
#region ------------Internal Functions-------------------
function Show-Warning {
    Write-Verbose "This module is an open-source project and not formally part of the Microsoft Azure Security Center product. In addition, this module is currently in development and may have bugs/issues; please use at your own risk."
function Set-Context {
    if(-not (Get-Module AzureRm.Profile)) {
        Import-Module AzureRm.Profile
    Write-Verbose "Checking AzureRM.profile version"
    $azureRmProfileModuleVersion = (Get-Module AzureRm.Profile).Version

        # refactoring performed in AzureRm.Profile v3.0 or later
    if($azureRmProfileModuleVersion.Major -ge 3) {
        Write-Verbose "AzureRM.profile v3.x verified"
        $azureRmProfile = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile
        if(-not $azureRmProfile.Accounts.Count) {
            Write-Error "Ensure you have logged in before calling this function."

    else {
        # AzureRm.Profile < v3.0
        Write-Verbose "AzureRM.profile v2.x verified"
        $azureRmProfile = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Common.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile
        if(-not $azureRmProfile.Context.Account.Count) {
        Write-Error "Ensure you have logged in before calling this function."
    Write-Verbose "Checking AzureRM Context"
    $currentAzureContext = Get-AzureRmContext
    $profileClient = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Common.RMProfileClient($azureRmProfile)
    Write-Verbose "Getting access token"
    Write-Debug ("Getting access token for tenant" + $currentAzureContext.Subscription.TenantId)
    $token = $profileClient.AcquireAccessToken($currentAzureContext.Subscription.TenantId)
    $token = $token.AccessToken
    Write-Verbose "Extracting subscription and tenant ids"
    $asc_subscriptionId = $currentAzureContext.Subscription.Id
    $asc_tenantId = $currentAzureContext.Tenant.Id
    Write-Verbose "Creating auth header"
    Set-Variable -Name asc_requestHeader -Scope Script -Value @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $token"}
    #2.x AzureRM outputs subscriptionid differently.
    if($azureRmProfileModuleVersion.Major -le 2) {Set-Variable -Name asc_subscriptionId -Scope Script -Value $currentAzureContext.Subscription.SubscriptionId}
    else{Set-Variable -Name asc_subscriptionId -Scope Script -Value $currentAzureContext.Subscription.Id}
    Write-Verbose "Setting wellknown vars"
    $Script:asc_clientId = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2"              # Well-known client ID for Azure PowerShell
    $Script:asc_redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"                      # Redirect URI for Azure PowerShell
    $Script:asc_resourceAppIdURI = ""             # Resource URI for REST API
    $Script:asc_url = ''                                   # Well-known URL endpoint
    $Script:asc_version = "2015-06-01-preview"                                 # Default API Version

Build-ASCPolicy creates the JSON format needed for Set-ASCPolicy.
When running the command, it will perform a GET request for your existing ASC policy configuraiton and will only update parameters you specify. The command currently has parameters for JIT Port Administration configuration, but the JIT commands are not currently in the module. These will be added later.
Build-ASCPolicy -PolicyName Default
"properties": {
                    "policyLevel": "Subscription",
                    "name": "default",
                    "unique": "Off",
                    "logCollection": "On",
                    "recommendations": {
                                            "patch": "On",
                                            "baseline": "On",
                                            "antimalware": "On",
                                            "diskEncryption": "On",
                                            "acls": "On",
                                            "nsgs": "On",
                                            "waf": "On",
                                            "sqlAuditing": "On",
                                            "sqlTde": "On",
                                            "ngfw": "On",
                                            "vulnerabilityAssessment": "On",
                                            "storageEncryption": "On",
                                            "jitNetworkAccess": "On"
                    "logsConfiguration": {
                                                "storages": {
                    "omsWorkspaceConfiguration": {
                                                        "workspaces": {
                    "securityContactConfiguration": {
                                                        "securityContactEmails": [
                                                        "securityContactPhone": "867-5309",
                                                        "areNotificationsOn": true,
                                                        "sendToAdminOn": false
                    "pricingConfiguration": {
                                                "selectedPricingTier": "Free",
                                                "standardTierStartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                                "premiumTierStartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
                    "lastStorageCreationTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
The above example simply shows the existing configuration for the specified policy.
Build-ASCPolicy -PolicyName Default -AllOff -DataCollection Off -SecurityContactEmail "",""
"properties": {
                    "policyLevel": "Subscription",
                    "name": "default",
                    "unique": "Off",
                    "logCollection": "Off",
                    "recommendations": {
                                            "patch": "Off",
                                            "baseline": "Off",
                                            "antimalware": "Off",
                                            "diskEncryption": "Off",
                                            "acls": "Off",
                                            "nsgs": "Off",
                                            "waf": "Off",
                                            "sqlAuditing": "Off",
                                            "sqlTde": "Off",
                                            "ngfw": "Off",
                                            "vulnerabilityAssessment": "Off",
                                            "storageEncryption": "Off",
                                            "jitNetworkAccess": "Off"
                    "logsConfiguration": {
                                                "storages": {
                    "omsWorkspaceConfiguration": {
                                                        "workspaces": {
                    "securityContactConfiguration": {
                                                        "securityContactEmails": [
                                                        "securityContactPhone": "867-5309",
                                                        "areNotificationsOn": true,
                                                        "sendToAdminOn": false
                    "pricingConfiguration": {
                                                "selectedPricingTier": "Free",
                                                "standardTierStartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                                                "premiumTierStartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
                    "lastStorageCreationTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
The above example builds a policy that turns all recommendations off and log collection off and changes the security contact to "" and ""

function Build-ASCPolicy {
        # PolicyName - Specify policy name for configuration.Note: Currently only Default is supported for Policy configurations.

        # All Recommendations On. This turns all ASC recommendation flags to 'On'.

        # All Recommendations Off. This turns all ASC recommendation flags to 'Off'.

        # Patch. Specifies if Patch recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # Baseline. Specifies if Baseline recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # AntiMalware. Specifies if AntiMalware recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # DiskEncryption. Specifies if DiskEncryption recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # ACLS. Specifies if ACLS recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # NSGS. Specifies if NSGS recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # WAF. Specifies if WAF recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # SQLAuditing. Specifies if SQL Auditing recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # SQLTDE. Specifies if SQLTDE recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # NGFW. Specifies if NGFW recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # VulnerabilityAssessment. Specifies if Vulnerability Assessment recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # StorageEncryption. Specifies if Storage Encryption recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # JITNetworkAccess. Specifies if JIT Network Access recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # Application Whitelisting. Specifies if Application Whitelisting recommendation should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # DataCollection. Specifies if data collection for the resources in the subscription should be 'On' or 'Off'.

        # Security Contact Email. You may specify multiple names by comma separating. Example: "", ""

        # Security Contact Phone Number.

        # Security Contact - Send notifications about alerts. This turns on automated notifications for the subscription.

        # Security Contact - Send notifications to subscription owner as well.

        # Pricing Tier. Specifies the pricing tier for the subscription. Note, setting this to Standard may cause you to incur costs.

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    Begin {
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.

        # Additional parameter validations and mutual exclusions
        If ($AllOn -and $AllOff) {Throw 'Cannot reconcile app parameters. Only use one of them at a time.'}
        If (($AllOn -or $AllOff) -and ($Patch -or $Baseline -or $AntiMalware -or $DiskEncryption -or $ACLS -or $NSGS -or $WAF -or $SQLAuditing -or $SQLTDE -or $NGFW -or $VulnerabilityAssessment -or $StorageEncryption -or $JITNetworkAccess)) {Throw 'Cannot reconcile app parameters. Do not specify individual properties in addition to AllOn or AllOf.'}

            #Retrieve existing policy and build hashtable
            $a = Get-ASCPolicy -PolicyName $PolicyName
            $json_policy = @{
            properties = @{
            policyLevel = $
            policyName = $
            unique = $
            logCollection = $
            recommendations = $
            logsConfiguration = $
            omsWorkspaceConfiguration = $
            securityContactConfiguration = $
            pricingConfiguration = $

            if ($ -eq $null){Write-Error "The specified policy does not exist."; return}

            #Turn all recommendations off if specified
            if ($AllOff){

                #Set all params to off unless specified
                $ =                    "Off"
                $ =                 "Off"
                $ =              "Off"
                $ =           "Off"
                $ =                     "Off"
                $ =                     "Off"
                $ =                      "Off"
                $ =              "Off"
                $ =                   "Off"
                $ =                     "Off"
                $ =  "Off"
                $ =        "Off"
                $ =         "Off"
                $ =          "Off"

            #Turn all recommendations on if specified
            if ($AllOn){

                #Set all params to off unless specified
                $ =                    "On"
                $ =                 "On"
                $ =              "On"
                $ =           "On"
                $ =                     "On"
                $ =                     "On"
                $ =                      "On"
                $ =              "On"
                $ =                   "On"
                $ =                     "On"
                $ =  "On"
                $ =        "On"
                $ =         "On"
                $ =          "On"

            #Update recommendations if individual parameters are specified
            If ($Patch){$ = $Patch}
            If ($Baseline){$ = $Baseline}
            If ($AntiMalware){$ = $AntiMalware}
            If ($DiskEncryption){$ = $DiskEncryption}
            If ($ACLS){$ = $ACLS}
            If ($NSGS){$ = $NSGS}
            If ($WAF){$ = $WAF}
            If ($SQLAuditing){$ = $SQLAuditing}
            If ($SQLTDE){$ = $SQLTDE}
            If ($NGFW){$ = $NGFW}
            If ($VulnerabilityAssessment){$ = $VulnerabilityAssessment}
            If ($StorageEncryption){$ = $StorageEncryption}
            If ($JITNetworkAccess){$ = $JITNetworkAccess}
            If ($ApplicationWhitelisting){$ = $ApplicationWhitelisting}

            #Update security contact information if specified
            If ($SecurityContactEmail){
                $SecurityContactEmailArray = @()
                foreach ($i in $SecurityContactEmail){$SecurityContactEmailArray += $i}
                $ = $SecurityContactEmailArray

            If ($SecurityContactPhone){$ = $SecurityContactPhone}
            If ($SecurityContactNotificationsOn){$ = $SecurityContactNotificationsOn}
            If ($SecurityContactSendToAdminOn){$ = $SecurityContactSendToAdminOn}
            #If ($SecurityContactEmail -or $SecurityContactPhone -or $SecurityContactNotifications -or $SecurityContactSendToAdmin) {$ = ((get-date -Format o) -replace '-\d{2}:\d{2}','Z')}

            #Update data collection if specified
            If ($DataCollection){$ = $DataCollection}

            #Update pricing tier if specified
            If ($PricingTier){$ = $PricingTier}

            #Convert hash table to JSON for Set-ASCPolicy cmdlet
            $json_policy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

     }#end try block

        Write-Error $_
    }#end begin block
    Process {
    End {
Get-ASCPolicy is used to retrieve either a list of set policies or a specific policy for a specified resource.
Get-ASCPolicy | Format-List
id : /subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/providers/Microsoft.Security/policies/policy1
name : default
type : Microsoft.Security/policies
properties : @{policyLevel=Subscription; name=Default; unique=Off; logCollection=On; recommendations=; logsConfiguration=; omsWorkspaceConfiguration=; securityContactConfiguration=;
id : /subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/providers/Microsoft.Security/policies/policy2
name : default
type : Microsoft.Security/policies
properties : @{policyLevel=Subscription; name=policy2; unique=On; logCollection=On; recommendations=; logsConfiguration=; omsWorkspaceConfiguration=; securityContactConfiguration=;
Fetches details for all policies.
(Get-ASCPolicy -PolicyName default).properties.recommendations
patch : On
baseline : On
antimalware : On
diskEncryption : On
acls : On
nsgs : On
waf : On
sqlAuditing : On
sqlTde : On
ngfw : On
vulnerabilityAssessment : On
storageEncryption : On
jitNetworkAccess : On
The above example fetches default policy and displays the current recommendations settings.

function Get-ASCPolicy {
        # Fetches a specific policy by name.

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    Begin {
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
        $asc_endpoint = 'policies' #Set endpoint.
    Process {

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Fetch') {
                $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint$asc_APIVersion"
                Try {
                        $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
                Catch [System.Net.WebException] {
                        Write-Error $_
                Finally {

        If ($PolicyName) {
                $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint/$PolicyName$asc_APIVersion"
                Try {
                        Write-Verbose "Retrieving data for $PolicyName..."
                        $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
                Catch {
                        Write-Error $_
                Finally {
    End {
Set-ASCPolicy is used to update the current protection policy for your active subscription.
This cmdlet currently only works for the default policy in your active subscription. To change your active subscription either re-run Get-ASCCredential and select the desired subscription from the list, or run ($asc_subscriptionId = <your subscription id>) to change the global variable used by this module.
Set-ASCPolicy -PolicyName default -JSON (Build-ASCJSON -Policy -DataCollection On -SecurityContactEmail,
The above example uses the Set-ASCPolicy cmdlet against the default policy for the active subscriptionId and passes in the JSON configuration by running Build-ASCJSON within parentheses.
The Build-ASCJSON parameters specified will turn on data collection and replace the existing security contact email addresses with two new addresses.
The command should return a StatusCode: 200 (OK)
You can verify your updated configuration by running Get-ASCPolicy.

function Set-ASCPolicy {
        # Fetches a specific policy by name.

        # Fetches a specific policy by name.

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    Begin {
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
        $asc_endpoint = 'policies' #Set endpoint.
    Process {

        $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint/$PolicyName$asc_APIVersion"

        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $asc_uri -Method Put -Headers $asc_requestHeader -Body $JSON -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json"


    End {
Get-ASCStatus retrieves the data collection status of all resources currently being protected in your active subscription.
This cmdlet will display the monitoring health and status of your azure resources for the active subscription. This data is based on data collection being enabled for your resources which can be set in your policy.
(Get-ASCStatus | ?{$ -match 'Kali-01$'}).properties
vmAgent : On
dataCollector : Off
dataCollectorInstallationStatus : FailureDueToVmStopped
dataCollectorPolicy : On
antimalwareScannerData : @{antimalwareInstallationSecurityState=None; antimalwareSupportLogCollectionSecurityState=None; antimalwareHealthIssuesSecurityState=None; antimalwareComponentList=System.Object[];
                                        dataType=Antimalware; isScannerDataValid=False; policy=On; dataExists=False; securityState=None; lastReportTime=0001-01-01T00:00:00}
baselineScannerData : @{failedRulesSecurityState=None; dataType=Baseline; isScannerDataValid=False; policy=On; dataExists=False; securityState=None; lastReportTime=0001-01-01T00:00:00}
patchScannerData : @{rebootPendingSecurityState=None; missingPatchesSecurityState=None; dataType=Patch; isScannerDataValid=False; policy=On; dataExists=False; securityState=None;
vmInstallationsSecurityState : Medium
encryptionDataState : @{securityState=None; isSupported=False; isOsDiskEncrypted=False; isDataDiskEncrypted=False}
vulnerabilityAssessmentScannerStatus : @{isSupported=False; provider=Unknown; dataType=VulnerabilityAssessment; isScannerDataValid=False; policy=On; dataExists=False; securityState=None; lastReportTime=0001-01-01T00:00:00}
name : VirtualMachineHealthStateProperties
type : VirtualMachine
securityState : Medium
The above example retrieves the data collection status for the Kali-O1 VM and displays the properties.

function Get-ASCStatus {
        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
        $asc_endpoint = 'securityStatuses' #Set endpoint.

        $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint$asc_APIVersion"
        Try {
                $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
        Catch {
                Write-Error $_
Get-ASCTask displays the current tasks in Azure Security Center.
This cmdlet displays the available tasks for your resources in the active subscription. These tasks are based on your set recommendations set in your policy.
(Get-ASCTask).properties.securitytaskparameters | select storageaccountname, name
storageAccountName name
------------------ ----
defaultnetworkingdiag494 Enable encryption for Azure Storage Account
w10x6401disks523 Enable encryption for Azure Storage Account
122193westus2 Enable encryption for Azure Storage Account
defaultnetworking698 Enable encryption for Azure Storage Account
The above example retrives the available tasks displays the relevant storage account and task name only.

function Get-ASCTask {
        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    Begin {
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
        $asc_endpoint = 'tasks' #Set endpoint.
    Process {
        $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint$asc_APIVersion"
        Try {
                $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
        Catch {
                Write-Error $_
        Finally {
    End {
Set-ASCTask updates the status of a task
This cmdlet can be used to update task status to either dismiss or activate.
Set-ASCTask -TaskID 09eb1b85-1b5b-c4b6-5ad3-b3c383b1a83d -Dismiss
(Get-ASCTask).properties | select -first 1
The first command marks the set task as dismissed. The second command checks the status of the updated task and displays the state.

function Set-ASCTask {
        # Task ID

        # Dismiss Flag

        # Activate Flag

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.
        [string]$Version = $asc_version

    Begin {
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
        $asc_endpoint = 'tasks' #Set endpoint.
    Process {
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Dismiss') {
                $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/centralus/$asc_endpoint/$TaskID/dismiss$asc_APIVersion"
                Try {
                        $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Post -Headers $asc_requestHeader
                Catch {
                        Write-Error $_
                Finally {

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Activate') {
                $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/centralus/$asc_endpoint/$TaskID/activate$asc_APIVersion"
                Try {
                        $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Post -Headers $asc_requestHeader
                Catch {
                        Write-Error $_
                Finally {
    End {
This cmdlet receives a collection of alerts. Note, alerts are only avaible in Standart-tier subscriptions.
Get-ASCAlert | select -First 20 @{N='Alert';E={$}}
Potential SQL Injection
Deep Security Agent detected a malware
Possible outgoing spam activity detected
Modified system binary discovered in dump file 5bd767e4-2d08-4714-b744-aaed04b57107__391365252.hdmp
Security incident detected
Network communication with a malicious machine detected
Multiple Domain Accounts Queried
Suspicious SVCHOST process executed
Successful RDP brute force attack
Failed RDP Brute Force Attack
The above command retrieves the last 20 alerts and shows them in a table, renaming the alertdisplayname property to 'Alert'.

function Get-ASCAlert {
        # Specify Alert ID to fetch a specific ASC Alert. If this is not set, this cmdlet will retrieve a collection of all alerts.

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    Begin {
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
        $asc_endpoint = 'alerts' #Set endpoint.
    Process {
        Try {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Fetch') {
                        foreach ($i in $AlertID) {
                                if ($i -match '^/') {$i = ($i -split '/alerts/' | ?{$_ -notmatch '^/'})}
                                $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/centralus/$asc_endpoint/$i$asc_APIVersion"
                                $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
                else {
                                $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/centralus/$asc_endpoint$asc_APIVersion"
                                $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
        Catch {
                Write-Error $_
        Finally {
    End {
Set-ASCAlert changes the status of an alert.
Changes the status of alerts.

function Set-ASCAlert {
        # Alert ID

        # Dismiss Flag

        # Activate Flag

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    Begin {
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
        $asc_endpoint = 'alerts' #Set endpoint.
    Process {
        If ($Dismiss -and !$Activate) {
                Try {
                        foreach ($i in $AlertID) {
                                if ($i -match '^/') { $i = ($i -split '/alerts/' | ?{$_ -notmatch '^/'})}
                                Write-Warning "Dismissing alert $i"
                                $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/centralus/$asc_endpoint/$i/dismiss$asc_APIVersion"
                                $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Post -Headers $asc_requestHeader | Out-Null
                Catch {
                        Write-Error $_
                Finally {

        If ($Activate -and !$Dismiss) {
                Try {
                        foreach ($i in $AlertID) {
                                if ($i -match '^/') { $i = ($i -split '/alerts/' | ?{$_ -notmatch '^/'})}
                                Write-Warning "Activating alert $i"
                                $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/centralus/$asc_endpoint/$i/activate$asc_APIVersion"
                                $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Post -Headers $asc_requestHeader | Out-Null
                Catch {
                        Write-Error $_
                Finally {
        If ($Activate -and $Dismiss) {
                Write-Warning "You may not specify -Activate and -Dismiss at the same time."
    End {
Retrieves data center location information for Azure Security Center data.
Get-ASCLocation | fl -Force
id : /subscriptions/6b1ceacd-5731-4780-8f96-2078dd96fd96/providers/Microsoft.Security/locations/centralus
name : centralus
type : Microsoft.Security/locations
properties : @{homeRegionName=centralus}
The above example retrieves datacenter region information for the ASC service.

function Get-ASCLocation {
        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.
    if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
    $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
    $asc_endpoint = 'locations' #Set endpoint.

    $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint$asc_APIVersion"
    Try {
            $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
    Catch {
            Write-Error $_
Retrieves list of available partner solutions and their corrosponding information.
Get-ASCSecuritySolutionReferenceData | ?{$ -match 'barracuda'} | fl -Force
id : /subscriptions/6b1ceacd-5731-4780-8f96-2078dd96fd96/providers/Microsoft.Security/securitySolutionsReferenceData/barracudanetworks.wafbyol-ARM.FullyI
name : barracudanetworks.wafbyol-ARM.FullyIntegrated
type : Microsoft.Security/securitySolutionsReferenceData
properties : @{alertVendorName=BarracudaWAF; securityFamily=Waf;; productName=Web Application Firewall;
                provisionType=FullyIntegrated; publisher=barracudanetworks; publisherDisplayName=Barracuda Networks, Inc.; template=barracudanetworks/wafbyol-ARM}
id : /subscriptions/6b1ceacd-5731-4780-8f96-2078dd96fd96/providers/Microsoft.Security/securitySolutionsReferenceData/barracudanetworks.wafbyol-ARM
name : barracudanetworks.wafbyol-ARM
type : Microsoft.Security/securitySolutionsReferenceData
properties : @{alertVendorName=BarracudaWAF; securityFamily=Waf;; productName=Web Application Firewall;
                provisionType=SemiIntegrated; publisher=barracudanetworks; publisherDisplayName=Barracuda Networks, Inc.; template=barracudanetworks/wafbyol-ARM}
id : /subscriptions/6b1ceacd-5731-4780-8f96-2078dd96fd96/providers/Microsoft.Security/securitySolutionsReferenceData/barracudanetworks.barracuda-ng-firew
name : barracudanetworks.barracuda-ng-firewallbyol-ARM
type : Microsoft.Security/securitySolutionsReferenceData
properties : @{alertVendorName=BarracudaNgfw; securityFamily=Ngfw;; productName=Next Generation Firewall;
                provisionType=SemiIntegrated; publisher=barracudanetworks; publisherDisplayName=Barracuda Networks, Inc.;
The above command retrieves available Barracuda partner solutions and displays corrosponding data.

function Get-ASCSecuritySolutionReferenceData {
        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.
    if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
    $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
    $asc_endpoint = 'securitySolutionsReferenceData' #Set endpoint.

    $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint$asc_APIVersion"
    Try {
            $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
    Catch {
            Write-Error $_
Get-ASCSecuritySolution retrieves the list of deployed partner solutions.
Retrieves currently deployed partner solutions and corrosponding data.
Get-ASCSecuritySolution | select -ExpandProperty properties
securityFamily : SaasWaf
integrationLevel : SemiIntegrated
protectionStatus : Good
template : Microsoft.ApplicationGateway-ARM
protectedResourcesStates : {}
protectedResourcesTypes : {}
managementUrl :
creationDate : 2017-04-25T05:29:04.2645167Z
provisioningState : Succeeded
clusterId : 3BFDEEB35202166EC0A77A5C4B1D125C0A28CD51
The above command displays currently deployed partner solutions and their corrosponding data.

function Get-ASCSecuritySolution {
        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.
    if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
    $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.

    $asc_endpoint = 'securitySolutions' #Set endpoint

    $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint$asc_APIVersion"
    Try {
            $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
    Catch {
            Write-Error $_

New-ASCQualysVASolutionConfiguration creates a Qualys VA Security Solution configuration.
Creates the JSON format needed for Set-ASCSecuritySolution to work with a Qualys VA Security Solution.
New-ASCQualysVASolutionConfiguration -LicenseCode "License code supplied by Qualys" -PublicKey "Public Key supplied by Qualys" -AutoUpdate $true -Location "centralus"
    "Properties": {
                       "Template": "qualys.qualysAgent",
                       "ProvisioningParameters": {
                                                      "licenseCode": "License code supplied by Qualys",
                                                      "publicKey": "Public Key supplied by Qualys",
                                                      "autoUpdate": true
                       "Location": "centralus"

function New-ASCQualysVASolutionConfiguration {
        # LicenseCode - Specify license code for configuration.

        # PublicKey - Specify Public Key for configuration.

        # AutoUpdate - deploys to VMs without prompting

        # Location - Specify where the solution is geographically located. (Ex. centralus)

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    Begin {
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.


        $provisioning = @{
        licenseCode = $LicenseCode
        publicKey = $PublicKey
        autoUpdate = $AutoUpdate

        $config = @{
            Properties = @{
            Location = $Location
            Template = "qualys.qualysAgent"
            ProvisioningParameters = ($provisioning |  ConvertTo-Json)

        #Convert hash table to JSON
        $config | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4

     }#end try block

        Write-Error $_
    }#end begin block
    Process {
    End {

Writes a Security Solution to the current subscription.
Set-ASCSecuritySolution -SolutionName "Va1" -ResourceGroupName "Rg" -JSON (New-ASCQualysVASolutionConfiguration -LicenseCode "License code supplied by Qualys" -PublicKey "Public Key supplied by Qualys" -AutoUpdate $true)

function Set-ASCSecuritySolution {
        # The name of the security solution

        # The name of the resource group of the security solution

        # The configuration as JSON.

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    $asc_location = (Get-ASCLocation $Version).properties.homeRegionName

    if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
    $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.

    $asc_endpoint = 'securitySolutions' #Set endpoint.

    $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/$asc_location/$asc_endpoint/$SolutionName$asc_APIVersion"

    Try {
            $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Put -Headers $asc_requestHeader -Body $JSON -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json"
    Catch {
            Write-Error $_

Removes an existing Security Solution.
Remove-ASCSecuritySolution -SolutionName "Va1" -ResourceGroupName "Rg"

function Remove-ASCSecuritySolution {
        # The name of the security solution

        # The name of the resource group of the security solution

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    $asc_location = (Get-ASCLocation $Version).name

    if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
    $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.

    $asc_endpoint = 'securitySolutions' #Set endpoint.

    $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/$asc_location/$asc_endpoint/$SolutionName$asc_APIVersion"
    Try {
            $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Delete -Headers $asc_requestHeader
    Catch {
            Write-Error $_

function Set-ASCProtectedResource {
        # The name of the security solution

        # The name of the resource group of the security solution

        # Fetches a specific policy by name.

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    Begin {
        Write-Warning "This cmdlet is in development and may not work properly."
        if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
        $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.
        Write-Warning "This cmdlet is currently in development and may not work as expected."
        $asc_endpoint = 'securitySolutions' #Set endpoint.
    Process {

        $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint/$SolutionName/protectedResources$asc_APIVersion"

        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $asc_uri -Method Put -Headers $asc_requestHeader -Body $JSON -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json"


    End {
Get-ASCJITAccessPolicy retrieves all of your currently set JIT policies in the current subscription.
This cmdlet gets a list of all set JIT policies that can be used to invoke JIT on a particular resource using the Invoke-ASCJITAccess cmdlet.
Get-ASCJITAccessPolicy | select -first 1 | fl -force
properties : @{vmId=/subscriptions/6b1ccdcd-5731-4780-8556-2078dd96fdcc/resourceGroups/ContosoRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/DC1; ports=System.Object[];
                requests=System.Object[]; provisioningState=Succeeded}
id : /subscriptions/6b1ccdcd-5731-4780-8556-2078dd96fdcc/resourceGroups/ContosoRGE/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/DC1/providers/Microsoft.Security/jitN
name : default
type : Microsoft.Security/jitNetworkAccessPolicies
The above example retrieves the list of JIT policies, selects the first one, and displays the properties as a list.

function Get-ASCJITAccessPolicy {
        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.
    $asc_endpoint = 'jitNetworkAccessPolicies' #Set endpoint.
    if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
    $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$version" #Build version syntax.

    $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/providers/microsoft.Security/$asc_endpoint$asc_APIVersion"
    Try {
            $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Get -Headers $asc_requestHeader
    Catch {
        if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__ -match 403) {Write-Error "JIT VM Access requires a standard tier subscription. For more info please visit" -ErrorAction Stop}
        else {Write-Error "$_" -ErrorAction Stop}
Set-ASCJITAccessPolicy is used to enable or disable Just-in-Time Port Administration on specified VM's.
This cmdlet should be used by Azure Security Center administrators to set a JIT policy for specific virtual machines. Minimum duriation is 5 minutes, maximum duration is 24 hours.
Set-ASCJITAccessPolicy -ResourceGroupName ContosoRG -VM 2016-Nano1 -Port 22,3389
    "id": "/subscriptions/e5d1b86c-3051-44d5-8802-aa65d45a279b/resourceGroups/CxP-Mike/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/2016-Nano1",
    "ports": [
                      "number": 22,
                      "allowedSourceAddressPrefix": "*",
                      "maxRequestAccessDuration": "PT3H"
                      "number": 3389,
                      "allowedSourceAddressPrefix": "*",
                      "maxRequestAccessDuration": "PT3H"
The above example sets a JIT policy on the 2016-Nano1 server for ports 22 and 3398, with a duration of 3 hours (default).

function Set-ASCJITAccessPolicy {
        # The name of the resource group of the security solution

        # The name of the VM to enable JIT on.

        # Ports to be JIT enabled

        # Protocols allowed. Valid entries are TCP, UDP, or * (both). Default = *

        # Allowed Source IP Address Prefix. (IP Address, CIDR block, or *) Default = *
        [string]$AllowedSourceAddressPrefix = '*',

        # The maximum allowed number of hours for ports to remain open. Default = 3
        [int]$MaxRequestHour = 3,

        # The maximum allowed number of minutes for ports to remain open. Default = 0
        [int]$MaxRequestMinute = 0,

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    $asc_endpoint = 'jitNetworkAccessPolicies' #Set endpoint.
    if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
    $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.

    $asc_location = (Get-AzureRMResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName).location
    $asc_vm_id = (Get-AzureRMVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VM).Id

    Try {
    Write-Verbose "Checking parameters"
    if ($MaxRequestHour -eq 24 -and $MaxRequestMinute){Write-Error 'You may not specify a length of time longer than 24 hours.'}
    if ($MaxRequestMinute -le 4 -and !$MaxRequestHour){Write-Error 'You may not specify a length of time less than 5 minutes.'}
    $Duration = "PT$($MaxRequestHour)H$($MaxRequestMinute)M"

    Write-Verbose "Building port collection"
    $Port_collection = @()
    foreach ($i in $Port){
        $Port_collection += @{
            maxRequestAccessDuration = $Duration
            number = $i
            protocol = $Protocol
            allowedSourceAddressPrefix = $AllowedSourceAddressPrefix

    $GARMRG = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName

    Write-Verbose "Building request body"
    $Body = @{}
    $Body += @{
        kind = "Basic"
        type = "Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies"
        name = "default"
        id = $GARMRG.ResourceId + '/providers/Microsoft.Security/locations/' + $GARMRG.Location + '/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/default'
        properties = @{
            virtualMachines = @(
                    id = (Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VM).Id
                    ports = $Port_collection

        Write-Verbose "Getting existing JIT Policy"
        $Cur_Policy = (Get-ASCJITAccessPolicy | where {$ -match "/locations/$asc_location" -and $ -match "/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName"}).properties.virtualMachines

        if ($Cur_Policy -eq $null) {
            Write-Verbose "No policy found"
            Write-Verbose "Creating new policy"
            $JSON = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

        else {
            Write-Verbose "Policy found"
            Write-Verbose "Structuring existing policy"
            $Cur_Body = $Cur_Policy | select kind, type, name, id, properties

            $Cur_Request = @{
                kind = $Cur_Body.kind
                type = $Cur_Body.type
                name = $
                id = $
                properties = @{
                    virtualMachines = $
            Write-Verbose "Overwriting settings for $asc_vm_id"
            $Cur_VM = @()
            if ($Cur_Policy -match $asc_vm_id){
                $Cur_Policy = $Cur_Policy | where {$ -ne $asc_vm_id}

            foreach ($i in $Cur_Policy) {$Cur_VM += $i}
            foreach ($i in $Cur_VM) {$ += $i}
            $JSON = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

        Write-Verbose $JSON

        $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Security/locations/$asc_location/$asc_endpoint/default$asc_APIVersion"

        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Put -Headers $asc_requestHeader -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"
        Write-Warning "JIT Policy for source $AllowedSourceAddressPrefix set on $VM for port(s) $Port with protocol $Protocol for maximum time $MaxRequestHour hours and $MaxRequestMinute minutes."
        Write-Warning "Policy may take up to 1 minute to take effect."
        Write-Verbose ($ | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3)
    Catch {
            if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__ -match 403) {Write-Error "JIT VM Access requires a standard tier subscription. For more info please visit" -ErrorAction Stop}
            else {Write-Error "$_" -ErrorAction Stop}
Invoke-ASCJITAccess is used to initialize ports for a JIT-enabled VM.
Azure Security Center's JIT feature allows you to put your most important ports in a default-deny state until you need them open. These rules are represented in the NSG. When issuing this Invoke-ASCJITAccess command, you will specify which ports to open, for how long, and for which source address prefixes. This adds a temporary rule to your NSG which will then be removed at the end of the specified duration.
Invoke-ASCJITAccess -ResourceGroupName MyRG1 -VM 2012R2-Client1 -Port 3389
WARNING: Specified ports for 2012R2-Client1 have been opened for 3 hours and 0 minutes.
WARNING: Ports may take up to 1 minute to open.
The above example uses many of the defaults to open port 3389 for 3 hours for any IP addresses.
Invoke-ASCJITAccess -ResourceGroupName MyRG1 -VM 2012R2-Client1 -Port 3389, 22 -AddressPrefix -Hours 1 -Minutes 30
Write-Warning "Specified ports for 2012R2-Client1 have been opened for 1 hours and 30 minutes."
Write-Warning "Ports may take up to 1 minute to open."
The above command issues the initialize call for ports 3389 and 22. These ports will now be open for any machines connecting from address on the 10.2.1.x subnet.

function Invoke-ASCJITAccess {
        # Resource Group Name for the virtual machine.

        # Virtual Machine name.

        # Port number(s) to open. This can be a single port or a comma separated list of ports. (example: 3389,22,25)

        # Allowed Source IP Address Prefix. This can be an IPv4 address, an IPv4 CIDR block, or * (any). Default = *
        [string]$AddressPrefix = '*',

        # Duration Hours. This determines how many hours to have the port open. This must be at or below the max duration set in the JIT policy for the VM. Maximum hours is 24. Default = 3

        # Duration Hours. This determines how many minutes to have the port open. This must be at or below the max duration set in the JIT policy for the VM. Maximum minutes is 59. Default = 0

        # Security API version. By default this uses the $asc_version variable which this module pre-sets. Only specify this if necessary.

    $asc_endpoint = 'jitNetworkAccessPolicies' #Set endpoint.

    if (!$Version) {$Version = $asc_version}
    $asc_APIVersion = "?api-version=$Version" #Build version syntax.

    if ($Hours -eq 24 -and $Minutes -ne 0){Write-Error 'You may not specify a length of time longer than 24 hours.' -ErrorAction Stop}
    if ($Minutes -le 6 -and !$Hours){Write-Error 'You may not specify a length of time less than 6 minutes.' -ErrorAction Stop}

    if (!$Hours -and !$Minutes){ $Hours = 3; $Minutes = 0}

    $location = (Get-AzureRMVM -resourcegroupname $ResourceGroupName -Name $VM).location
    $endtimeutc = [DateTime]::UtcNow.AddHours($Hours).AddMinutes($Minutes).toString("o", [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)

    $Port_collection = @()
    foreach ($i in $Port){
        $Port_collection += @{
            number = $i
            allowedSourceAddressPrefix = $AddressPrefix
            endTimeUtc = $endtimeutc

    $Body = @{
        virtualMachines = @(@{
            id = "/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/$VM"
            ports = $Port_collection

    $JSON = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4

    $asc_uri = "https://$asc_url/subscriptions/$asc_subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/microsoft.Security/locations/$location/$asc_endpoint/default/Initiate$asc_APIVersion"

    Try {
            $asc_request = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $asc_uri -Method Post -Body $JSON -Headers $asc_requestHeader -ContentType "application/json"
            Write-Warning "Specified ports for $VM have been opened for $Hours hours and $Minutes minutes."
            Write-Warning "Ports may take up to 1 minute to open."
    Catch {
            if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__ -match 403) { Write-Error "JIT VM Access requires a Standard tier subscription. For more info please visit" -ErrorAction Stop }
            if ($_.ErrorDetails.Message -match 'subset of the given policy') { Write-Error "One or more of the parameters specified do not match the set JIT policy. Please validate that port(s), duration, and source address prefix match those approved by your administrator." }
            else { Write-Error "$_" -ErrorAction Stop }