
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  startfunctionname : Dll interface for start HeavyTalker processing
  stopfunctionname : stop HeavyTalker processing
  allowmulticast : 0 or 1 to indicate if multicase traffic should be tracked.
  allowloopback : similar to multicast but for loopback traffic
  aggregatelevel : Can be 0, 1, 2 to indicate light, med, heavy aggreation on network packet. 0 indicate only differ the process ID and incoming outgoing traffic.
                   1 indicate differ the SIP and DIP, 2 means differ also on SPort and DPort
  Frequency : How often should generate ETW log, the unit is mins.
  Current KernelEventScanner is config to profile only, which only take number of connections and estimate the number of IP the application talk with
    <HeavyTalkerScannerInfo scenarioname = "HeavyTalker"
        librarypath = "KernelEventScanner.dll"
        startfunctionname = "StartHeavyTalkerProducer"
        stopfunctionname = "StopHeavyTalkerProducer"
        allowmulticast = "0"
        allowloopback = "0"
        aggregatelevel = "0"
        frequency = "720">