
function Get-AzOpsResourceLock {

            Discover resource locks at the provided scope (Subscription or resource group)
            Discover resource locks at the provided scope (Subscription or resource group)
        .PARAMETER ScopeObject
            The scope object representing the azure entity to retrieve resource locks from.
        .PARAMETER StatePath
            > Get-AzOpsResourceLock -ScopeObject xxx
            Discover all resource locks deployed at resource group scope

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    process {
        if ($ScopeObject.Type -notin 'resourceGroups', 'subscriptions') {
        switch ($ScopeObject.Type) {
            subscriptions {
                # ScopeObject is a subscription
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -String 'Get-AzOpsResourceLock.Subscription' -StringValues $ScopeObject.SubscriptionDisplayName, $ScopeObject.Subscription -Target $ScopeObject
            resourcegroups {
                # ScopeObject is a resourcegroup
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -String 'Get-AzOpsResourceLock.ResourceGroup' -StringValues $ScopeObject.ResourceGroup -Target $ScopeObject
        try {
            $parameters = @{
                Scope = $ScopeObject.Scope
            # Gather resource locks at scopeObject with retry and backoff support from Invoke-AzOpsScriptBlock
            $resourceLocks = Invoke-AzOpsScriptBlock -ArgumentList $parameters -ScriptBlock {
                Get-AzResourceLock @parameters -AtScope -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$($_.ResourceID.Substring(0, $_.ResourceId.LastIndexOf('/'))) -Like ("$($parameters.Scope)/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/locks")}
            } -RetryCount 3 -RetryWait 5 -RetryType Exponential -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message $_ -FunctionName "Get-AzOpsResourceLock"
        if ($resourceLocks) {
            # Process each resource lock
            foreach ($lock in $resourceLocks) {
                $lock | ConvertTo-AzOpsState -StatePath $StatePath