
using namespace System.Management.Automation
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest 
class SecurityCenter: AzSKRoot
    [PSObject] $Policy = $null;
    [PSObject[]] $UniquePolicies = $null;
    [string] $Off = "Off";
    [string] $On = "On";
    [string] $ContactPhoneNumber;
    [string] $ContactEmail;
    [bool] $IsValidVersion;
    [bool] $IsLatestVersion;
    [string] $CurrentVersion;
    [string] $LatestVersion;
    SecurityCenter([string] $subscriptionId): 
    hidden [void] LoadPolicies()
        $this.Policy = $this.LoadServerConfigFile("SecurityCenter.json");
        $azskRGName = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().AzSKRGName;
        $this.CurrentVersion = [Helpers]::GetResourceGroupTag($azskRGName, [Constants]::SecurityCenterConfigVersionTagName)
            $this.CurrentVersion = "0.0.0"
        $minSupportedVersion = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().AzSKASCMinReqdVersion 
        $this.IsLatestVersion = $this.IsLatestVersionConfiguredOnSub($this.Policy.Version, [Constants]::SecurityCenterConfigVersionTagName);
        $this.IsValidVersion = $this.IsLatestVersionConfiguredOnSub($this.Policy.Version, [Constants]::SecurityCenterConfigVersionTagName) -or [System.Version]$minSupportedVersion -le [System.Version]$this.CurrentVersion ;
        $this.LatestVersion = $this.Policy.Version;

    hidden [PSObject[]] GetUniquePolicies()
        if(-not $this.UniquePolicies)
            $this.UniquePolicies = @();
            $allPolicies = @();
            $allPolicies += [SecurityCenterHelper]::InvokeGetSecurityCenterRequest($this.SubscriptionContext.SubscriptionId, [SecurityCenterHelper]::PoliciesApi)
            if($allPolicies.Count -ne 0)
                #Query to select only subscription level polices and other polices which are modified explicitly
                $this.UniquePolicies += $allPolicies | Where-Object { 
                                            [Helpers]::CheckMember($_, "properties.policyLevel") -and
                                            ($ -eq "Subscription" -or 
                                            $ -eq $this.On )
                if($this.UniquePolicies.Count -eq 0)
                    #no relevant policies found message here
                    $this.PublishCustomMessage("No Subscription level or uniquely configured policies found in the Security Center", [MessageType]::Warning);
                #Error message here
                $this.PublishCustomMessage("Not able to get the Security Center policies", [MessageType]::Error);

        return $this.UniquePolicies;

    [PSObject[]] GetMisconfiguredPolicies()
        $policies = @();
        $misConfiguredPolicies = @();
        $policies += $this.GetUniquePolicies();
        if($policies.Count -ne 0)
            #If recommendations object is kept blank in Policy json, consider to check all properties to be 'On'
            #Check with get-member here
            #if(($ | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
                #Pick first object and add all recommendation property to policy json object
                $samplePolicy = $policies | Select-Object -First 1
                if([Helpers]::CheckMember($samplePolicy, "properties.recommendations"))
                    $ | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | 
                        ForEach-Object {
                            $property = $_.Name;
                            $value = $this.On;
                            #retain the value from the configured policy on subscription
                            if([Helpers]::CheckMember($samplePolicy, "properties.recommendations.$property"))
                                $value = $($$property);
                            #override the value as per the expected policy from server
                            if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.Policy, "properties.recommendations.$property"))
                                $value = $($$property);
                            Add-Member -InputObject $ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $value -Force

            $policies | ForEach-Object {
                $isMisconfigured = $true;
                if([Helpers]::CompareObject($, $
                    # Check for email address and phone number props
                    if([Helpers]::CheckMember($_, "properties.securityContactConfiguration.securityContactEmails") -and 
                        -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ -and 
                        [Helpers]::CheckMember($_, "properties.securityContactConfiguration.securityContactPhone") -and
                        -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($
                        #Capture the contact phone number and emailid. This infomration is being captured as part of the metadata for the subscription
                        $this.ContactPhoneNumber = $
                        $this.ContactEmail = $
                        $isMisconfigured = $false

                    $misConfiguredPolicies += $_;

        return $misConfiguredPolicies;

    [MessageData[]] SetPolicies()
        return $this.SetPolicies($null,$null);

    [MessageData[]] SetPolicies([string] $securityContactEmails, [string] $securityPhoneNumber)
        [MessageData[]] $messages = @();
        #setting the tag at AzSKRG
        $azskRGName = [ConfigurationManager]::GetAzSKConfigData().AzSKRGName;
        $policiesToProcess = @();
        $misConfiguredPolicies = $this.GetMisconfiguredPolicies();
        if($misConfiguredPolicies.Count -ne 0)
            $messages += [MessageData]::new("Security center policies must be configured with settings mentioned below:", $;

            $messageText = "Found Security Center policies which are not correctly configured. Total misconfigured policies: $($misConfiguredPolicies.Count)";
            $messages += [MessageData]::new($messageText);
            # Check if subscription level policies are misconfigured
            if(($misConfiguredPolicies | Where-Object { $ -eq "Subscription" } | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
                $policiesToProcess += $this.GetUniquePolicies() | Where-Object { $ -eq "Subscription" };

            $policiesToProcess += $misConfiguredPolicies;

            #$messages += $this.ModifyPolicies($misConfiguredPolicies, $securityContactEmails, $securityPhoneNumber)
            $this.PublishCustomMessage("All Security Center policies are correctly configured. ");
            $policiesToProcess += $this.GetUniquePolicies();

        $messages += $this.ModifyPolicies($policiesToProcess, $securityContactEmails, $securityPhoneNumber)

        [Helpers]::SetResourceGroupTags($azskRGName,@{[Constants]::SecurityCenterConfigVersionTagName=$this.Policy.Version}, $false)            
        return $messages;

    [MessageData[]] ModifyPolicies([PSObject[]] $policies, [string] $securityContactEmails, [string] $securityPhoneNumber)
        [MessageData[]] $messages = @();

        if($policies.Count -ne 0)
            #Keeping a copy of policy email addresses. The original policy object is going to update while merging email addresses
            $policyEmails = @();
            if([Helpers]::CheckMember($this.Policy, "properties.securityContactConfiguration.securityContactEmails"))
                $policyEmails += $;

            $updateObject = $this.Policy | Select-Object -Property properties
            $policies | Where-Object { $ -eq "Subscription" } | ForEach-Object {
                #Merge email addresses
                $allEmails = @();
                if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($securityContactEmails))
                    # User provided email addresses
                    $allEmails += $this.ConvertToStringArray($securityContactEmails);

                # Add email addresses from policy files
                $allEmails += $policyEmails;

                # Ignore existing email addresses if user has provided any email addresses
                if($allEmails.Count -eq 0 -and [Helpers]::CheckMember($_, "properties.securityContactConfiguration.securityContactEmails") -and $ -ne 0)
                    $allEmails += $ | Where-Object { -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) };
                $ = [array] ($allEmails | Select-Object -Unique)
                $policyName = "";
                if([Helpers]::CheckMember($_, "name"))
                    $policyName = "[$($]";

                $exceptionMessage = "";
                # Check if securityContactEmails is still null, then set it to blank array
                if(-not $
                    $exceptionMessage += "'SecurityContactEmails' is required to configure ASC. Please set up Security Center policy with cmdlet Set-AzSKAzureSecurityCenterPolicies. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzSKAzureSecurityCenterPolicies -full' for more help.`r`n";
                    $ = @("");

                $isPhoneRequired = $true;
                $existingPhoneNumber = "";
                if([Helpers]::CheckMember($_, "properties.securityContactConfiguration.securityContactPhone"))
                    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($
                        $isPhoneRequired = $false;
                        $existingPhoneNumber = $;

                if($isPhoneRequired -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($securityPhoneNumber))
                    $exceptionMessage += "'SecurityPhoneNumber' is required to configure ASC. Please set up Security Center policy with cmdlet Set-AzSKAzureSecurityCenterPolicies. Run 'Get-Help Set-AzSKAzureSecurityCenterPolicies -full' for more help.`r`n";

                if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($exceptionMessage))
                    throw ([SuppressedException]::new($exceptionMessage, [SuppressedExceptionType]::Generic))

                # Set phone number
                if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($securityPhoneNumber))
                    if(-not (Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name "securityContactPhone"))
                        Add-Member -InputObject $ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "securityContactPhone" -Value $securityPhoneNumber
                elseif(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($existingPhoneNumber))
                    if(-not (Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name "securityContactPhone"))
                        Add-Member -InputObject $ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "securityContactPhone" -Value $existingPhoneNumber
                        $ = $existingPhoneNumber;

                $messages += [MessageData]::new("Updating [$($] level Security Center policy $policyName...", $_);

                $response = [SecurityCenterHelper]::InvokePutSecurityCenterRequest($, $updateObject);

                [MessageData] $resultMessage = $null
                if(($response | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
                    $resultMessage = [MessageData]::new("Successfully updated [$($] level Security Center policy $policyName", [MessageType]::Update);
                    $resultMessage = [MessageData]::new("Not able to update [$($] level Security Center policy $policyName", [MessageType]::Error);

                $messages += $resultMessage;

            # Setting up/Load the original values
            $ = $policyEmails;
            if((Get-Member -InputObject $ -Name "securityContactPhone"))
                $ = "";

            $nonDefaultPolicies = @();
            $nonDefaultPolicies += $policies | Where-Object { $ -eq $this.On } | Select-Object -Property id, name
            if($nonDefaultPolicies.Count -ne 0)
                $messageText = " `r`nFound policies at resource group level in overridden state. These policies have to be manually corrected. Total: $($nonDefaultPolicies.Count)";
                $messages += [MessageData]::new($messageText + "`r`nBelow are the policies that have to be manually corrected: ", 
        return $messages;