPath = $Env:Onedrive + "\Documents\GitHub\AzLogDcrIngestPS\AzLogDcrIngestPS.psd1"

New-ModuleManifest  `
-Path $ManifestPath `
-Author "Morten Knudsen | Microsoft MVP | | @knudsenmortendk" `
-CompanyName "unknown" `
-Copyright "(c) 2023 Morten Knudsen (@knudsenmortendk)" `
-ModuleVersion "1.0.0" `
-PowerShellVersion "5.1" `
-FunctionsToExport "*" `
-CmdletsToExport '*' `
-VariablesToExport '*' `
-AliasesToExport '*' `
-NestedModules @() `
-ModuleList @() `
-ModuleToProcess 'AzLogDcrIngestPS.psm1' `
-FileList @("AzLogDcrIngestPS.psm1", "AzLogDcrIngestPS.psd1") `
-CompatiblePSEditions @("Core", "Desktop") `
-ReleaseNotes '' `
-Tags @("Microsoft","Azure","LogAnalytics","LogIngestion","REST","Logging","CustomLogs","DataCollectionRule","DCR") `
-LicenseUri '' `
-ProjectUri "" `
-HelpInfoUri "" `
-Description " `
This module includes cmdlets to automate all the processes to create and update Azure LogAnalytics tables and `
Azure Data Collection Rules to do log ingestion to Azure Loganalytics using Log ingestion API and Azure Data `
Collection Rules. `
Functions in module can be used for:
(1) manipulation of source object (fix invalid structure + remove unnecessary properties + add info like UserLoggedOn, `
Computer, CollectionTime), `
(2) Validation of environment (Azure LogAnalytics custom log tables, Azure Data Collection Rules, schema), `
(3) Management (create/update) of Azure LogAnalytics tables & Azure Data Collection Rules Management - with `
required schema-format and valid data set, `
(4) Targetting of where to send data using names - lookup of DCR/DCE infrastructure using Azure Resource Graph, `
(5) Post data to Azure LogAnalytics custom log tables using log ingestion API and Azure Data Collection Rules, `
(6) Management of existing Azure Data Collection Rules, `
(7) Management of existing Azure LogAnalytics custom log tables & Azure Data Collection Rules to update schema `
when source object structure changes, `
(8) Clean-up/maintenance of existing Azure LogAnalytics tables & Azure Data Collection Rules, `
(9) Clean-up/maintenance of existing Azure LogAnalytics custom log tables & Azure Data Collection Rules `
(10) Support functions needed (e.g. REST API connectivity) `
Change Log: `
v1.0.0 - Initial version "

    Register-PSRepository -Default -InstallationPolicy Trusted
    $parameters = @{
      Name = "myNuGetSource"
      SourceLocation = ""
      PublishLocation = ""
      InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted'
Register-PSRepository @parameters
Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer
Publish-Module -Name AzLogDcrIngestPS -NuGetApiKey oy2oodeh3ecun7bjtcfaswbd5honzrnuhj5gm2j7nubt7m