
using namespace System.Management.Automation
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# Base class for SVT classes being called from PS commands
# Provides functionality to fire important events at command call
class SVTCommandBase: CommandBase {
    [string[]] $ExcludeTags = @();
    [string[]] $ControlIds = @();
    [string] $ControlIdString = "";
    [bool] $UsePartialCommits;
    [bool] $UseBaselineControls;
    hidden [ControlStateExtension] $ControlStateExt;
    hidden [bool] $UserHasStateAccess = $false;
    [bool] $GenerateFixScript = $false;
    [AttestationOptions] $AttestationOptions;

    SVTCommandBase([string] $subscriptionId, [InvocationInfo] $invocationContext):
    Base($subscriptionId, $invocationContext) {
        [Helpers]::AbstractClass($this, [SVTCommandBase]);

    hidden [SVTEventContext] CreateSVTEventContextObject() {
        return [SVTEventContext]@{
            SubscriptionContext = $this.SubscriptionContext;

    hidden [void] CommandStarted() {
        [SVTEventContext] $arg = $this.CreateSVTEventContextObject();
        $versionMessage = $this.CheckModuleVersion();
        if ($versionMessage) {
            $arg.Messages += $versionMessage;

        if ($this.AttestationOptions -ne $null -and $this.AttestationOptions.AttestControls -eq [AttestControls]::NotAttested -and $this.AttestationOptions.IsBulkClearModeOn) {
            throw [SuppressedException] ("The 'BulkClear' option does not apply to 'NotAttested' controls.`n")
        #check to limit multi controlids in the bulk attestation mode
        $ctrlIds = $this.ConvertToStringArray($this.ControlIdString);
        if ($this.AttestationOptions -ne $null -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.AttestationOptions.JustificationText) -or $this.AttestationOptions.IsBulkClearModeOn) -and ($ctrlIds.Count -gt 1 -or $this.UseBaselineControls)) {
                throw [SuppressedException] ("UseBaselineControls flag should not be passed in case of Bulk attestation. This results in multiple controls. `nBulk attestation mode supports only one controlId at a time.`n")
                throw [SuppressedException] ("Multiple controlIds specified. `nBulk attestation mode supports only one controlId at a time.`n")

        $this.PublishEvent([SVTEvent]::CommandStarted, $arg);

    [void] PostCommandStartedAction()

    hidden [void] CommandError([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $exception) {
        [SVTEventContext] $arg = $this.CreateSVTEventContextObject();
        $arg.ExceptionMessage = $exception;

        $this.PublishEvent([SVTEvent]::CommandError, $arg);

    hidden [void] CommandCompleted([SVTEventContext[]] $arguments) {
        $this.PublishEvent([SVTEvent]::CommandCompleted, $arguments);

    #[string] InvokeFunction([PSMethod] $methodToCall) {
    # throw [System.NotSupportedException] "The method is not supported in the class"

    [string] EvaluateControlStatus() {
        return ([CommandBase]$this).InvokeFunction($this.RunAllControls);

    # Dummy function declaration to define the function signature
    # Function is supposed to override in derived class
    hidden [SVTEventContext[]] RunAllControls() {
        return @();

    hidden [void] SetSVTBaseProperties([PSObject] $svtObject) {
        $svtObject.FilterTags = $this.ConvertToStringArray($this.FilterTags);
        $svtObject.ExcludeTags = $this.ConvertToStringArray($this.ExcludeTags);
        $svtObject.ControlIds += $this.ControlIds;
        $svtObject.ControlIds += $this.ConvertToStringArray($this.ControlIdString);
        $svtObject.GenerateFixScript = $this.GenerateFixScript;

        #Include Server Side Exclude Tags
        $svtObject.ExcludeTags += [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSdkConfigData().DefaultControlExculdeTags

        #Include Server Side Filter Tags
        $svtObject.FilterTags += [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSdkConfigData().DefaultControlFiltersTags

        $svtObject.ControlStateExt = $this.ControlStateExt;

    hidden [void] InitializeControlState() {
        if (-not $this.ControlStateExt) {
            $this.ControlStateExt = [ControlStateExtension]::new();
            $this.UserHasStateAccess = $this.ControlStateExt.HasControlStateReadAccessPermissions();

    [void] PostCommandCompletedAction([SVTEventContext[]] $arguments) {
        if ($this.AttestationOptions -ne $null -and $this.AttestationOptions.AttestControls -ne [AttestControls]::None) {
            try {
                [SVTControlAttestation] $svtControlAttestation = [SVTControlAttestation]::new($arguments, $this.AttestationOptions);
                #The current context user would be able to read the storage blob only if he has minimum of contributor access.
                if ($svtControlAttestation.controlStateExtension.HasControlStateReadAccessPermissions()) {
                    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.AttestationOptions.JustificationText) -or $this.AttestationOptions.IsBulkClearModeOn) {
                        $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::HashLine + "`n`nStarting Control Attestation workflow in bulk mode...`n`n");
                    else {
                        $this.PublishCustomMessage([Constants]::HashLine + "`n`nStarting Control Attestation workflow...`n`n");
                    [MessageData] $data = [MessageData]@{
                        Message     = ([Constants]::SingleDashLine + "`nWarning: `nPlease use utmost discretion when attesting controls. In particular, when choosing to not fix a failing control, you are taking accountability that nothing will go wrong even though security is not correctly/fully configured. `nAlso, please ensure that you provide an apt justification for each attested control to capture the rationale behind your decision.`n");
                        MessageType = [MessageType]::Warning;
                    $response = ""
                    while ($response.Trim() -ne "y" -and $response.Trim() -ne "n") {
                        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($response)) {
                            Write-Host "Please select appropriate option."
                        $response = Read-Host "Do you want to continue (Y/N)"
                    if ($response.Trim() -eq "y") {
                    else {
                        $this.PublishCustomMessage("Exiting the control attestation process.")
                else {
                    [MessageData] $data = [MessageData]@{
                        Message     = "You don't have the required permissions to perform control attestation. If you'd like to perform control attestation, please request your subscription owner to grant you 'Contributor' access to the 'AzSDKRG' resource group.";
                        MessageType = [MessageType]::Error;
            catch {