
Recursively resolve the given API Specs Parameter until it is no '$ref' to another parameter anymore
Recursively resolve the given API Specs Parameter until it is no '$ref' to another parameter anymore. Returns both the resolved parameter as well as the 'Specification'-Data it is hosted in (as it could be a different file).
Mandatory. The service specification file to process.
.PARAMETER SpecificationData
Mandatory. The specification data contain in the given API Specs file
.PARAMETER Parameter
Mandatory. The parameter reference of the API Specs file to process
Resolve-SpecPropertyReference -JSONFilePath '(...)/resource-manager/Microsoft.KeyVault/stable/2022-07-01/keyvault.json' -SpecificationData @{ paths = @{(..)}; definititions = @{(..)}; (..) } -Parameter @{ '$ref' = (..); description = '..' }
Resolve the given parameter.

function Resolve-SpecPropertyReference {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $JSONFilePath,

        [hashtable] $SpecificationData,

        [hashtable] $Parameter

    $specDefinitions = $specificationData.definitions
    $specParameters = $specificationData.parameters

    if ($Parameter.Keys -contains '$ref') { 

        switch ($Parameter.'$ref') {
            { $PSItem -like '#/definitions/*' } {
                $refObject = $specDefinitions[(Split-Path $Parameter.'$ref' -Leaf)]

                $inputObject = @{
                    JSONFilePath      = $JSONFilePath
                    SpecificationData = $SpecificationData
                    Parameter         = $refObject
                return Resolve-SpecPropertyReference @inputObject                
            { $PSItem -like '#/parameters/*' } {
                throw "Parameter references not handled yet."

                $refObject = $specParameters[(Split-Path $Parameter.'$ref' -Leaf)]

                if ($refObject.readOnly) {

                $inputObject = @{
                    JSONFilePath      = $JSONFilePath
                    SpecificationData = $SpecificationData
                    Parameter         = $refObject
                return Resolve-SpecPropertyReference @inputObject
            { $PSItem -like '*.*' } {
                # FilePath
                $filePath = Resolve-Path (Join-Path (Split-Path $JSONFilePath -Parent) ($Parameter.'$ref' -split '#')[0])
                $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $filePath | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
` $identifier = Split-Path $Parameter.'$ref' -Leaf

                $inputObject = @{
                    JSONFilePath      = $JSONFilePath
                    SpecificationData = $fileContent
                    Parameter         = $fileContent.definitions[$identifier]
                return Resolve-SpecPropertyReference @inputObject
    else {
        return @{
            parameter         = $Parameter
            specificationData = $SpecificationData