
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

class SVTResourceResolver: AzSKRoot {
    [string[]] $ResourceNames = @();
    [string] $ResourceType = "";
    [ResourceTypeName] $ResourceTypeName = [ResourceTypeName]::All;
    [Hashtable] $Tag = $null;
    [string] $TagName = "";
    [string[]] $TagValue = "";
    hidden [string[]] $ResourceGroups = @();
    [ResourceTypeName] $ExcludeResourceTypeName = [ResourceTypeName]::All;
    [string[]] $ExcludeResourceNames = @();
    [SVTResource[]] $ExcludedResources = @();
    [int] $MaxObjectsToScan;
    [SVTResource[]] $SVTResources = @();
    [int] $SVTResourcesFoundCount = 0;
    [string] $ResourcePath;
    [string] $organizationName
    hidden [string[]] $ProjectNames = @();
    hidden [string[]] $BuildNames = @();
    hidden [string[]] $ReleaseNames = @();
    hidden [string[]] $AgentPools = @();
    hidden [string[]] $ServiceConnections = @();
    hidden [string[]] $VariableGroups = @();
    hidden [PSObject] $ControlSettings; 
    #Local variable for longrunningscan for command parameter
    [bool] $allowLongRunningScan = $false
    #Local variables for longrunningscan for controlsettings variables
    [bool] $isAllowLongRunningScanInPolicy = $true
    [int] $longRunningScanCheckPoint = 1000;
    SVTResourceResolver([string]$organizationName, $ProjectNames, $BuildNames, $ReleaseNames, $AgentPools, $ServiceConnectionNames, $VariableGroupNames, $ScanAllArtifacts, $PATToken, $ResourceTypeName, $AllowLongRunningScan): Base($organizationName, $PATToken) {
        $this.SetallTheParamValues($organizationName, $ProjectNames, $BuildNames, $ReleaseNames, $AgentPools, $ServiceConnectionNames, $VariableGroupNames, $ScanAllArtifacts, $PATToken, $ResourceTypeName, $AllowLongRunningScan);

    SVTResourceResolver([string]$organizationName, $ProjectNames, $BuildNames, $ReleaseNames, $AgentPools, $ServiceConnectionNames, $VariableGroupNames, $MaxObj, $ScanAllArtifacts, $PATToken, $ResourceTypeName, $AllowLongRunningScan): Base($organizationName, $PATToken) {
        $this.MaxObjectsToScan = $MaxObj #default = 0 => scan all if "*" specified...
        $this.SetallTheParamValues($organizationName, $ProjectNames, $BuildNames, $ReleaseNames, $AgentPools, $ServiceConnectionNames, $VariableGroupNames, $ScanAllArtifacts, $PATToken, $ResourceTypeName, $AllowLongRunningScan);            

    [void] SetallTheParamValues([string]$organizationName, $ProjectNames, $BuildNames, $ReleaseNames, $AgentPools, $ServiceConnectionNames, $VariableGroupNames, $ScanAllArtifacts, $PATToken, $ResourceTypeName, $AllowLongRunningScan) { 
        $this.organizationName = $organizationName
        $this.ResourceTypeName = $ResourceTypeName
        $this.allowLongRunningScan = $AllowLongRunningScan

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectNames)) {
            $this.ProjectNames += $this.ConvertToStringArray($ProjectNames);

            if ($this.ProjectNames.Count -eq 0) {
                throw [SuppressedException] "The parameter 'ProjectNames' does not contain any string."
        elseif ($ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::Project -or $ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::Org_Project_User) {
            $this.ProjectNames = "*"

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BuildNames)) {
            $this.BuildNames += $this.ConvertToStringArray($BuildNames);
            if ($this.BuildNames.Count -eq 0) {
                throw [SuppressedException] "The parameter 'BuildNames' does not contain any string."
        elseif ($ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::Build -or $ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release) {
            $this.BuildNames = "*"

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ReleaseNames)) {
            $this.ReleaseNames += $this.ConvertToStringArray($ReleaseNames);
            if ($this.ReleaseNames.Count -eq 0) {
                throw [SuppressedException] "The parameter 'ReleaseNames' does not contain any string."
        elseif ($ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::Release -or $ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release) {
            $this.ReleaseNames = "*"

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ServiceConnectionNames)) {
            $this.ServiceConnections += $this.ConvertToStringArray($ServiceConnectionNames);

            if ($this.ServiceConnections.Count -eq 0) {
                throw [SuppressedException] "The parameter 'ServiceConnectionNames' does not contain any string."
        elseif ($ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::ServiceConnection) {
            $this.ServiceConnections = "*"

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AgentPools)) {
            $this.AgentPools += $this.ConvertToStringArray($AgentPools);
            if ($this.AgentPools.Count -eq 0) {
                throw [SuppressedException] "The parameter 'AgentPools' does not contain any string."
        elseif ($ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::AgentPool) {
            $this.AgentPools = "*"

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VariableGroupNames)) {
            $this.VariableGroups += $this.ConvertToStringArray($VariableGroupNames);

            if ($this.VariableGroups.Count -eq 0) {
                throw [SuppressedException] "The parameter 'VariableGroupNames' does not contain any string."
        elseif ($ResourceTypeName -eq [ResourceTypeName]::VariableGroup) {
            $this.VariableGroups = "*"

        #User should always provide project name (comma separated list or '*') to scan builds in an org. Else no controls will be scanned if -rtn is 'Build'
        #if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourceTypeName) -and $ResourceTypeName -ne "All" -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectNames))) {
        # $this.ProjectNames = "*"

        if ($ScanAllArtifacts) {
            #ScanAllArtifacts should scan all artifacts within the targeted projects (if provided explicitly)
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectNames)) {
                $this.ProjectNames = "*"
            $this.BuildNames = "*"
            $this.ReleaseNames = "*"
            $this.AgentPools = "*"
            $this.ServiceConnections = "*"
            $this.VariableGroups = "*"

        if ($this.ProjectNames -eq "*" -or $this.BuildNames -eq "*" -or $this.ReleaseNames -eq "*" -or $this.ServiceConnections -eq "*" -or $this.AgentPools -eq "*" -or $this.VariableGroups -eq "*") {            
            $this.PublishCustomMessage("Using '*' can take a long time for the scan to complete in larger projects. `nYou may want to provide a comma-separated list of projects, builds, releases, service connections, agent pools and variable groups. `n ", [MessageType]::Warning);
            <# BUGBUG: [Aug-2020] Removing this until we can determine the right approach to init org-policy-url for ADO.
            if (!$this.ControlSettings) {
                $this.ControlSettings = [ConfigurationManager]::LoadServerConfigFile("ControlSettings.json");
            #fetch control settings to check whether large scans are allowed in the org
            $this.isAllowLongRunningScanInPolicy = $this.ControlSettings.IsAllowLongRunningScan;
            $this.longRunningScanCheckPoint = $this.ControlSettings.LongRunningScanCheckPoint;


    [void] LoadResourcesForScan() {
        #Call APIS for Organization,User/Builds/Releases/ServiceConnections
        if ($this.ResourceTypeName -in ([ResourceTypeName]::Organization, [ResourceTypeName]::All, [ResourceTypeName]::Org_Project_User)) {
            #Checking if org name is correct
            $apiURL = "{0}/_apis/Contribution/HierarchyQuery?api-version=5.0-preview.1" -f $($this.organizationName);

            $inputbody = "{'contributionIds':[''],'dataProviderContext':{'properties':{'sourcePage':{'url':'$($this.organizationName)','routeId':'ms.vss-tfs-web.suite-me-page-route','routeValues':{'view':'projects','controller':'ContributedPage','action':'Execute'}}}}}" | ConvertFrom-Json
            try {
                $responseObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokePostWebRequest($apiURL, $inputbody);
                $inputbody = $null;
                Remove-Variable inputbody;
            catch {
                Write-Host 'Organization not found: Incorrect organization name or you do not have neccessary permission to access the organization.' -ForegroundColor Red

            #Select Org/User by default...
            $link = "$($this.organizationName)/_settings"
            $this.AddSVTResource($this.organizationName, $null ,"ADO.Organization", "Organization/$($this.organizationName)/", $null, $link);

        if ($this.ResourceTypeName -in ([ResourceTypeName]::User, [ResourceTypeName]::All, [ResourceTypeName]::Org_Project_User, [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release_SvcConn_AgentPool_User)) {

            $link = "$($this.organizationName)/_settings/users"
            $this.AddSVTResource($this.organizationName, $null,"ADO.User", "Organization/$($this.organizationName)/User", $null, $link);

        $topNQueryString = ""
        if ($this.MaxObjectsToScan -ne 0)
            #Add this to QS only if $MaxObj is specified. If so, this will download only $maxObj configs.
            $topNQueryString = '&$top='+ $this.MaxObjectsToScan
        #Get project resources
        if ($this.ProjectNames.Count -gt 0) {
            $this.PublishCustomMessage("Querying api for resources to be scanned. This may take a while...");

            $this.PublishCustomMessage("Getting project configurations...");
            #TODO: By default api return only 100 projects. Added $top=500 to fetch first 500 projects.
            $apiURL = '{0}/_apis/projects?$top=500&api-version=5.1' -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName);
            $responseObj = "";
            try { 
                $responseObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($apiURL) ;
            catch {
                Write-Host 'Project not found: Incorrect organization or project name or you do not have neccessary permission to access the organization.' -ForegroundColor Red
            if (([Helpers]::CheckMember($responseObj, "count") -and $responseObj[0].count -gt 0) -or (($responseObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($responseObj[0], "name")))
                if($this.ProjectNames -eq "*")
                    $projects = $responseObj
                else {
                    $projects = $responseObj | Where-Object { $this.ProjectNames -contains $ } 
                $responseObj = $null;  
                Remove-Variable responseObj;
                $nProj = $this.MaxObjectsToScan;
                if (!$projects) {
                    Write-Host 'No project found to perform the scan.' -ForegroundColor Red
                foreach ($thisProj in $projects) 
                    $projectName = $
                    $projectId = $;
                    if ($this.ResourceTypeName -in ([ResourceTypeName]::Project, [ResourceTypeName]::All, [ResourceTypeName]::Org_Project_User)) 
                        $link = $thisProj.url.Replace('/_apis/projects', '') + '/_settings/'
                        $this.AddSVTResource($, $this.organizationName,"ADO.Project", $thisProj.url, $null, $link);
                    #check if long running scan allowed or not.

                    if ($this.BuildNames.Count -gt 0 -and ($this.ResourceTypeName -in ([ResourceTypeName]::Build, [ResourceTypeName]::All, [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release, [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release_SvcConn_AgentPool_User))) {
                        if ($this.ProjectNames -ne "*") {
                            $this.PublishCustomMessage("Getting build configurations...");

                        if ($this.BuildNames -eq "*") {
                            $buildDefnURL = ("{0}/{1}/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=4.1" +$topNQueryString) -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName), $;
                            $buildDefnsObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($buildDefnURL) 
                            if (([Helpers]::CheckMember($buildDefnsObj, "count") -and $buildDefnsObj[0].count -gt 0) -or (($buildDefnsObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($buildDefnsObj[0], "name"))) {
                                $nObj = $this.MaxObjectsToScan
                                foreach ($bldDef in $buildDefnsObj) {
                                    $link = $bldDef.url.split('?')[0].replace('_apis/build/Definitions/', '_build?definitionId=');
                                    $this.AddSVTResource($, $, "ADO.Build", $bldDef.url.split('?')[0], $bldDef, $link);
                                    if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break; } 
                                $buildDefnsObj = $null;
                                Remove-Variable buildDefnsObj;
                        else {
                            $this.BuildNames | ForEach-Object {
                                $buildName = $_
                                $buildDefnURL = "https://{0}{1}/_apis/build/definitions?name={2}&api-version=5.1-preview.7" -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName), $projectName, $buildName;
                                $buildDefnsObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($buildDefnURL) 
                                if (([Helpers]::CheckMember($buildDefnsObj, "count") -and $buildDefnsObj[0].count -gt 0) -or (($buildDefnsObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($buildDefnsObj[0], "name"))) {
                                    foreach ($bldDef in $buildDefnsObj) {
                                        $link = $bldDef.url.split('?')[0].replace('_apis/build/Definitions/', '_build?definitionId=');
                                        $this.AddSVTResource($, $, "ADO.Build", $bldDef.url.split('?')[0], $bldDef, $link);
                                    $buildDefnsObj = $null;
                                    Remove-Variable buildDefnsObj;
                        #Initialysing null to SecurityNamespaceId variable for new scan, it is static variable, setting once only in svc class and same value is applicable for all the svc con withing org
                        [Build]::SecurityNamespaceId = $null;
                    #check if long running scan allowed or not.
                    if ($this.ReleaseNames.Count -gt 0 -and ($this.ResourceTypeName -in ([ResourceTypeName]::Release, [ResourceTypeName]::All, [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release, [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release_SvcConn_AgentPool_User)))
                        if ($this.ProjectNames -ne "*") {
                            $this.PublishCustomMessage("Getting release configurations...");
                        if ($this.ReleaseNames -eq "*") 
                            $releaseDefnURL = ("{0}/{1}/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=4.1-preview.3" +$topNQueryString) -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName), $projectName;
                            $releaseDefnsObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($releaseDefnURL);
                            if (([Helpers]::CheckMember($releaseDefnsObj, "count") -and $releaseDefnsObj[0].count -gt 0) -or (($releaseDefnsObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($releaseDefnsObj[0], "name"))) {
                                $nObj = $this.MaxObjectsToScan
                                foreach ($relDef in $releaseDefnsObj) {
                                    $link = "{0}/{1}/_release?_a=releases&view=mine&definitionId={2}" -f $this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName, $projectName, $relDef.url.split('/')[-1];
                                    $this.AddSVTResource($, $projectName, "ADO.Release", $relDef.url, $null, $link);
                                    if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break; } 
                                $releaseDefnsObj = $null;
                        else {
                            try {
                                $this.ReleaseNames | ForEach-Object {
                                    $releaseName = $_
                                    $releaseDefnURL = "https://{0}{1}?api-version=5.0-preview.1" -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName), $projectName;
                                    $inputbody = "{
                                    'contributionIds': [
                                    'dataProviderContext': {
                                        'properties': {
                                            'searchText': '$releaseName',
                                            'sourcePage': {
                                                'routeValues': {
                                                    'project': '$projectName'
 | ConvertFrom-Json
                                    $releaseDefnsObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokePostWebRequest($releaseDefnURL, $inputbody);
                                    if (([Helpers]::CheckMember($releaseDefnsObj, "dataProviders") -and $releaseDefnsObj.dataProviders."") -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($releaseDefnsObj.dataProviders."", "releaseDefinitions") ) {

                                        $releaseDefinitions = $releaseDefnsObj.dataProviders."".releaseDefinitions  | Where-Object {$ -eq $releaseName };

                                        foreach ($relDef in $releaseDefinitions) {
                                            $link = "{0}/{1}/_release?_a=releases&view=mine&definitionId={2}" -f $this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName, $projectName, $relDef.url.split('/')[-1];
                                            $this.AddSVTResource($, $projectName, "ADO.Release", $relDef.url, $null, $link);
                                        $releaseDefinitions = $null;

                            catch {
                                #Write-Error $_.Exception.Message;
                                Write-Warning "Release pipelines for the project [$($projectName)] could not be fetched.";

                        #Initialysing null to SecurityNamespaceId variable for new scan, it is static variable, setting once only in release class and same value is applicable for all the release pipelines withing org
                        [Release]::SecurityNamespaceId = $null;
                    #check if long running scan allowed or not.

                    #Note: $topNQueryString is currently not supported in the SvcConn and AgentPool APIs.
                    if ($this.ServiceConnections.Count -gt 0 -and ($this.ResourceTypeName -in ([ResourceTypeName]::ServiceConnection, [ResourceTypeName]::All, [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release_SvcConn_AgentPool_User)))
                        if ($this.ProjectNames -ne "*") {
                            $this.PublishCustomMessage("Getting service endpoint configurations...");
                        # Here we are fetching all the svc conns in the project and then filtering out. But in build & release we fetch them individually unless '*' is used for fetching all of them.
                        $serviceEndpointURL = ("{0}/{1}/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints?api-version=4.1-preview.1") -f $($this.organizationName), $($projectName);
                        $serviceEndpointObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($serviceEndpointURL)
                        if (([Helpers]::CheckMember($serviceEndpointObj, "count") -and $serviceEndpointObj[0].count -gt 0) -or (($serviceEndpointObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($serviceEndpointObj[0], "name"))) {
                            # Currently get only Azure Connections as all controls are applicable for same
                            $Connections = $null;
                            if ($this.ServiceConnections -eq "*") {
                                $Connections = $serviceEndpointObj | Where-Object { ($_.type -eq "azurerm" -or $_.type -eq "azure" -or $_.type -eq "git" -or $_.type -eq "github" -or $_.type -eq "externaltfs") } 
                            else {
                                $Connections = $serviceEndpointObj | Where-Object { ($_.type -eq "azurerm" -or $_.type -eq "azure" -or $_.type -eq "git" -or $_.type -eq "github" -or $_.type -eq "externaltfs") -and ($this.ServiceConnections -eq $ }  

                            #Initialysing null to SecurityNamespaceId variable for new scan, it is static variable, setting once only in svc class and same value is applicable for all the svc con withing org
                            [ServiceConnection]::SecurityNamespaceId = $null;
                            $serviceEndpointObj = $null;
                            Remove-Variable  serviceEndpointObj;
                            $nObj = $this.MaxObjectsToScan
                            foreach ($connectionObject in $Connections) {
                                $resourceId = "Organization/$($this.organizationName)/Project/$projectName/$($connectionObject.Name)/$($connectionObject.Id)";
                                $link = "$($this.organizationName)/$projectId/_settings/adminservices?resourceId=$($connectionObject.Id)"; 
                                $this.AddSVTResource($, $projectName, "ADO.ServiceConnection", $resourceId, $connectionObject, $link);
                                if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break; }
                    #check if long running scan allowed or not.
                    if ($this.AgentPools.Count -gt 0 -and ($this.ResourceTypeName -in ([ResourceTypeName]::AgentPool, [ResourceTypeName]::All, [ResourceTypeName]::Build_Release_SvcConn_AgentPool_User))) 
                        if ($this.ProjectNames -ne "*") {
                            $this.PublishCustomMessage("Getting agent pools configurations...");
                        # Here we are fetching all the agent pools in the project and then filtering out. But in build & release we fetch them individually unless '*' is used for fetching all of them.
                        $agentPoolsDefnURL = ("https://{0}{1}/_settings/agentqueues?__rt=fps&__ver=2") -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName), $projectName;
                        try {
                            $agentPoolsDefnsObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($agentPoolsDefnURL);
                            #Here the return obj for agent pool is different than prj, build, release & svc conns. Also, Azure Pipelines agent pool will always be a part of org and project. We can't delete it.
                            if (([Helpers]::CheckMember($agentPoolsDefnsObj, "") ) -and (($"ms.vss-build-web.agent-queues-data-provider") -and $"ms.vss-build-web.agent-queues-data-provider".taskAgentQueues)) {
                                $nObj = $this.MaxObjectsToScan
                                $taskAgentQueues = $null;
                                if ($this.AgentPools -eq "*") {
                                    # We need to filter out legacy agent pools (Hosted, Hosted VS 2017 etc.) as they are not visible to user on the portal. As a result, they won't be able to remediate their respective controls
                                    $taskAgentQueues = $"ms.vss-build-web.agent-queues-data-provider".taskAgentQueues | where-object{$_.pool.isLegacy -eq $false};
                                else {
                                    $taskAgentQueues = $"ms.vss-build-web.agent-queues-data-provider".taskAgentQueues | Where-Object {($_.pool.isLegacy -eq $false) -and ($this.AgentPools -contains $ } 
                                foreach ($taq in $taskAgentQueues) {
                                    $resourceId = "https://{0}{1}_{2}" -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName), $($taq.projectId), $
                                    $link = "https://{0}{1}/_settings/agentqueues?queueId={2}&view=security" -f $($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionName), $($taq.projectId), $
                                    $this.AddSVTResource($, $projectName, "ADO.AgentPool", $resourceId, $null, $link);
                                    if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break; }
                                $taskAgentQueues = $null;
                                Remove-Variable taskAgentQueues;
                        catch {
                            Write-Warning "Agent pools for the project [$($projectName)] could not be fetched.";
                    #check if long running scan allowed or not.
                    if ($this.VariableGroups.Count -gt 0 -and ($this.ResourceTypeName -in ([ResourceTypeName]::VariableGroup, [ResourceTypeName]::All)))
                        if ($this.ProjectNames -ne "*") {
                            $this.PublishCustomMessage("Getting variable group configurations...");
                        # Here we are fetching all the var grps in the project and then filtering out. But in build & release we fetch them individually unless '*' is used for fetching all of them.
                        $variableGroupURL = ("https://{0}{1}/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=6.1-preview.2") -f $($this.organizationName), $projectId;
                        $variableGroupObj = [WebRequestHelper]::InvokeGetWebRequest($variableGroupURL)
                        if (([Helpers]::CheckMember($variableGroupObj, "count") -and $variableGroupObj[0].count -gt 0) -or (($variableGroupObj | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0 -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($variableGroupObj[0], "name"))) {
                            $varGroups = $null;
                            if ($this.VariableGroups -eq "*") {
                                $varGroups = $variableGroupObj 
                            else {
                                $varGroups = $variableGroupObj | Where-Object { $this.VariableGroups -eq $ }  

                            $nObj = $this.MaxObjectsToScan
                            foreach ($group in $varGroups) {
                                $resourceId = ("https://{0}{1}/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/{2}") -f $($this.organizationName), $projectId, $($group.Id);
                                $link = ("https://{0}{1}/_library?itemType=VariableGroups&view=VariableGroupView&variableGroupId={2}") -f $($this.organizationName), $projectName, $($group.Id);; 
                                $this.AddSVTResource($, $projectName, "ADO.VariableGroup", $resourceId, $group, $link);
                                if (--$nObj -eq 0) { break; }
                    #check if long running scan allowed or not.
                    if (--$nProj -eq 0) { break; } #nProj is set to MaxObj before loop.
        $this.SVTResourcesFoundCount = $this.SVTResources.Count

    [bool] isAllowLongRunningScanCheck()
        if ($this.SVTResources.count -gt $this.longRunningScanCheckPoint) 
            if (!$this.isAllowLongRunningScanInPolicy) {
                Write-Host ([Constants]::LongRunningScanStopByPolicyMsg) -ForegroundColor Yellow;
                $this.SVTResources = $null
                return $false;
                Write-Host ([Constants]::LongRunningScanStopMsg -f $this.longRunningScanCheckPoint) -ForegroundColor Yellow;
                $this.SVTResources = $null
                return $false;
        return $true;

    [void] AddSVTResource([string] $name, [string] $resourceGroupName, [string] $resourceType, [string] $resourceId, [PSObject] $resourceDetailsObj, $resourceLink)
        $svtResource = [SVTResource]::new();
        $svtResource.ResourceName = $name;
        if ($resourceGroupName) {
            $svtResource.ResourceGroupName = $resourceGroupName;
        $svtResource.ResourceType = $resourceType;
        $svtResource.ResourceId = $resourceId;
        $svtResource.ResourceTypeMapping = ([SVTMapping]::AzSKADOResourceMapping | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq $resourceType } | Select-Object -First 1)

        if ($resourceDetailsObj) {
            $svtResource.ResourceDetails = $resourceDetailsObj;
            $svtResource.ResourceDetails | Add-Member -Name 'ResourceLink' -Type NoteProperty -Value $resourceLink;
        else {
            $svtResource.ResourceDetails = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ ResourceLink = $resourceLink }
        $this.SVTResources += $svtResource