
# These are Integration tests (not unit tests).
# This means that these tests will actually reach out to the specified $FeedUrl and connect/authenticate against it.
# In order for these tests to run successfully:
# - You need to use a real Azure Artifacts $FeedUrl and a real module to import from it.
# - You need to have a real Personal Access Token, both in the variables below and in your environmental variables:
# Ideally we would mock out any external/infrastructure dependencies; I just haven't had time to yet so for now hit the real dependencies.

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'The Personal Access Token to use to connect to the Azure Artifacts feed.')]
    [string] $AzureArtifactsPersonalAccessToken = 'YourPatGoesHereButDoNotCommitItToSourceControl'

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
[string] $THIS_SCRIPTS_PATH = $PSCommandPath
[string] $moduleFilePathToTest = $THIS_SCRIPTS_PATH.Replace('.IntegrationTests.ps1', '.psm1') | Resolve-Path
Write-Verbose "Importing the module file '$moduleFilePathToTest' to run tests against it." -Verbose
Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathToTest -Force
[string] $ModuleNameBeingTested = ((Split-Path -Path $moduleFilePathToTest -Leaf) -split '\.')[0] # Filename without the extension.

# You will need to update the following variables with info to pull a real package down from a real feed.
# [string] $FeedUrl = ''
[string] $FeedUrl = ''
[string] $PowerShellModuleName = 'IQ.DataCenter.ServerConfiguration'
[string] $ValidModuleVersionThatExists = '1.0.40'
[string] $InvalidModuleVersionThatDoesNotExist = '1.0.99999'
[string] $ValidModulePrereleaseVersionThatExists = '1.0.66-ci20191121T214736'
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential '', ($AzureArtifactsPersonalAccessToken | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)

function Remove-PsRepository([string] $feedUrl)
    Get-PSRepository | Where-Object { $_.SourceLocation -ieq $feedUrl } | Unregister-PSRepository
    Get-PSRepository | Where-Object { $_.SourceLocation -ieq $feedUrl } | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

function Remove-PowerShellModule([string] $powerShellModuleName)
    Remove-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    # Uninstall-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -Force -AllVersions -AllowPrerelease # Commented out because it causes file-in-use errors.
    Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

Describe 'Registering an Azure Artifacts PS Repository' {
    It 'Should register a new PS repository properly when relying in PAT from environmental variable' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $expectedRepositoryName = 'AzureArtifactsPowerShellFeed'
        Remove-PsRepository -feedUrl $FeedUrl

        # Act.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl -RepositoryName $expectedRepositoryName

        # Assert.
        $repositoryName | Should -Be $expectedRepositoryName
        Get-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

    It 'Should register a new PS repository properly when passing in a valid Credential' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $expectedRepositoryName = 'AzureArtifactsPowerShellFeed'
        Remove-PsRepository -feedUrl $FeedUrl

        # Act.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl -RepositoryName $expectedRepositoryName -Credential $Credential

        # Assert.
        $repositoryName | Should -Be $expectedRepositoryName
        Get-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

    It 'Should return an existing PS repository properly when no RepositoryName is specified' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $expectedRepositoryName = 'AzureArtifactsPowerShellFeed'
        Remove-PsRepository -feedUrl $FeedUrl
        Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl -RepositoryName $expectedRepositoryName

        # Act.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl

        # Assert.
        $repositoryName | Should -Be $expectedRepositoryName
        Get-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

    It 'Should return an existing PS repository properly when a different RepositoryName is specified' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $expectedRepositoryName = 'AzureArtifactsPowerShellFeed'
        Remove-PsRepository -feedUrl $FeedUrl
        Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl -RepositoryName $expectedRepositoryName

        # Act.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl -RepositoryName 'NameThatShouldNotEndUpInThePSRepositories'

        # Assert.
        $repositoryName | Should -Be $expectedRepositoryName
        Get-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

    It 'Should register a new PS repository properly when piping in the Feed URL' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $expectedRepositoryName = 'AzureArtifactsPowerShellFeed'
        Remove-PsRepository -feedUrl $FeedUrl

        # Act.
        [string] $repositoryName = ($FeedUrl | Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -RepositoryName $expectedRepositoryName)

        # Assert.
        $repositoryName | Should -Be $expectedRepositoryName
        Get-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

    # It 'Should register a new PS repository properly when piping in the Feed URL and RepositoryName by name' {
    # # Arrange.
    # [string] $expectedRepositoryName = 'AzureArtifactsPowerShellFeed'
    # [hashtable] $params = @{
    # FeedUrl = $FeedUrl
    # RepositoryName = $expectedRepositoryName
    # }
    # Remove-PsRepository -feedUrl $FeedUrl

    # # Act.
    # [string] $repositoryName = ($params | Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository)

    # # Assert.
    # $repositoryName | Should -Be $expectedRepositoryName
    # Get-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
    # }

    Context 'When connecting to a feed without using a Credential' {
        Mock Get-AzureArtifactsCredential { return $null } -ModuleName $ModuleNameBeingTested

        It 'Should not throw an error when credentials are not found. (Assumes the FeedUrl allows you to register it without a Credential)' {
            # Arrange.
            [string] $expectedRepositoryName = 'AzureArtifactsPowerShellFeed'
            Remove-PsRepository -feedUrl $FeedUrl

            # Act.
            [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl -RepositoryName $expectedRepositoryName

            # Assert.
            $repositoryName | Should -Be $expectedRepositoryName
            Get-PSRepository -Name $repositoryName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

Describe 'Importing a PowerShell module from Azure Artifacts' {
    It 'Should import the module properly' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
        [ScriptBlock] $action = { Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName }
        Remove-PowerShellModule -powerShellModuleName $PowerShellModuleName

        # Act and Assert.
        $action | Should -Not -Throw
        Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

    It 'Should import the module properly when forced' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
        [ScriptBlock] $action = { Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName -Force }
        Remove-PowerShellModule -powerShellModuleName $PowerShellModuleName

        # Act and Assert.
        $action | Should -Not -Throw
        Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

    It 'Should import the specified version properly' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
        [ScriptBlock] $action = { Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName -Version $ValidModuleVersionThatExists }
        Remove-PowerShellModule -powerShellModuleName $PowerShellModuleName

        # Act and Assert.
        $action | Should -Not -Throw
        $module = Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName
        $module | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
        $module.Version | Should -Be $ValidModuleVersionThatExists

    # Could not get this one to work, as it complains that the module is in use so it's not able to uninstall it to do a proper test.
    # It 'Should throw an error when trying to import a version that does not exist and no different version exists' {
    # # Arrange.
    # [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
    # [ScriptBlock] $action = { Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName -Version $InvalidModuleVersionThatDoesNotExist }
    # Remove-PowerShellModule -powerShellModuleName $PowerShellModuleName
    # Uninstall-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -Force -AllVersions
    # Write-Host "Versions: " + (Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -ListAvailable | Format-Table | Out-String)
    # Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -ListAvailable | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

    # # Act and Assert.
    # $action | Should -Not -Throw
    # }

    It 'Should write an error and continue when trying to import a version that does not exist, but a different version exists' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
        Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName
        Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -ListAvailable | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

        # Act
        Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName -Version $InvalidModuleVersionThatDoesNotExist -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err

        # Assert.
        $err.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
        [string] $errors = $err | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString() }
        $errors | Should -Match 'is already installed and will be imported instead.'

    It 'Should throw an error when trying to import a module that does not exist' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
        [ScriptBlock] $action = { Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name 'InvalidModuleName' -RepositoryName $repositoryName }

        # Act and Assert.
        $action | Should -Throw "The PowerShell module 'InvalidModuleName' could not be found in the PSRepository"

    It 'Should write an error and continue when an invalid RepositoryName is specified, but the module is already installed' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
        Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName
        Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName -ListAvailable | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

        # Act.
        Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName 'InvalidRepositoryName' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err

        # Act and Assert.
        $err.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
        [string] $errors = $err | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString() }
        $errors | Should -Match "Version '.+?' is installed on computer '.+?' though so it will be used.*"

    It 'Should throw an error if the Credential is invalid' {
        # Arrange.
        [System.Security.SecureString] $invalidPat = 'InvalidPat' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $invalidCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential '', $invalidPat
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl

        # Act.
        Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName -Credential $invalidCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err

        # Assert.
        $err.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
        [string] $errors = $err | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString() }
        $errors | Should -Match "Perhaps the credentials used are not valid."

    It 'Should not import module Prerelease versions when the Prerelease switch is not provided' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
        [ScriptBlock] $action = { Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName -Version $ValidModulePrereleaseVersionThatExists }
        Remove-PowerShellModule -powerShellModuleName $PowerShellModuleName

        # Act and Assert.
        $action | Should -Throw "The '-AllowPrerelease' parameter must be specified when using the Prerelease string"
        Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

    # Currently fails because we cannot explicitly import prerelease versions that don't conform to System.Version.
    # Waiting on an answer to this before proceeding:
    It 'Should import module Prerelease versions properly' {
        # Arrange.
        [string] $repositoryName = Register-AzureArtifactsPSRepository -FeedUrl $FeedUrl
        [ScriptBlock] $action = { Import-AzureArtifactsModule -Name $PowerShellModuleName -RepositoryName $repositoryName -Version $ValidModulePrereleaseVersionThatExists -AllowPrerelease }
        Remove-PowerShellModule -powerShellModuleName $PowerShellModuleName

        # PowerShell is weird about the way it supports prerelease versions.
        # The directory it installs to and the version it gives it is just the version with the prerelease portion removed.
        # So we need to strip off the prerelease portion of the version number. i.e. what comes after the hyphen.
        [string] $prereleaseVersionsStablePortion = ($ValidModulePrereleaseVersionThatExists -split '-')[0]

        # Act and Assert.
        $action | Should -Not -Throw
        $module = Get-Module -Name $PowerShellModuleName
        $module | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
        $module.Version | Should -Be $prereleaseVersionsStablePortion