
function Export-AzSentinel {
      Export Azure Sentinel
      With this function you can export Azure Sentinel configuration
      .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
      Enter the subscription ID, if no subscription ID is provided then current AZContext subscription will be used
      .PARAMETER WorkspaceName
      Enter the Workspace name
      .PARAMETER Kind
      Select what you want to export: Alert, Hunting, Templates or All
      .PARAMETER OutputFolder
      The Path where you want to export the JSON files
      .PARAMETER TemplatesKind
      Select which Kind of templates you want to export, if empy all Templates will be exported
      Export-AzSentinel -WorkspaceName '' -Path C:\Temp\ -Kind All
      In this example you export Alert, Hunting and Template rules
      Export-AzSentinel -WorkspaceName '' -Path C:\Temp\ -Kind Templates
      In this example you export only the Templates
      Export-AzSentinel -WorkspaceName '' -Path C:\Temp\ -Kind Alert
      In this example you export only the Scheduled Alert rules

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "Sub")]
        [string] $SubscriptionId,




        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    begin {

    process {
        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            Sub {
                $arguments = @{
                    WorkspaceName  = $WorkspaceName
                    SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId
            default {
                $arguments = @{
                    WorkspaceName = $WorkspaceName

        $date = Get-Date -Format HHmmss_ddMMyyyy

        Test export path

        if (Test-Path $OutputFolder) {
            Write-Verbose "Path Exists"
        else {
            try {
                $null = New-Item -Path $OutputFolder -Force -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Error $ErrorMessage
                Write-Verbose $_

        Export Alert rules section

        if (($Kind -like 'Alert') -or ($Kind -like 'All')) {

            try {
                $rules = Get-AzSentinelAlertRule @arguments -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                $return = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Error $return

            if ($rules) {
                $output = @{
                    Scheduled                         = @(
                        $rules | Where-Object kind -eq Scheduled
                    Fusion                            = @(
                        $rules | Where-Object kind -eq Fusion
                    MLBehaviorAnalytics               = @(
                        $rules | Where-Object kind -eq MLBehaviorAnalytics
                    MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation = @(
                        $rules | Where-Object kind -eq MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation

                try {
                    $fullPath = "$($OutputFolder)AlertRules_$date.json"
                    $output | ConvertTo-Json -EnumsAsStrings -Depth 15 | Out-File $fullPath -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Output "Alert rules exported to: $fullPath"
                catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Error $ErrorMessage
                    Write-Verbose $_

        Export Hunting rules section

        if (($Kind -like 'Hunting') -or ($Kind -like 'All')) {
            try {
                $rules = Get-AzSentinelHuntingRule @arguments -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                $return = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Error $return
            if ($rules) {
                $output = @{
                    Hunting = @()
                $output.Hunting += $rules
                try {
                    $fullPath = "$($OutputFolder)HuntingRules_$date.json"
                    $output | ConvertTo-Json -EnumsAsStrings -Depth 15 | Out-File $fullPath -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Output "Hunting rules exported to: $fullPath"
                catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Error $ErrorMessage
                    Write-Verbose $_

        Export Templates section

        if (($Kind -like 'Templates') -or ($Kind -like 'All')) {

            if ($TemplatesKind) {
                try {
                    $templates = Get-AzSentinelAlertRuleTemplates @arguments -Kind $TemplatesKind
                catch {
                    $return = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Error $return
            else {
                try {
                    $templates = Get-AzSentinelAlertRuleTemplates @arguments
                catch {
                    $return = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Error $return

            if ($templates) {
                $output = @{
                    Scheduled                         = @(
                        $templates | Where-Object kind -eq Scheduled
                    Fusion                            = @(
                        $templates | Where-Object kind -eq Fusion
                    MLBehaviorAnalytics               = @(
                        $templates | Where-Object kind -eq MLBehaviorAnalytics
                    MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation = @(
                        $templates | Where-Object kind -eq MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation

                try {
                    $fullPath = "$($OutputFolder)Templates_$date.json"
                    $output | ConvertTo-Json -EnumsAsStrings -Depth 15 | Out-File $fullPath -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Output "Templates exported to: $fullPath"
                catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Error $ErrorMessage
                    Write-Verbose $_