
Function CheckCreateUpdate-TableDcr-Structure
    Create or Update Azure Data Collection Rule (DCR) used for log ingestion to Azure LogAnalytics using Log Ingestion API (combined)
    Combined function which will combine 3 functions in one call:
    Data object
    .PARAMETER Tablename
    Specifies the table name in LogAnalytics
    .PARAMETER SchemaSourceObject
    This is the schema in hash table format coming from the source object
    .PARAMETER AzLogWorkspaceResourceId
    This is the Loganaytics Resource Id
    .PARAMETER DceName
    This is name of the Data Collection Endpoint to use for the upload
    Function will automatically look check in a global variable ($global:AzDceDetails) - or do a query using Azure Resource Graph to find DCE with name
    Goal is to find the log ingestion Uri on the DCE
    Variable $global:AzDceDetails can be build before calling this cmdlet using this syntax
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose -Verbose:$Verbose
    .PARAMETER DcrName
    This is name of the Data Collection Rule to use for the upload
    Function will automatically look check in a global variable ($global:AzDcrDetails) - or do a query using Azure Resource Graph to find DCR with name
    Goal is to find the DCR immunetable id on the DCR
    Variable $global:AzDcrDetails can be build before calling this cmdlet using this syntax
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose -Verbose:$Verbose
    .PARAMETER TableName
    This is tablename of the LogAnalytics table (and is also used in the DCR naming)
    .PARAMETER AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel
    Choose TRUE if you want to set Monitoring Publishing Contributor permissions on DCR level
    Choose FALSE if you would like to use inherited permissions from the resource group level (recommended)
    .PARAMETER LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId
    This is the object id of the Azure App service-principal
    NOTE: Not the object id of the Azure app, but Object Id of the service principal (!)
    .PARAMETER AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine
    Array with list of computers, where schema management can be done
    .PARAMETER AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine
    True means schema changes can be made from any computer - FALSE means it can only happen from reference machine(s)
    This is the Azure app id
    .PARAMETER AzAppSecret
    This is the secret of the Azure app
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    This is the Azure AD tenant id
    None. You cannot pipe objects
    Output of REST PUT command. Should be 200 for success
    # Variables
    $TableName = 'InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2' # must not contain _CL
    $DcrName = "dcr-" + $AzDcrPrefixClient + "-" + $TableName + "_CL"
    $TenantId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppId = "xxxxx"
    $LogIngestAppSecret = "xxxxx"
    $DceName = "dce-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/log-platform-management-client-demo1-p"
    $AzDcrPrefixClient = "clt1"
    $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel = $false
    $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId = "xxxxxx"
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine = @()
    $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine = $true
    # building global variable with all DCEs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDceDetails = Get-AzDceListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # building global variable with all DCRs, which can be viewed by Log Ingestion app
    $global:AzDcrDetails = Get-AzDcrListAll -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
    # Collecting data (in)
    Write-Output ""
    Write-Output "Collecting OS information"
    $DataVariable = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    # Preparing data structure
    # convert CIM array to PSCustomObject and remove CIM class information
    $DataVariable = Convert-CimArrayToObjectFixStructure -data $DataVariable
    # add CollectionTime to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-CollectionTimeToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable
    # add Computer & UserLoggedOn info to existing array
    $DataVariable = Add-ColumnDataToAllEntriesInArray -Data $DataVariable -Column1Name Computer -Column1Data $Env:ComputerName -Column2Name UserLoggedOn -Column2Data $UserLoggedOn
    # Validating/fixing schema data structure of source data
    $DataVariable = ValidateFix-AzLogAnalyticsTableSchemaColumnNames -Data $DataVariable
    # Aligning data structure with schema (requirement for DCR)
    $DataVariable = Build-DataArrayToAlignWithSchema -Data $DataVariable
    # Create/Update Schema for LogAnalytics Table & Data Collection Rule schema
    CheckCreateUpdate-TableDcr-Structure -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId `
                                            -AzAppId $LogIngestAppId -AzAppSecret $LogIngestAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId `
                                            -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -TableName $TableName -Data $DataVariable `
                                            -LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId $AzDcrLogIngestServicePrincipalObjectId `
                                            -AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel `
                                            -AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine `
                                            -AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine
    # Output
    Collecting OS information
    VERBOSE: Checking LogAnalytics table and Data Collection Rule configuration .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: LogAnalytics table wasn't found !
    VERBOSE: DCR was not found [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ]
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Trying to update existing LogAnalytics table schema for table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] in
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/works
    VERBOSE: PATCH with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 7764-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: LogAnalytics Table doesn't exist or problems detected .... creating table [ InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] in
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-logworkspaces/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/works
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 7764-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"totalRetentionInDays":30,"archiveRetentionInDays":0,"plan":"Analytics","retentionInDaysAsDefault":tru
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:c7ec48f5-2684-46e8-accb-45e7dbec242b
                        X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
                        api-supported-versions: 2015-03-20, 2015-11-01-preview, 2017-01-...
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Request-Context, appId=cid-v1:c7ec48f5-2684-46e8-accb-45e7dbec242b], [X-Content-Type-Options, n
                        osniff], [api-supported-versions, 2015-03-20, 2015-11-01-preview, 2017-01-01-preview, 2017-03-03-preview, 2017-03-15-
                        preview, 2017-04-26-preview, 2020-03-01-preview, 2020-08-01, 2020-10-01, 2021-03-01-privatepreview, 2021-07-01-privat
                        epreview, 2021-12-01-preview, 2022-09-01-privatepreview, 2022-10-01]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 7764
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1342-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Found required DCE info using Azure Resource Graph
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 898-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Found required LogAnalytics info
    VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 291-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: Creating/updating DCR [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] with limited payload
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/providers/micros
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 2094-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"immutableId":"dcr-3433400ee8ca4570b606a9a21f2eea79","dataCollectionEndpointId":"/subscriptions/fce4f2
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Vary: Accept-Encoding
                        x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests: 149
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Vary, Accept-Encoding], [x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests, 149], [Reques
                        t-Context, appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 2094
    VERBOSE: Updating DCR [ dcr-clt1-InvClientComputerOSInfoTest4V2_CL ] with full schema
    VERBOSE: /subscriptions/fce4f282-fcc6-43fb-94d8-bf1701b862c3/resourceGroups/rg-dcr-log-platform-management-client-demo1-p/providers/micros
    VERBOSE: PUT with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 4546-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content : {"properties":{"immutableId":"dcr-3433400ee8ca4570b606a9a21f2eea79","dataCollectionEndpointId":"/subscriptions/fce4f2
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Pragma: no-cache
                        Vary: Accept-Encoding
                        x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests: 148
                        Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3
    Forms : {}
    Headers : {[Pragma, no-cache], [Vary, Accept-Encoding], [x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-subscription-resource-requests, 148], [Reques
                        t-Context, appId=cid-v1:2bbfbac8-e1b0-44af-b9c6-3a40669d37e3]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 4546
    VERBOSE: Waiting 10 sec to let Azure sync up so DCR rule can be retrieved from Azure Resource Graph
    VERBOSE: Getting Data Collection Rules from Azure Resource Graph .... Please Wait !
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 1468-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8
    VERBOSE: POST with -1-byte payload
    VERBOSE: received 104224-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8


    # Create/Update Schema for LogAnalytics Table & Data Collection Rule schema

        If ( ($AzAppId) -and ($AzAppSecret) )
                # Check if table and DCR exist - or schema must be updated due to source object schema changes
                    # Get insight about the schema structure
                    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsArray -Data $Data
                    $StructureCheck = Get-AzLogAnalyticsTableAzDataCollectionRuleStatus -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId -TableName $TableName -DcrName $DcrName -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                                        -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose

                # Structure check = $true -> Create/update table & DCR with necessary schema

                    If ($StructureCheck -eq $true)
                            If ( ( $env:COMPUTERNAME -in $AzLogDcrTableCreateFromReferenceMachine) -or ($AzLogDcrTableCreateFromAnyMachine -eq $true) )    # manage table creations
                                    # build schema to be used for LogAnalytics Table
                                    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $Data -ReturnType Table -Verbose:$Verbose

                                    CreateUpdate-AzLogAnalyticsCustomLogTableDcr -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema -TableName $TableName `
                                                                                 -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose 

                                    # build schema to be used for DCR
                                    $Schema = Get-ObjectSchemaAsHash -Data $Data -ReturnType DCR

                                    CreateUpdate-AzDataCollectionRuleLogIngestCustomLog -AzLogWorkspaceResourceId $AzLogWorkspaceResourceId -SchemaSourceObject $Schema `
                                                                                        -DceName $DceName -DcrName $DcrName -TableName $TableName `
                                                                                        -LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId $LogIngestServicePricipleObjectId `
                                                                                        -AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel $AzDcrSetLogIngestApiAppPermissionsDcrLevel `
                                                                                        -AzAppId $AzAppId -AzAppSecret $AzAppSecret -TenantId $TenantId -Verbose:$Verbose
                } # create table/DCR