
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

class AIOrgTelemetryHelper {
    static hidden [string[]] $ParamsToMask = @("OMSSharedKey");
    static hidden [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient] $OrgTelemetryClient;
    static hidden [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient] $UsageTelemetryClient;
    static [PSObject] $CommonProperties;
    static AIOrgTelemetryHelper() {
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::OrgTelemetryClient = [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient]::new()

    static [void] TrackEvent([string] $Name) {
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackEvent($Name, $null, $null);

    static [void] TrackEventWithOnlyProperties([string] $Name, [hashtable] $Properties) {
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackEvent($Name, $Properties, $null);

    static [void] TrackEventWithOnlyMetrics([string] $Name, [hashtable] $Metrics) {
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackEvent($Name, $null, $Metrics);

    static [void] TrackEvent([string] $Name, [hashtable] $Properties, [hashtable] $Metrics) {
        if (![RemoteReportHelper]::IsAIOrgTelemetryEnabled()) { return; };
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackEventInternal($Name, $Properties, $Metrics);

    static [void] TrackEvents([System.Collections.ArrayList] $events) {
        #if (![RemoteReportHelper]::IsAIOrgTelemetryEnabled()) { return; };
        #foreach ($item in $events) {
        # [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackEventInternal($item.Name, $item.Properties, $item.Metrics);

    static [void] TrackCommandExecution([string] $Name, [hashtable] $Properties, [hashtable] $Metrics, [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) {
        if (![RemoteReportHelper]::IsAIOrgTelemetryEnabled()) { return; };
        $Properties = [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::AttachInvocationInfo($Properties, $invocationContext);
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackEventInternal($Name, $Properties, $Metrics);

    static [void] TrackException([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord, [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $InvocationContext) {
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackException($ErrorRecord, $null, $null, $InvocationContext);

    static [void] TrackExceptionWithOnlyProperties([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord, [hashtable] $Properties, [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $InvocationContext) {
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackException($ErrorRecord, $Properties, $null, $InvocationContext);

    static [void] TrackExceptionWithOnlyMetrics([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord, [hashtable] $Metrics, [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $InvocationContext) {
        [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::TrackException($ErrorRecord, $null, $Metrics, $InvocationContext);

    static [void] TrackException([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord, [hashtable] $Properties, [hashtable] $Metrics, [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $InvocationContext) {
        try {
            if (![RemoteReportHelper]::IsAIOrgTelemetryEnabled()) { return; };
            $Properties = [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::AttachInvocationInfo($Properties, $InvocationContext);
            $Properties = [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::AttachCommonProperties($Properties);
            $Metrics = [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::AttachCommonMetrics($Metrics);
            $ex = [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.ExceptionTelemetry]::new()
            $ex.Exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception
                $ex.Properties.Add("ScriptStackTrace", $ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace)
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
            $Properties.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                    $ex.Properties.Add($_, $Properties[$_].ToString());
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
            $Metrics.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                    $ex.Metrics.Add($_, $Metrics[$_]);
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
            [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::OrgTelemetryClient.InstrumentationKey = [RemoteReportHelper]::GetAIOrgTelemetryKey();
                # Eat the current exception which typically happens when network or other API issue while sending telemetry events
                # No need to break execution

    hidden static [void] TrackEventInternal([string] $Name, [hashtable] $Properties, [hashtable] $Metrics) {
        $Properties = [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::AttachCommonProperties($Properties);
        $Metrics = [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::AttachCommonMetrics($Metrics);
        try {
            $event = [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.EventTelemetry]::new()
            $event.Name = $Name
            $Properties.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                try {
                    $event.Properties[$_] = $Properties[$_].ToString();
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
            $Metrics.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                try {
                    $event.Metrics[$_] = $Metrics[$_].ToString();
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
            [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::OrgTelemetryClient.InstrumentationKey = [RemoteReportHelper]::GetAIOrgTelemetryKey();
                # Eat the current exception which typically happens when network or other API issue while sending telemetry events
                # No need to break execution

    hidden static [hashtable] AttachCommonProperties([hashtable] $Properties) {
        if ($null -eq $Properties) {
            $Properties = @{}
        else {
            $Properties = $Properties.Clone()
        try {
            $NA = "NA";
            try {
                $Properties.Add("ScanSource", [RemoteReportHelper]::GetScanSource());
                # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                # No need to break execution
            try {
                $Properties.Add("PowerShellVersion", (Get-Variable -Name PSVersionTable).Value.PSVersion.Tostring());
                # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                # No need to break execution
            try {
                $module = Get-Module 'AzSK*' | Select-Object -First 1
                $Properties.Add("ScannerModuleName", $module.Name);
                $Properties.Add("ScannerVersion", $module.Version.ToString());
                # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                # No need to break execution
                $organizationContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext()
                    $Properties.Add([TelemetryKeys]::OrganizationId, $organizationContext.Organization.Id)
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
                    $Properties.Add([TelemetryKeys]::OrganizationName, $organizationContext.Organization.Name)
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
                    $Properties.Add("ADOEnv", $organizationContext.Environment.Name)
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
                    $Properties.Add("TenantId", $organizationContext.Tenant.Id)
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
                    $Properties.Add("AccountId", $organizationContext.Account.Id)
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
                    if ($Properties.ContainsKey("RunIdentifier")) {
                        $actualRunId = $Properties["RunIdentifier"]
                        $Properties["UniqueRunIdentifier"] = [RemoteReportHelper]::Mask($organizationContext.Account.Id + '##' + $actualRunId.ToString())
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
                    $Properties.Add("AccountType", $organizationContext.Account.Type);
                    # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                    # No need to break execution
                # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                # No need to break execution
            # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
            # No need to break execution
        return $Properties;

    hidden static [hashtable] AttachCommonMetrics([hashtable] $Metrics) {
        if ($null -eq $Metrics) {
            $Metrics = @{}
        else {
            $Metrics = $Metrics.Clone()
        return $Metrics;

    hidden static [hashtable] AttachInvocationInfo([hashtable] $Properties, [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo] $invocationContext) {
        if ($null -eq $Properties) {
            $Properties = @{}
        else {
            $Properties = $Properties.Clone()
        if ($null -eq $invocationContext) { return $Properties};
        $Properties.Add("Command", $invocationContext.MyCommand.Name)
        $params = @{}
        $invocationContext.BoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            $value = "MASKED"
            if (![AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::ParamsToMask.Contains($_)) {
                $value = $invocationContext.BoundParameters[$_].ToString()
            $Properties.Add("Param" + $_, $value)
            $params.Add("$_", $value)
        $Properties.Add("Params", [JsonHelper]::ConvertToJsonCustomCompressed($params))
        $loadedModules = Get-Module | ForEach-Object { $_.Name + "=" + $_.Version.ToString()}
        $Properties.Add("LoadedModules" , ($loadedModules -join ';'))
        return $Properties;

    static [void] PublishEvent([string] $EventName, [hashtable] $Properties, [hashtable] $Metrics) {
        try {
            #return if telemetry key is empty
            $telemetryKey= [RemoteReportHelper]::GetAIOrgTelemetryKey()
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($telemetryKey)) { return; };
            $eventObj = [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::GetEventBaseObject($EventName)

            if ($null -ne $Properties) {
                $Properties.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                    try {
                        if (!$$_)) {
                            $$_ , $Properties[$_].ToString())
                        # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                        # No need to break execution
            if ($null -ne $Metrics) {
                $Metrics.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                    try {
                        $metric = $Metrics[$_] -as [double]
                        if (!$$_) -and $null -ne $metric) {
                            $$_ , $Metrics[$_])
                        # Eat the current exception which typically happens when the property already exist in the object and try to add the same property again
                        # No need to break execution

            $eventJson = ConvertTo-Json $eventObj -Depth 100 -Compress

            $uri = [WebRequestHelper]::GetApplicationInsightsEndPoint()    
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri `
                -Method Post `
                -ContentType "application/x-json-stream" `
                -Body $eventJson `
                -UseBasicParsing | Out-Null
        catch {
            # Eat the current exception which typically happens when network or other API issue while sending telemetry events
            # No need to break execution

    static [void] PublishARMCheckerEvent([string] $EventName, [hashtable] $Properties, [hashtable] $Metrics) {
        try {
           $armcheckerscantelemetryEvents = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
           $telemetryEvent = "" | Select-Object Name, Properties, Metrics
           $telemetryEvent.Name =  $EventName
           $telemetryEvent.Properties = $Properties
           $telemetryEvent.Metrics = $Metrics
        catch {
         # Left blank intentionally
         # Error while sending events to telemetry. No need to break the execution.
    static [void] PublishARMCheckerEvent([System.Collections.ArrayList] $armcheckerscantelemetryEvents) {  
     #Attach Common Properties to each EventObject
     $armcheckerscantelemetryEvents | ForEach-Object -Begin{
     $module = Get-Module 'AzSK*' | Select-Object -First 1
     } -Process {
                $_.Properties.Add("ScannerModuleName", $module.Name);
                $_.Properties.Add("ScannerVersion", $module.Version.ToString());
     } -End {}

    # Left blank intentionally
    # Error while sending events to telemetry. No need to break the execution.


    static [PSObject] GetEventBaseObject([string] $EventName) {
    $telemetryKey= [RemoteReportHelper]::GetAIOrgTelemetryKey()
    $eventObj = "" | Select-Object data, iKey, name, tags, time
    $eventObj.iKey = $telemetryKey
    $ = "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights." + $telemetryKey.Replace("-", "") + ".Event"
    $eventObj.time = [datetime]::UtcNow.ToString("o")

    $eventObj.tags = "" | Select-Object ai.internal.sdkVersion
    $eventObj.tags.'ai.internal.sdkVersion' = "dotnet:"

    $ = "" | Select-Object baseData, baseType
    $ = "EventData"
    $ = "" | Select-Object ver, name, measurements, properties

    $ = 2
    $ = $EventName

    $ = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,double]'
    $ = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,string]'

    return $eventObj;

    #Telemetry functions -- start here
  static [PSObject]  SetCommonProperties([psobject] $EventObj) {
    $notAvailable = "NA"
        $organizationContext = [ContextHelper]::GetCurrentContext()
        $"TenantId", $organizationContext.Tenant.Id)
        $"AccountId", $organizationContext.Account.Id)
            # Eat the current exception which typically happens to avoid any break in event push
            # No need to break execution
      return $EventObj

    static [PSObject] GetUsageEventBaseObject([string] $EventName,[string] $type) {
        $eventObj = "" | Select-Object data, iKey, name, tags, time
        if($type -eq "Usage")
            $eventObj.iKey = [Constants]::UsageTelemetryKey
            $eventObj.iKey = [RemoteReportHelper]::GetAIOrgTelemetryKey()
        $ = $EventName
        $eventObj.time = [datetime]::UtcNow.ToString("o")

        $eventObj.tags = "" | Select-Object ai.internal.sdkVersion
        $eventObj.tags.'ai.internal.sdkVersion' = "dotnet:"

        $ = "" | Select-Object baseData, baseType
        $ = "EventData"
        $ = "" | Select-Object ver, name, measurements, properties

        $ = 2
        $ = $EventName

        $ = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,double]'
        $ = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,string]'

        return $eventObj;

static [void] PublishEvent([System.Collections.ArrayList] $servicescantelemetryEvents,[string] $type) {
    try {

        $eventlist = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

        $servicescantelemetryEvents | ForEach-Object {
        $eventObj = [AIOrgTelemetryHelper]::GetUsageEventBaseObject($_.Name,$type)
        #SetCommonProperties -EventObj $eventObj

        $currenteventobj = $_
        if ($null -ne $currenteventobj.Properties) {
            $currenteventobj.Properties.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                try {
                    if (!$$_)) {
                        $$_ , $currenteventobj.Properties[$_].ToString())
                    # Left blank intentionally
                    # Error while sending CA events to telemetry. No need to break the execution.
        if ($null -ne $currenteventobj.Metrics) {
            $currenteventobj.Metrics.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                try {
                    $metric = $currenteventobj.Metrics[$_] -as [double]
                    if (!$$_) -and $null -ne $metric) {
                        $$_ , $currenteventobj.Metrics[$_])
                catch {
                    # Left blank intentionally
                    # Error while sending CA events to telemetry. No need to break the execution.

        $eventJson = ConvertTo-Json $eventlist -Depth 100 -Compress

        if($type -eq "Usage")
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" `
            -Method Post `
            -ContentType "application/x-json-stream" `
            -Body $eventJson `
            -UseBasicParsing | Out-Null
        else {
                $uri = [WebRequestHelper]::GetApplicationInsightsEndPoint()    
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri `
                -Method Post `
                -ContentType "application/x-json-stream" `
                -Body $eventJson `
                -UseBasicParsing | Out-Null
    catch {
        # Left blank intentionally
        # Error while sending CA events to telemetry. No need to break the execution.
