
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks

    'Assert-AzOpsInitialization.NoCache'                                            = 'The cache of existing Management Groups and subscriptions has not yet been built! Run Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment to build it.' #
    'Assert-AzOpsInitialization.StateError'                                         = 'The state path offered contains invalid characters and cannot be used in the current filesystem' #

    'Assert-AzOpsWindowsLongPath.Failed'                                            = 'Windows not sufficiently configured for long paths! Follow instructions for "Enabling long paths on Windows" on https://aka.ms/es/quickstart.' #
    'Assert-AzOpsWindowsLongPath.No.GitCfg'                                         = 'Git has not been configured for long path support' #
    'Assert-AzOpsWindowsLongPath.No.Registry'                                       = 'Windows has not yet been configured for long path support' #
    'Assert-AzOpsWindowsLongPath.Validating'                                        = 'Validating Windows environment for LongPath support' #

    'Assert-AzOpsJqDependency.Validating'                                           = 'Validating if jq is in current path' #
    'Assert-AzOpsJqDependency.Success'                                              = 'Supported version of jq found in current path' #

    'Assert-AzOpsBicepDependency.Validating'                                        = 'Validating if bicep is in current path' #
    'Assert-AzOpsBicepDependency.Success'                                           = 'Bicep found in current path' #
    'Assert-AzOpsBicepDependency.NotFound'                                          = 'Unable to locate bicep binary. Will not be able to deploy bicep templates.' #

    'AzOpsScope.GetAzOpsManagementGroupPath.NotFound'                               = 'Management Group not found: {0}' # $managementgroupName
    'AzOpsScope.GetAzOpsResourcePath.NotFound'                                      = 'Unable to determine Resource Scope for: {0}' # $this.Scope
    'AzOpsScope.GetAzOpsResourcePath.Retrieving'                                    = 'Getting Resource path for: {0}' # $this.Scope
    'AzOpsScope.GetManagementGroupName.Found.Azure'                                 = 'Management Group found in Azure: {0}' # $mgDisplayName
    'AzOpsScope.GetManagementGroupName.NotFound'                                    = 'Management Group not found in Azure. Using directory name instead: {0}' # $mgId
    'AzOpsScope.GetSubscription.Found'                                              = 'SubscriptionId found in Azure: {0}' # $sub.Id
    'AzOpsScope.GetSubscription.NotFound'                                           = 'SubscriptionId not found in Azure. Using directory name instead: {0}' # $subId
    'AzOpsScope.GetSubscriptionDisplayName.Found'                                   = 'Subscription DisplayName found in Azure: {0}' # $sub.displayName
    'AzOpsScope.GetSubscriptionDisplayName.NotFound'                                = 'Subscription DisplayName not found in Azure. Using directory name instead: {0}' # $subId
    'AzOpsScope.Input.FromFileName.ManagementGroup'                                 = 'Determining management group name from file name {0}' # ($children.FullName -join ', ')
    'AzOpsScope.Input.FromFileName.Subscription'                                    = 'Determining subscription name from file name {0}' # ($children.FullName -join ', ')
    'AzOpsScope.Input.FromFileName.ResourceGroup'                                   = 'Determining resource group name from file name {0}' # ($children.FullName -join ', ')
    'AzOpsScope.Input.BadData.ManagementGroup'                                      = '{0} does not contain .parameters.input.value.Id' # ($children.FullName -join ', ')
    'AzOpsScope.Input.BadData.ResourceGroup'                                        = 'Invalid Resource Group Data! Validate integrity of {0}' # ($children.FullName -join ', ')
    'AzOpsScope.Input.BadData.Subscription'                                         = 'Invalid Subscription Data! Validate integrity of {0}' # ($children.FullName -join ', ')
    'AzOpsScope.Input.BadData.UnknownType'                                          = 'Invalid File Structure! Cannot find Management Group / Subscription / Resource Group files in {0}!' # $Path
    'AzOpsScope.Input.BadData.TemplateParameterFile'                                = 'Unable to determine type from Template or Template Parameter file: {0}' # filename
    'AzOpsScope.Constructor'                                                        = 'Calling Constructor with value {0}' # scope
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariables'                                          = 'Calling InitializeMemberVariablesFromDirectory with value {0}' # scope
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariables.Start'                                    = 'Calling InitializeMemberVariables with scope {0}' # Scope
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariables.End'                                      = 'Calling InitializeMemberVariables with scope {0}' # Scope
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromDirectory'                             = 'Calling InitializeMemberVariablesFromDirectory with value {0}' # scope
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromDirectory.RootTenant'                  = 'Scope is determined to be tenant root scope: {0}' # scope
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromDirectory.AutoGeneratedFolderPath'     = 'Appended AutoGeneratedTemplateFolderPath {0}'
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromDirectory.ParentSubscription'          = 'Determining parent subscription of resourece group {0}' # subscription
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile'                                  = 'Calling InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile with value {0}' # scope
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.NotJson'                          = 'Input is not json. using directory to determine scope {0}' # path
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.ResourceId'                       = 'Determine scope based on ResourceId {0}' # ResourceId
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.Id'                               = 'Determine scope based on Id {0}' # Id
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.Type'                             = 'Determine scope based on Type {0}' # Type
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.ResourceType'                     = 'Determine scope based on ResourceType {0}' # ResourceType
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.managementgroups'                 = 'Determine scope based on ResourceType managementgroups {0}' # ResourceType
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.subscriptions'                    = 'Determine scope based on ResourceType subscriptions {0}' # ResourceType
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.resourceGroups'                   = 'Determine scope based on ResourceType resourceGroups {0}' # ResourceType
    'AzOpsScope.InitializeMemberVariablesFromFile.resource'                         = 'Determine scope based on Resource Type {0} and Resource Name {1}' # ResourceType and #Resource Name

    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.Exporting'                                                = 'Exporting AzOpsState to {0}' # $resourceData.ObjectFilePath
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.Exporting.Default'                                        = 'Exporting input resource to AzOpsState to {0}' # $resourceData.ObjectFilePath
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.File.Create'                                              = 'AzOpsState file not found. Creating new: {0}' # $ObjectFilePath
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.File.InvalidCharacter'                                    = 'The specified AzOpsState file contains invalid characters (remove any "[" or "]" characters)! Skipping {0}' # $ObjectFilePath
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.File.UseExisting'                                         = 'AzOpsState file is found. Using existing file: {0}' # $ObjectFilePath
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.NoExportPath'                                             = 'No export path found for {0}. Ensure the original data type remains intact or specify an -ExportPath' # $Resource
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.Processing'                                               = 'Processing input: {0}' # $Resource
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.ResourceError'                                            = 'Error processing resource: {0}' # $Resource
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.Starting'                                                 = 'Starting conversion to AzOps State object' #
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.StateConfig.Error'                                        = 'Cannot load {0}, is the json schema valid and does the file exist?' # (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'AzOps.General.StateConfig')
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.StatePath'                                                = 'Resolve path to resource state {0}' # $resourceData.ObjectFilePath
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.File.JQError'                                             = 'Jq filter error {0}' # $Resource.ObjectFilePath
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.GenerateTemplateParameter'                                = 'Generating template parameter: {0}' # $generateTemplateParameter
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.GenerateTemplate'                                         = 'Generating template: {0}' # $generateTemplateParameter
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.GenerateTemplate.ProviderNamespace'                       = 'Provider namespace: {0}' # $providerNamespace
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.GenerateTemplate.ResourceTypeName'                        = 'Resource type: {0}' # $resourceTypeName
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.GenerateTemplate.ResourceApiTypeName'                     = 'Resource api type: {0}' # $resourceApiTypeName
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.GenerateTemplate.ApiVersion'                              = 'Determined api version: {1} for resource type name: {0}' # $resourceType, $apiVersions
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.GenerateTemplate.NoApiVersion'                            = 'Unable to determine api version from resource type name: {0}' # $resourceTypeName
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.GenerateTemplate.ChildResource'                           = 'Appending child resource name: {0}' # $resourceName
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.ObjectType.Resolved.Generic'                              = 'Unable to determine object type: {0}' # $($_.GetType())
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.ObjectType.Resolved.PSObject'                             = 'Determined object type based on PowerShell class {0}' # $($_.GetType())
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.ObjectType.Resolved.ResourceType'                         = 'Determined object type based on resourceType {0}' # $Resource.ResourceType
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.Jq.Remove'                                                = 'Using Jq Remove Template at path {0}'# jqRemoveTemplate
    'ConvertTo-AzOpsState.Jq.Template'                                              = 'Using Jq Json Template at path {0}'# jqRemoveTemplate

    'Get-AzOpsPolicyAssignment.ManagementGroup'                                     = 'Retrieving Policy Assignment for Management Group {0} ({1})' # $ScopeObject.ManagementGroupDisplayName, $ScopeObject.ManagementGroup
    'Get-AzOpsPolicyAssignment.ResourceGroup'                                       = 'Retrieving Policy Assignment for Resource Group {0}' # $ScopeObject.ResourceGroup
    'Get-AzOpsPolicyAssignment.Subscription'                                        = 'Retrieving Policy Assignment for Subscription {0} ({1})' # $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription

    'Get-AzOpsPolicyDefinition.ManagementGroup'                                     = 'Retrieving custom policy definitions for Management Group [{0}] ({1})' # $ScopeObject.ManagementGroupDisplayName, $ScopeObject.ManagementGroup
    'Get-AzOpsPolicyDefinition.Subscription'                                        = 'Retrieving custom policy definitions for Subscription [{0}] ({1})' # $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription

    'Get-AzOpsPolicyExemption.ManagementGroup'                                     = 'Retrieving Policy Exemption for Management Group {0} ({1})' # $ScopeObject.ManagementGroupDisplayName, $ScopeObject.ManagementGroup
    'Get-AzOpsPolicyExemption.ResourceGroup'                                       = 'Retrieving Policy Exemption for Resource Group {0}' # $ScopeObject.ResourceGroup
    'Get-AzOpsPolicyExemption.Subscription'                                        = 'Retrieving Policy Exemption for Subscription {0} ({1})' # $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription

    'Get-AzOpsPolicySetDefinition.ManagementGroup'                                  = 'Retrieving PolicySet Definition for ManagementGroup {0} ({1})' # $ScopeObject.ManagementGroupDisplayName, $ScopeObject.ManagementGroup
    'Get-AzOpsPolicySetDefinition.Subscription'                                     = 'Retrieving PolicySet Definition for Subscription {0} ({1})' # $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription

    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Finished'                                          = 'Finished processing scope [{0}]' # $scopeObject.Scope
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.ManagementGroup.Processing'                        = 'Processing Management Group [{0}] ({1})' # $ScopeObject.ManagementGroupDisplayName, $ScopeObject.ManagementGroup
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.ManagementGroup.Subscription.NotFound'             = 'Unable to locate subscription: {0} within AzOpsSubscriptions object' #child.Name
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Processing'                                        = 'Processing scope: [{0}]' # $Scope
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Processing.Detail'                                 = 'Processing detail: {0} for [{1}]' # 'Policy Definitions', $scopeObject.Scope
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Processing.NotFound'                               = 'Scope [{0}] not found in Azure or it is excluded' # $Scope
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Resource.Processing'                               = 'Processing Resource [{0}] in Resource Group [{1}]' # $ScopeObject.Resource, $ScopeObject.ResourceGroup
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Resource.Processing.Failed'                        = 'Unable to process Resource [{0}] in Resource Group [{1]' # $ScopeObject.Resource, $ScopeObject.ResourceGroup
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.ResourceGroup.Processing'                          = 'Processing Resource Group [{0}] in Subscription [{1}] ({2})' # $ScopeObject.Resourcegroup, $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.ResourceGroup.Processing.Error'                    = 'Failed to access Resource Group [{0}] in Subscription [{1}] ({2})' # $ScopeObject.Resourcegroup, $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.ResourceGroup.Processing.Owned'                    = 'Skipping {0} as it is managed by {1}' # $resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName, $resourceGroup.ManagedBy
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.Found'                                = 'Found Subscription: {0} ({1})' # $scopeObject.subscriptionDisplayName, $scopeObject.subscription
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.NoResourceGroup'                      = 'No non-managed Resource Group found in Subscription [{0}] ({1})' # $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.OdataFilter'                          = 'Setting Odatafilter: {0}' # $odataFilter
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.Processing'                           = 'Processing Subscription [{0}] ({1})' # $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.Processing.Resource'                  = 'Processing Resource [{0}] in Resource Group [{1}]' # $resource.Name, $resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.Processing.ResourceGroup'             = 'Processing Resource Group [{0}]' # $resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.Processing.ResourceGroup.NoResources' = 'No resources found in Resource Group [{0}]' # $resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.Processing.ResourceGroup.Resources'   = 'Searching for resources in Resource Group [{0}]' # $resourceGroup.ResourceGroupName
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.SkippingResourceGroup'                = 'SkipResourceGroup switch used, skipping Resource Group discovery' #
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.ExcludeResourceGroup'                 = 'Subscription is skipped due to SubscriptionsToIncludeResourceGroups' #
    'Get-AzOpsResourceDefinition.Subscription.SkippingResources'                    = 'Resources are skipped in resource group due to SkipResource.' #

    'Get-AzOpsRoleAssignment.Assignment'                                            = 'Found assignment {0} for role {1}' # $roleAssignment.DisplayName, $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionName
    'Get-AzOpsRoleAssignment.Processing'                                            = 'Retrieving Role Assignments at scope {0}' # $ScopeObject

    'Get-AzOpsRoleDefinition.NonAuthorative'                                        = 'Role Definition {0} exists at {1} however it is not authoritative. Current authoritative scope is {2}' # $roledefinition,Id, $ScopeObject.Scope, $roledefinition.AssignableScopes[0]
    'Get-AzOpsRoleDefinition.Processing'                                            = 'Processing {0}' # $ScopeObject

    'Get-AzOpsSubscription.Excluded.Offers'                                         = 'Excluded subscription offers: {0}' # ($ExcludedOffers -join ',')
    'Get-AzOpsSubscription.Excluded.States'                                         = 'Excluded subscription states: {0}' # ($ExcludedStates -join ',')
    'Get-AzOpsSubscription.NoSubscriptions'                                         = 'No relevant subscriptions found!' #
    'Get-AzOpsSubscription.Subscriptions.Excluded'                                  = 'Number of subscriptions excluded: {0}' # ($allSubscriptionsResults.Count - $includedSubscriptions.Count)
    'Get-AzOpsSubscription.Subscriptions.Found'                                     = 'Number of subscriptions found: {0}' # $allSubscriptionsResults.Count
    'Get-AzOpsSubscription.Subscriptions.Included'                                  = 'Number of subscriptions included: {0}' # $includedSubscriptions.Count
    'Get-AzOpsSubscription.Subscriptions.PastDue'                                   = 'Number of included subscriptions in the state "PastDue": {0}' # ($includedSubscriptions | Where-Object State -EQ PastDue).Count

    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.AzureContext.No'                                   = 'No context available in Az PowerShell. Please use Connect-AzAccount and connect before using the command' #
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.AzureContext.TooMany'                              = 'Unsupported number of tenants in context: {0} TenantIDs TenantIDs: {1} Please reconnect with Connect-AzAccount using an account/service principal that only have access to one tenant' # $azContextTenants.Count, ($azContextTenants -join ',')
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.Initializing'                                      = 'Starting AzOps environment initialization' #
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.ManagementGroup.Expanding'                         = 'Expanding management groups under {0}' # $mgmtGroup.Name
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.ManagementGroup.NoRootPermissions'                 = 'Principal {0} does not have permissions under / in tenant, enabling partial discovery' # $currentAzContext.Account.Id
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.ManagementGroup.PartialDiscovery'                  = 'Executing partial discovery' #
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.ManagementGroup.Resolution'                        = 'Resolving {0} management groups' # $managementGroups.Count
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.ManagementGroup.NoManagementGroupAccess'           = 'No management group access, discovery will happen from subscription scope(s)'
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.Processing'                                        = 'Processing AzOps environment' #
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.Processing.Completed'                              = 'AzOps environment initialization concluded' #
    'Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment.UsingCache'                                        = 'Using cached values for AzOpsAzManagementGroup and AzOpsSubscriptions' #

    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Deleting.State'                                     = 'Removing state in {0}' # $StatePath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Duration'                                           = 'AzOps repository setup completed in {0}' # $stopWatch.Elapsed
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Initialization.Completed'                           = 'Completed preparations for the AzOps repository setup' #
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Initialization.Starting'                            = 'Starting preparations for the AzOps repository setup' #
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Migration.Required'                                 = 'Migration from previous repository state IS required' #
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Rebuilding.State'                                   = 'Rebuilding state in {0}' # $StatePath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Tenant'                                             = 'Connected to tenant {0}' # $tenantId
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.TemplateParameterFileSuffix'                        = 'Connected to tenant {0}' # $TemplateParameterFileSuffix
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Validating.UserRole'                                = 'Asserting fundamental Azure access' #
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Validating.UserRole.Failed'                         = 'Insufficient access to Azure user data' #
    'Invoke-AzOpsPull.Validating.UserRole.Success'                        = 'Azure access validated' #

    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Change.AddModify'                                           = 'Adding or modifying:' #
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Change.AddModify.File'                                      = ' {0}' # $item
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Change.Delete'                                              = 'Deleting:' #
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Change.Delete.File'                                         = ' {0}' # $item
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Deploy.ProviderFeature'                                     = 'Invoking new state deployment - *.providerfeatures.json for a file {0}' # $addition
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Deploy.ResourceProvider'                                    = 'Invoking new state deployment - *.resourceproviders.json for a file {0}' # $addition
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Deploy.Subscription'                                        = 'Invoking new state deployment - *.subscription.json for a file {0}' # $addition
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Deployment.Required'                                        = 'Deployment required' #
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.ConvertBicepTemplate'                               = 'Converting Bicep template ({0}) to standard ARM Template JSON ({1})' # $FilePath, $templatePath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.FoundTemplate'                                      = 'Found template {1} for parameters {0}' # $FilePath, $templatePath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.FoundBicepTemplate'                                 = 'Found Bicep template {1} for parameters {0}' # $FilePath, $templatePath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.FromMainTemplate'                                   = 'Determining template from main template file: {0}' # $mainTemplateItem.FullName
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.MainTemplate.NotSupported'                          = 'effectiveResourceType: {0} AzOpsMainTemplate does NOT supports resource type {0} in {1}. Deployment will be ignored' # $effectiveResourceType, $AzOpsMainTemplate.FullName
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.MainTemplate.Supported'                             = 'effectiveResourceType: {0} - AzOpsMainTemplate supports resource type {0} in {1}' # $effectiveResourceType, $AzOpsMainTemplate.FullName
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.NoJson'                                             = 'The specified file is not a json file at all! Skipping {0}' # $fileItem.FullName
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.NotFoundTemplate'                                   = 'Did NOT find template {1} for parameters {0}' # $FilePath, $templatePath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.ParameterFound'                                     = 'Found parameter file for template {0} : {1}' # $FilePath, $parameterPath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Resolve.ParameterNotFound'                                  = 'No parameter file found for template {0} : {1}' # $FilePath, $parameterPath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Scope.Failed'                                               = 'Failed to read {0} as part of {1}' # $addition, $StatePath
    'Invoke-AzOpsPush.Scope.NotFound'                                             = 'Skipping {0}, not part of {1}' # $addition, $StatePath

    'Invoke-AzOpsNativeCommand.Failed.NoCallstack'                                  = 'Execution of {{{0}}} failed with exit code {1}' # $ScriptBlock, $LASTEXITCODE
    'Invoke-AzOpsNativeCommand.Failed.WithCallstack'                                = 'Execution of {{{0}}} by {1}: line {2} failed with exit code {3}' # $ScriptBlock, $caller[1].ScriptName, $caller[1].ScriptLineNumber, $LASTEXITCODE

    'Invoke-AzOpsScriptBlock.Failed.GivingUp'                                       = 'Tried unsuccessfully {0} out of {1} times, giving up.' # $count, $RetryCount
    'Invoke-AzOpsScriptBlock.Failed.WillRetry'                                      = 'Tried unsuccessfully {0} out of {1} times, keeping up the fight!' # $count, $RetryCount

    'New-AzOpsScope.Creating.FromFile'                                              = 'Creating a new scope from a path' #
    'New-AzOpsScope.Creating.FromScope'                                             = 'Creating new AzOpsScope object using scope [{0}]' # $Scope
    'New-AzOpsScope.Path.InvalidRoot'                                               = 'Path "{0}" must be a path under "{1}" !' # $Path, $StatePath
    'New-AzOpsScope.Path.NotFound'                                                  = 'Path not found: {0}' # $Path
    'New-AzOpsScope.Starting'                                                       = 'Starting creation of new scope object' #

    'New-AzOpsDeployment.ManagementGroup.Processing'                                = 'Attempting [Management Group] deployment in [{0}] for {1}' # $defaultDeploymentRegion, $scopeObject
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.Processing'                                                = 'Processing deployment {0} for template {1} with parameter "{2}" in mode {3}' # $DeploymentName, $TemplateFilePath, $TemplateParameterFilePath, $Mode
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.ResourceGroup.Processing'                                  = 'Attempting [Resource Group] deployment for {0}' # $scopeObject
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.Root.Processing'                                           = 'Attempting [Tenant Scope] deployment in [{0}] for {1}' # $defaultDeploymentRegion, $scopeObject
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.Scope.Empty'                                               = 'Unable to determine the scope of template {0} and parameters {1}' # $TemplateFilePath, $TemplateParameterFilePath
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.Scope.Failed'                                              = 'Failed to resolve the scope for template {0} and parameters {1}' # $TemplateFilePath, $TemplateParameterFilePath
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.Scope.Unidentified'                                        = 'Unable to determine to scope type for this Az deployment : {0}' # $scopeObject
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.Subscription.Processing'                                   = 'Attempting [Subscription] deployment in [{0}] for {1}' # $defaultDeploymentRegion, $scopeObject
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.TemplateParameterError'                                    = 'Error due to empty parameter - will not attempt to deploy template. Error can be ignored for bicep modules.' # $
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.TemplateError'                                             = 'Error validating template: {0}' # $TemplateFilePath
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.WhatIfWarning'                                             = 'Error returned from WhatIf API: {0}' # $resultsError
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.WhatIfResults'                                             = 'WhatIf Results: {0}' # $TemplateFilePath
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.WhatIfFile'                                                = 'Creating WhatIf Results file'
    'New-AzOpsDeployment.SkipDueToWhatIf'                                           = 'Skipping deployment due to WhatIf' #

    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.EnrollmentAccount.First'                              = 'No enrollment account defined, using the first account found: {0}' # @($enrollmentAccounts)[0].PrincipalName
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.EnrollmentAccount.Selected'                           = 'Using the defined enrollment account {0}' # $cfgEnrollmentAccount
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.InvalidScope'                                         = 'Unable to determine scope type for {0}, skipping' # $FileName
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.NoEnrollmentAccount'                                  = 'No Azure Enrollment account found for current Azure context' #
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.NoEnrollmentAccount.Solution'                         = 'Create new Azure role assignment for service principal used for pipeline: New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId <application-Id> -RoleDefinitionName Owner -Scope /providers/Microsoft.Billing/enrollmentAccounts/<object-Id>' #
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.Processing'                                           = 'Processing new state deployment for {0}' # $FileName
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.Subscription'                                         = 'Upserting subscriptions for {0}' # $FileName
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.Subscription.AssignManagementGroup'                   = 'Assigning subscription {0} to management group {1}' # $subscription.Name, $scopeObject.ManagementGroupDisplayName
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.Subscription.Creating'                                = 'Creating new subscription: {0}' # $scopeObject.Name
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.Subscription.Exists'                                  = 'Existing subscription found: {0} ({1})' # $subscription.Name, $subscription.Id
    'New-AzOpsStateDeployment.Subscription.New'                                     = 'Creating new subscription for {0}' # $FileName

    'Register-AzOpsProviderFeature.Context.Failed'                                  = 'Failed to switch content to subscription {0}' # $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName
    'Register-AzOpsProviderFeature.Context.Switching'                               = 'Switching Subscription context from {0}/{1} to {2}/{3}' # $currentContext.Subscription.Name, $CurrentAzContext.Subscription.Id, $ScopeObject.Subscription, $ScopeObject.Name
    'Register-AzOpsProviderFeature.Processing'                                      = 'Processing provider feature {0} from {1}' # $ScopeObject, $FileName
    'Register-AzOpsProviderFeature.Provider.Feature'                                = 'Registering Feature {0} in Provider {1} namespace' # $ProviderFeature.FeatureName, $ProviderFeature.ProviderName

    'Register-AzOpsResourceProvider.Context.Failed'                                 = 'Failed to switch content to subscription {0}' # $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName
    'Register-AzOpsResourceProvider.Context.Switching'                              = 'Switching Subscription context from {0}/{1} to {2}/{3}' # $currentContext.Subscription.Name, $CurrentAzContext.Subscription.Id, $ScopeObject.Subscription, $ScopeObject.Name
    'Register-AzOpsResourceProvider.Processing'                                     = 'Processing resource provider {0} from {1}' # $ScopeObject, $FileName
    'Register-AzOpsResourceProvider.Provider.Register'                              = 'Registering provider {0}' # $resourceprovider.ProviderNamespace

    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.Processing'                                             = 'Processing deployment {0} for template {1}' # $DeploymentName, $TemplateFilePath
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.Metadata.Failed'                                        = 'This is user defined template {0} . Resource Deletion is only defined for Azops Generated template' #$TemplateFilePath
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.Metadata.Success'                                       = 'Processing AzOps Generated Template File {0}' # $TemplateFilePath
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.Scope.Failed'                                           = 'Failed to resolve the scope for template {0}' # $TemplateFilePath
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.Scope.Empty'                                            = 'Unable to determine the scope of template {0}' # $TemplateFilePath
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.SkipDueToWhatIf'                                        = 'Skipping deployment due to WhatIf' #
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.RemoveRoleAssignment.NoRoleAssignmentFound'             = 'Unable to find Role assignment with id {0} resulted in error {1}'# $roleAssignmentId,$resultsError
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.RemovePolicyAssignment.NoPolicyAssignmentFound'         = 'Unable to find Policy assignment with id {0} resulted in error {1}'# $policyAssignmentId,$resultsError
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.RemoveAssignment.MissingPermissionOnContext'            = 'This Context {0} dont have permission to remove on scope {1}'# $context.Account.id, $Id
    'Remove-AzOpsDeployment.SkipUnsupportedResource'                                = 'Currently only Role Assignment and Policy Assignment resource deletion is supported. Hence, skiping any other Resouce deletion of file {0}'# $templateFilePath

    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Creating.Scope'                              = 'Creating scope object' #
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Data.Directory'                              = 'Resolved state path directory: {0}' # $statepathDirectory
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Data.FileName'                               = 'Resolved state path filename: {0}' # $statepathFileName
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Data.ScopeDirectory'                         = 'Resolved state path scope directory: {0}' # $statepathScopeDirectory
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Data.ScopeDirectoryParent'                   = 'Resolved state path scope directory parent: {0}' # $statepathScopeDirectoryParent
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Data.StatePath'                              = 'Resolved state path: {0}' # $scopeStatepath
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Moving.Destination'                          = 'Moved existing state file to: {0}' # $statepathScopeDirectoryParent
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Moving.Source'                               = 'Found existing state file in directory: {0}' # $exisitingScopePath
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.New.File'                                    = 'Creating new state file: {0}' # $statepathFileName
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Processing'                                  = 'Processing Scope: {0}' # $scopeObject.Scope
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Starting'                                    = 'Starting execution' #
    'Save-AzOpsManagementGroupChildren.Subscription.NotFound'                       = 'Unable to locate subscription: {0} within AzOpsSubscriptions object' #child.Name

    'Set-AzOpsContext.Change'                                                       = 'Changing active subscription from {0} to {1} ({2})' # $context.Subscription.Name, $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription
    'Set-AzOpsWhatIfOutput.WhatIfFile'                                              = 'Creating WhatIf markdown and json files' #
    'Set-AzOpsWhatIfOutput.WhatIfResults'                                           = 'WhatIf Output {0}'