
    function addQuotes($array){
        for($i=0; $i -lt $array.Length; $i++){
            $j = $array[$i]
            $array[$i] = "`"$j`""

    function convertToDotLanguage ($nodes)
        $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
        [void]$sb.Append( 'digraph G {' )
        foreach ($node in $nodes)
            $source = $node.Name
            $dest = $node.Remotes
            $dest = [String]::Join(' ',$dest)
            [void]$sb.AppendLine( "`"$source`" -> { $dest }"  )
        [void]$sb.Append( '}' )

    function Invoke-URLInDefaultBrowser
                Cmdlet to open a URL in the User's default browser.
                Cmdlet to open a URL in the User's default browser.
            .PARAMETER URL
                Specify the URL to be Opened.
                PS> Invoke-URLInDefaultBrowser -URL ''
                This will open the website "" in the user's default browser.
                This cmdlet has only been test on Windows 10, using edge, chrome, and firefox as default browsers.

                Position = 0,
                Mandatory = $true
            [String] $URL
        #Verify Format. Do not want to assume http or https so throw warning.
        if( $URL -notmatch "http://*" -and $URL -notmatch "https://*")
            Write-Warning -Message "The URL Specified is formatted incorrectly: ($URL)"
            Write-Warning -Message "Please make sure to include the URL Protocol (http:// or https://)"
        #Replace spaces with encoded space
        $URL = $URL -replace ' ','%20'
        #Get Default browser
        $DefaultSettingPath = 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice'
        $DefaultBrowserName = (Get-Item $DefaultSettingPath | Get-ItemProperty).ProgId
        #Handle for Edge
        ##edge will no open with the specified shell open command in the HKCR.
        if($DefaultBrowserName -eq 'AppXq0fevzme2pys62n3e0fbqa7peapykr8v')
            #Open url in edge
            start Microsoft-edge:$URL
                #Create PSDrive to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
                $null = New-PSDrive -PSProvider registry -Root 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT' -Name 'HKCR'
                #Get the default browser executable command/path
                $DefaultBrowserOpenCommand = (Get-Item "HKCR:\$DefaultBrowserName\shell\open\command" | Get-ItemProperty).'(default)'
                $DefaultBrowserPath = [regex]::Match($DefaultBrowserOpenCommand,'\".+?\"')
                #Open URL in browser
                Start-Process -FilePath $DefaultBrowserPath -ArgumentList $URL  
                Throw $_.Exception
                #Clean up PSDrive for 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
                Remove-PSDrive -Name 'HKCR'

    function invoke-dependencyCheck{
        $collection= @("Az.Accounts", "Az.Network")
        foreach ($item in $collection) {
            if(-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $item)){
                throw "Missisng dependency $item. Please run: install-module -name $"

    function get-AzVnetGraph 
                Mandatory = $true
            [String] $TenantId

    $baseURL = ""
    $nodes = @()
    $subarr = Get-AzSubscription -TenantId $TenantId
    foreach ($sub in $subarr)
        Set-AzContext -Subscription $sub | out-null
        $vnets = Get-AzVirtualNetwork
        foreach($vnet in $vnets){
        $name = $
        $remotevnets = $
        $remotevnetnames = @()
        foreach($remotevnet in $remotevnets){
            $remotevnetname =  $($remotevnet -split "/")[-1]
            $remotevnetnames += $remotevnetname
        $node = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name     = $name
                Remotes = $remotevnetnames
        $nodes += $node


    $dotcode = convertToDotLanguage($nodes)
    $URI = "$baseURL$dotcode"
    $URI = [uri]::EscapeUriString($URI)

    Invoke-URLInDefaultBrowser -URL $URI