
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
class CDN: AzSVTBase
    hidden [PSObject] $ResourceObject;

    CDN([string] $subscriptionId, [SVTResource] $svtResource):
        Base($subscriptionId, $svtResource)

    hidden [ControlResult] CheckCDNHttpsProtocol([ControlResult] $controlResult)
        $cdnEndpoints = Get-AzCdnEndpoint -ProfileName $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName `
                            -ResourceGroupName $this.ResourceContext.ResourceGroupName `
                            -ErrorAction Stop
        if(($cdnEndpoints | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
                                        [MessageData]::new("No CDN endpoints are found in the CDN profile.")); 
            # list of CDN endpoints which have only http enabled
            $onlyHttpAllowedEndpointList =  @($cdnEndpoints | Where-Object { $_.IsHttpAllowed -eq $true -and  $_.IsHttpsAllowed -eq $false})
            # list of CDN endpoints which have http enabled (irrespective of https)
            $httpAllowedEndpointList =  $cdnEndpoints | Where-Object { $_.IsHttpAllowed -eq $true }

            if(($httpAllowedEndpointList | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
                                        [MessageData]::new("All CDN endpoints in the CDN profile [" + $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName + "] are using HTTPS protocol only - ", ($cdnEndpoints | Select-Object -Property Name, HostName, OriginHostHeader, IsHttpAllowed, IsHttpsAllowed))); 
            }elseif($null -ne $onlyHttpAllowedEndpointList -and ($onlyHttpAllowedEndpointList | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0){
                # If only http protocol is enabled, Fail the control directly without checking for redirection rule
                $httpAllowedEndpointList| Foreach-Object {
                    $httpEndpointObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                    $httpEndpointObj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName HostName -NotePropertyValue $_.HostName
                    $httpEndpointObj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName IsHttpAllowed -NotePropertyValue $_.IsHttpAllowed
                    $httpEndpointObj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName IsHttpsAllowed -NotePropertyValue $_.IsHttpsAllowed

                $controlResult.SetStateData("Http Enabled Endpoints", $httpEndpointObjList);
                $controlResult.EnableFixControl = $true;
                [MessageData]::new("Only HTTP protocol is enabled for following CDN endpoints in the CDN profile [" + $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName + "] ", ($onlyHttpAllowedEndpointList | Select-Object -Property Name, HostName, OriginHostHeader, IsHttpAllowed, IsHttpsAllowed))); 
                $httpAllowedEndpointList| Foreach-Object {
                    $httpEndpointObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                    $httpEndpointObj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName HostName -NotePropertyValue $_.HostName
                    $httpEndpointObj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName IsHttpAllowed -NotePropertyValue $_.IsHttpAllowed
                    $httpEndpointObj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName IsHttpsAllowed -NotePropertyValue $_.IsHttpsAllowed
                $httpEndpointsWithRedirectRule = @()
                $httpEndpointsWithoutRedirectRule = @()
                $httpAllowedEndpointList | Foreach-Object {
                    $currentEndpoint = $_
                    $isRedirectRuleConfigured = $false
                    $currentEndpoint.DeliveryPolicy.Rules | Foreach-Object {
                        $currentRule = $_
                        $requiredHttpCondition = $currentRule.Conditions | Where-Object { $_.MatchVariable -eq "RequestScheme" -and $_.MatchValue -eq "HTTP"}
                        $requiredRedirectAction = $currentRule.Actions | Where-Object { $_.RedirectType -eq "Found" -and $_.DestinationProtocol -eq "HTTPS"}
                        if($null -ne $requiredHttpCondition -and $null -ne $requiredRedirectAction){
                            $isRedirectRuleConfigured = $true
                        $httpEndpointsWithRedirectRule += $currentEndpoint
                        $httpEndpointsWithoutRedirectRule += $currentEndpoint

                if(($httpEndpointsWithoutRedirectRule | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0){
                    $controlResult.SetStateData("Http Enabled Endpoints", $httpEndpointObjList);
                    $controlResult.EnableFixControl = $true;
                                            [MessageData]::new("Below CDN endpoints in the CDN profile [" + $this.ResourceContext.ResourceName + "] are using HTTP protocol and don't have HTTP to HTTPS redirection rule configured - ", ($httpEndpointsWithoutRedirectRule | Select-Object -Property Name, HostName, OriginHostHeader, IsHttpAllowed, IsHttpsAllowed))); 
                    [MessageData]::new("For all the CDN endpoints (using HTTP protocol) in the CDN profile, HTTP to HTTPs redirection rule is configured in rules engine - ", ($httpEndpointsWithRedirectRule | Select-Object -Property Name, HostName, OriginHostHeader, IsHttpAllowed, IsHttpsAllowed))); 

        return $controlResult;    