
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayDiagnosticsStatus">
            The status of a gateway diagnostics operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayDiagnosticsStatus.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayDiagnosticsStatus class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayDiagnosticsStatus.DiagnosticsUrl">
            Optional. The url where the diagnostics data can be found.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayDiagnosticsStatus.State">
            Optional. The current state of the gateway's diagnostics session.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ClientRootCertificateOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the client
            root certificates for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the client
            root certificates for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations.CreateAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Upload Client Root Certificate operation is used to upload a
            new client root certificate to Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Upload Client Root Certificate Virtual
            Network Gateway operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations.DeleteAsync(System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Delete Client Root Certificate operation deletes a previously
            uploaded client root certificate from Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='certificateThumbprint'>
            The X509 certificate thumbprint.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations.GetAsync(System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Client Root Certificate operation returns the public
            portion of a previously uploaded client root certificate in a
            base-64-encoded format from Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='certificateThumbprint'>
            The X509 certificate thumbprint.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            Response to the Get Client Root Certificate operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations.ListAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Client Root Certificates operation returns a list of all
            the client root certificates that are associated with the
            specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response for the List Client Root Certificates operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ClientRootCertificateOperations.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the ClientRootCertificateOperations
            <param name='client'>
            Reference to the service client.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ClientRootCertificateOperations.CreateAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Upload Client Root Certificate operation is used to upload a
            new client root certificate to Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Upload Client Root Certificate
            Virtual Network Gateway operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ClientRootCertificateOperations.DeleteAsync(System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Delete Client Root Certificate operation deletes a previously
            uploaded client root certificate from Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='certificateThumbprint'>
            Required. The X509 certificate thumbprint.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ClientRootCertificateOperations.GetAsync(System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Client Root Certificate operation returns the public
            portion of a previously uploaded client root certificate in a
            base-64-encoded format from Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='certificateThumbprint'>
            Required. The X509 certificate thumbprint.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            Response to the Get Client Root Certificate operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ClientRootCertificateOperations.ListAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Client Root Certificates operation returns a list of all
            the client root certificates that are associated with the
            specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response for the List Client Root Certificates operation.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ClientRootCertificateOperations.Client">
            Gets a reference to the
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions">
            The Service Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions.Create(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters)">
            The Upload Client Root Certificate operation is used to upload a
            new client root certificate to Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Upload Client Root Certificate
            Virtual Network Gateway operation.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions.CreateAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters)">
            The Upload Client Root Certificate operation is used to upload a
            new client root certificate to Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Upload Client Root Certificate
            Virtual Network Gateway operation.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions.Delete(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations,System.String,System.String)">
            The Delete Client Root Certificate operation deletes a previously
            uploaded client root certificate from Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='certificateThumbprint'>
            Required. The X509 certificate thumbprint.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions.DeleteAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations,System.String,System.String)">
            The Delete Client Root Certificate operation deletes a previously
            uploaded client root certificate from Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='certificateThumbprint'>
            Required. The X509 certificate thumbprint.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions.Get(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations,System.String,System.String)">
            The Get Client Root Certificate operation returns the public
            portion of a previously uploaded client root certificate in a
            base-64-encoded format from Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='certificateThumbprint'>
            Required. The X509 certificate thumbprint.
            Response to the Get Client Root Certificate operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions.GetAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations,System.String,System.String)">
            The Get Client Root Certificate operation returns the public
            portion of a previously uploaded client root certificate in a
            base-64-encoded format from Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='certificateThumbprint'>
            Required. The X509 certificate thumbprint.
            Response to the Get Client Root Certificate operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions.List(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations,System.String)">
            The List Client Root Certificates operation returns a list of all
            the client root certificates that are associated with the
            specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            The response for the List Client Root Certificates operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions.ListAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IClientRootCertificateOperations,System.String)">
            The List Client Root Certificates operation returns a list of all
            the client root certificates that are associated with the
            specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            The response for the List Client Root Certificates operation.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            gateways for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            gateways for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.BeginConnectDisconnectOrTestingAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local
            network site, access the connection resource representing the
            local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform
            the desired operation. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkSiteName'>
            The name of the site to connect to.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Begin Connect Disconnect Or Testing
            Gateway operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.BeginCreatingAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new
            network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Virtual Network Gateway
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.BeginDeletingAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a
            network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.BeginFailoverAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a
            network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network in Azure.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.BeginGenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client
            package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Generate VPN Client Package operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.BeginResetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets
            the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Begin Virtual Network Gateway Reset
            Shared Key request.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.BeginSetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Begin Virtual Network Gateway Set Shared
            Key request.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.BeginUpdateDiagnosticsAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Update Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous
            operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual
            network gateway in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Virtual Network Gateway
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.ConnectDisconnectOrTestAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local
            network site, access the connection resource representing the
            local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform
            the desired operation. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkSiteName'>
            The name of the site to connect to.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Connect Disconnect Or Testing Gateway
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.CreateAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network
            gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Create Virtual Network Gateway operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.DeleteAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network
            gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.FailoverAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network
            gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network in Azure.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.GenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client
            package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Generate VPN Client Package operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.GetAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about
            the network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.GetDeviceConfigurationScriptAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Device Configuration Script operation returns a script that
            you can use to configure local VPN devices to connect to the
            gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            The parameters for the Get Device Configuration Script operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The configuration script returned from the get device configuration
            script operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.GetDiagnosticsAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Diagnostics operation gets information about the current
            gateway diagnostics session for the specified virtual network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The status of a gateway diagnostics operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.GetOperationStatusAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status gets information
            on the status of network gateway operations in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operationId'>
            The ID of the network operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.GetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation gets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            The name of the local network.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response to the get shared key request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.ListConnectionsAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Connections operation returns a list of the local network
            connections that can be accessed through the gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response to a ListConnections request to a Virtual Network
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.ListSupportedDevicesAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Virtual Network Gateway Supported Devices operation lists
            the supported, on-premise network devices that can connect to the
            gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response to the list supported devices request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.ResetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            The parameters to the Virtual Network Gateway Reset Shared Key
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.SetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            The parameters to the Virtual Network Gateway Set Shared Key
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations.UpdateDiagnosticsAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Update Diagnostics operation starts a diagnostics session for
            the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Update Diagnostics operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayOperations class.
            <param name='client'>
            Reference to the service client.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.BeginConnectDisconnectOrTestingAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local
            network site, access the connection resource representing the
            local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform
            the desired operation. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkSiteName'>
            Required. The name of the site to connect to.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Connect Disconnect Or
            Testing Gateway operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.BeginCreatingAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new
            network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Virtual Network
            Gateway operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.BeginDeletingAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a
            network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.BeginFailoverAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a
            network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network in Azure.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.BeginGenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client
            package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Generate VPN Client Package
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.BeginResetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets
            the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Virtual Network Gateway
            Reset Shared Key request.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.BeginSetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Virtual Network Gateway
            Set Shared Key request.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.BeginUpdateDiagnosticsAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Update Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous
            operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual
            network gateway in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Virtual Network
            Gateway operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.ConnectDisconnectOrTestAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local
            network site, access the connection resource representing the
            local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform
            the desired operation. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkSiteName'>
            Required. The name of the site to connect to.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Connect Disconnect Or Testing
            Gateway operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.CreateAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network
            gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Create Virtual Network Gateway
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.DeleteAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network
            gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.FailoverAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network
            gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network in Azure.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.GenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client
            package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Generate VPN Client Package
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.GetAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about
            the network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.GetDeviceConfigurationScriptAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Device Configuration Script operation returns a script that
            you can use to configure local VPN devices to connect to the
            gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters for the Get Device Configuration Script
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The configuration script returned from the get device configuration
            script operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.GetDiagnosticsAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Diagnostics operation gets information about the current
            gateway diagnostics session for the specified virtual network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The status of a gateway diagnostics operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.GetOperationStatusAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status gets information
            on the status of network gateway operations in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operationId'>
            Required. The ID of the network operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.GetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation gets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response to the get shared key request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.ListConnectionsAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Connections operation returns a list of the local network
            connections that can be accessed through the gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response to a ListConnections request to a Virtual Network
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.ListSupportedDevicesAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Virtual Network Gateway Supported Devices operation lists
            the supported, on-premise network devices that can connect to the
            gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response to the list supported devices request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.ResetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters to the Virtual Network Gateway Reset
            Shared Key request.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.SetSharedKeyAsync(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters to the Virtual Network Gateway Set Shared
            Key request.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.UpdateDiagnosticsAsync(System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Update Diagnostics operation starts a diagnostics session for
            the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Update Diagnostics operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.GatewayOperations.Client">
            Gets a reference to the
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions">
            The Service Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginConnectDisconnectOrTesting(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters)">
            To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local
            network site, access the connection resource representing the
            local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform
            the desired operation. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkSiteName'>
            Required. The name of the site to connect to.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Connect Disconnect Or
            Testing Gateway operation.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginConnectDisconnectOrTestingAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters)">
            To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local
            network site, access the connection resource representing the
            local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform
            the desired operation. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkSiteName'>
            Required. The name of the site to connect to.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Connect Disconnect Or
            Testing Gateway operation.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginCreating(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters)">
            The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new
            network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Virtual Network
            Gateway operation.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginCreatingAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters)">
            The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new
            network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Virtual Network
            Gateway operation.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginDeleting(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a
            network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginDeletingAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a
            network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginFailover(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Begin Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a
            network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network in Azure.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginFailoverAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Begin Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a
            network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network in Azure.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginGenerateVpnClientPackage(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters)">
            The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client
            package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Generate VPN Client Package
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginGenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters)">
            The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client
            package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Generate VPN Client Package
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginResetSharedKey(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)">
            The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets
            the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Virtual Network Gateway
            Reset Shared Key request.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginResetSharedKeyAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)">
            The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets
            the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Virtual Network Gateway
            Reset Shared Key request.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginSetSharedKey(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)">
            The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Virtual Network Gateway
            Set Shared Key request.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginSetSharedKeyAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)">
            The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Virtual Network Gateway
            Set Shared Key request.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginUpdateDiagnostics(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics)">
            The Begin Update Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous
            operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual
            network gateway in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Virtual Network
            Gateway operation.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.BeginUpdateDiagnosticsAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics)">
            The Begin Update Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous
            operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual
            network gateway in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Virtual Network
            Gateway operation.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.ConnectDisconnectOrTest(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters)">
            To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local
            network site, access the connection resource representing the
            local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform
            the desired operation. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkSiteName'>
            Required. The name of the site to connect to.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Connect Disconnect Or Testing
            Gateway operation.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.ConnectDisconnectOrTestAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters)">
            To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local
            network site, access the connection resource representing the
            local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform
            the desired operation. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkSiteName'>
            Required. The name of the site to connect to.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Connect Disconnect Or Testing
            Gateway operation.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.Create(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters)">
            The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network
            gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Create Virtual Network Gateway
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.CreateAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters)">
            The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network
            gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Create Virtual Network Gateway
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.Delete(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network
            gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.DeleteAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network
            gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.Failover(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network
            gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network in Azure.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.FailoverAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network
            gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network in Azure.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GenerateVpnClientPackage(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters)">
            The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client
            package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Generate VPN Client Package
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters)">
            The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client
            package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Generate VPN Client Package
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.Get(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about
            the network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about
            the network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure.
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetDeviceConfigurationScript(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters)">
            The Get Device Configuration Script operation returns a script that
            you can use to configure local VPN devices to connect to the
            gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters for the Get Device Configuration Script
            The configuration script returned from the get device configuration
            script operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetDeviceConfigurationScriptAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters)">
            The Get Device Configuration Script operation returns a script that
            you can use to configure local VPN devices to connect to the
            gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters for the Get Device Configuration Script
            The configuration script returned from the get device configuration
            script operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetDiagnostics(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Get Diagnostics operation gets information about the current
            gateway diagnostics session for the specified virtual network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            The status of a gateway diagnostics operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetDiagnosticsAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Get Diagnostics operation gets information about the current
            gateway diagnostics session for the specified virtual network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            The status of a gateway diagnostics operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetOperationStatus(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status gets information
            on the status of network gateway operations in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='operationId'>
            Required. The ID of the network operation.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetOperationStatusAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status gets information
            on the status of network gateway operations in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='operationId'>
            Required. The ID of the network operation.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetSharedKey(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation gets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            The response to the get shared key request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetSharedKeyAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String)">
            The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation gets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            The response to the get shared key request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.ListConnections(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The List Connections operation returns a list of the local network
            connections that can be accessed through the gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            The response to a ListConnections request to a Virtual Network
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.ListConnectionsAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String)">
            The List Connections operation returns a list of the local network
            connections that can be accessed through the gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            The response to a ListConnections request to a Virtual Network
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.ListSupportedDevices(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations)">
            The List Virtual Network Gateway Supported Devices operation lists
            the supported, on-premise network devices that can connect to the
            gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            The response to the list supported devices request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.ListSupportedDevicesAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations)">
            The List Virtual Network Gateway Supported Devices operation lists
            the supported, on-premise network devices that can connect to the
            gateway. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            The response to the list supported devices request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.ResetSharedKey(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)">
            The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters to the Virtual Network Gateway Reset
            Shared Key request.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.ResetSharedKeyAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)">
            The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters to the Virtual Network Gateway Reset
            Shared Key request.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.SetSharedKey(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)">
            The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters to the Virtual Network Gateway Set Shared
            Key request.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.SetSharedKeyAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)">
            The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the
            shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified
            virtual network connection to the specified local network in
            Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='localNetworkName'>
            Required. The name of the local network.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. The parameters to the Virtual Network Gateway Set Shared
            Key request.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.UpdateDiagnostics(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics)">
            The Update Diagnostics operation starts a diagnostics session for
            the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Update Diagnostics operation.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GatewayOperationsExtensions.UpdateDiagnosticsAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IGatewayOperations,System.String,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics)">
            The Update Diagnostics operation starts a diagnostics session for
            the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Update Diagnostics operation.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient">
            The Service Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.GetOperationStatusAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Operation Status operation returns the status of the
            specified operation. After calling an asynchronous operation, you
            can call Get Operation Status to determine whether the operation
            has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='requestId'>
            The request ID for the request you wish to track. The request ID is
            returned in the x-ms-request-id response header for every request.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.ApiVersion">
            Gets the API version.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.BaseUri">
            Gets the URI used as the base for all cloud service requests.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.Credentials">
            Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft
            Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for
            every service call.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout">
            Gets or sets the initial timeout for Long Running Operations.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout">
            Gets or sets the retry timeout for Long Running Operations.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.ClientRootCertificates">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            client root certificates for your subscription. (see
            for more information)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.Gateways">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            gateways for your subscription. (see
            for more information)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.Networks">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            virtual networks for your subscription. (see
            for more information)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.ReservedIPs">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            reserved IPs for your subscription.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient.StaticIPs">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            static IPs for your subscription.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations.BeginSettingConfigurationAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Setting Network Configuration operation asynchronously
            configures the virtual network. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations.GetConfigurationAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Network Configuration operation retrieves the network
            configuration file for the given subscription. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The Get Network Configuration operation response.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations.ListAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Virtual network sites operation retrieves the virtual
            networks configured for the subscription. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response structure for the Network Operations List operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations.SetConfigurationAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Set Network Configuration operation asynchronously configures
            the virtual network. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            reserved IPs for your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations.BeginCreatingAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Creating Reserved IP operation creates a reserved IP from
            your the subscription.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Reserved IP operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations.BeginDeletingAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Deleting Reserved IP operation removes a reserved IP from
            your the subscription.
            <param name='ipName'>
            The name of the reserved IP.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations.CreateAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Create Reserved IP operation creates a reserved IP from your
            the subscription.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Parameters supplied to the Create Reserved IP operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations.DeleteAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Delete Reserved IP operation removes a reserved IP from your
            the subscription.
            <param name='ipName'>
            The name of the reserved IP.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations.GetAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Reserved IP operation retrieves the details for the virtual
            IP reserved for the subscription.
            <param name='ipName'>
            The name of the reserved IP to retrieve.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A reserved IP associated with your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations.ListAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Reserved IP operation retrieves all of the virtual IPs
            reserved for the subscription.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response structure for the Server List operation.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IStaticIPOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the static
            IPs for your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IStaticIPOperations.CheckAsync(System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Check Static IP operation retrieves the details for the
            availability of static IP addresses for the given virtual network.
            <param name='networkName'>
            The name of the virtual network.
            <param name='ipAddress'>
            The address of the static IP.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A response that indicates the availability of a static IP address,
            and if not, provides a list of suggestions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters class with required
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateCreateParameters.Certificate">
            Required. The new client root certificate to upload, represented as
            a hex-encoded string.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateGetResponse">
            Response to the Get Client Root Certificate operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateGetResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the ClientRootCertificateGetResponse
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateGetResponse.Certificate">
            Optional. The current client root certificate for the network
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse">
            The response for the List Client Root Certificates operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the ClientRootCertificateListResponse
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse.GetEnumerator">
            Gets the sequence of ClientRootCertificates.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
            Gets the sequence of ClientRootCertificates.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse.ClientRootCertificates">
            Optional. The list of client root certificates.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse.ClientRootCertificate.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the ClientRootCertificate class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse.ClientRootCertificate.ExpirationTime">
            Optional. Specifies the time that the certificate will expire.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse.ClientRootCertificate.Subject">
            Optional. Specifies the distinguished name of the certificate
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.ClientRootCertificateListResponse.ClientRootCertificate.Thumbprint">
            Optional. Specifies the thumbprint of the certificate.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters">
            The parameters for the Connect, Disconnect, or Test request
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectionUpdateOperation)">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters class with required
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters.IPAddress">
            Optional. Required if operation is set to Test; otherwise not used.
            Specifies the IP address of the target local network site with
            which the gateway will test connectivity.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters.Operation">
            Required. Specifies the operation to perform on the connection. Can
            be set to Connect, Disconnect, or Test to connect to a local
            network, disconnect from a local network, or test the gateway's
            connection to a local network site.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayConnectionUpdateOperation">
            Specifies the operation to perform on the connection. Can be set to
            Connect, Disconnect, or Test to connect to a local network, disconnect
            from a local network, or test the gateway's connection to a local
            network site.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters">
            Parameters supplied to the Create Virtual Network Gateway operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayCreateParameters class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayCreateParameters.GatewayType">
            Optional. The routing type for this virtual network gateway.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayEvent">
            A management event for the virtual network gateway.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayEvent.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayEvent class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayEvent.Data">
            Optional. Additional data associated with this event.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayEvent.Id">
            Optional. The event ID.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayEvent.Message">
            Optional. The event message.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayEvent.Timestamp">
            Optional. The date and time when the event occurred.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters">
            The parameters to the Generate VPN Client Package request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayProcessorArchitecture)">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters class with required
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters.ProcessorArchitecture">
            Required. The client processor architecture.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters">
            The vendor, platform, and OS family of the requested device
            configuration script.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters.OSFamily">
            Optional. The device OS family.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters.Platform">
            Optional. The device platform.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters.Vendor">
            Optional. The name of the device vendor.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptResponse">
            The configuration script returned from the get device configuration
            script operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptResponse class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptResponse.ConfigurationScript">
            Optional. The requested configuration script for the local network
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse">
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is in progress, or has
            failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status code
            returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If the
            asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the successful request. If the asynchronous operation
            failed, the response body includes the HTTP status code for the failed
            request, and also includes error information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.Error">
            Optional. If the asynchronous operation failed, the response body
            includes the HTTP status code for the failed request, and also
            includes error information regarding the failure.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.HttpStatusCode">
            Optional. The HTTP status code for the asynchronous request.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.Id">
            Optional. The request ID of the asynchronous request. This value is
            returned in the x-ms-request-id response header of the
            asynchronous request.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.Status">
            Optional. The status of the asynchronous request.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.ErrorDetails">
            If the asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the failed request, and also includes
            error information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.ErrorDetails.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the ErrorDetails class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.ErrorDetails.Code">
            Optional. The management service error code returned if the
            asynchronous request failed.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetOperationStatusResponse.ErrorDetails.Message">
            Optional. The management service error message returned if the
            asynchronous request failed.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetResponse">
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayGetResponse class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetResponse.GatewayType">
            Optional. The type of gateway routing used for this virtual network.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetResponse.LastEvent">
            Optional. The last recorded event for this virtual network gateway.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetResponse.State">
            Optional. The provisioning state of the virtual network gateway.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetResponse.VipAddress">
            Optional. The virtual IP address for this virtual network gateway.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetSharedKeyResponse">
            The response to the get shared key request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetSharedKeyResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayGetSharedKeyResponse class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayGetSharedKeyResponse.SharedKey">
            Optional. Contains the shared key used by the gateway to
            authenticate connections to sites on a virtual network.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse">
            The response to a ListConnections request to a Virtual Network Gateway.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayListConnectionsResponse
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GetEnumerator">
            Gets the sequence of Connections.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
            Gets the sequence of Connections.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.Connections">
            Optional. The list of connections.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayConnection class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection.AllocatedIPAddresses">
            Optional. If LocalNetworkSiteName is defined as
            VPNClientConnection, this element contains a list of IP
            addresses (represented as strings) that are assigned to
            currently connected VPN clients.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection.ConnectivityState">
            Optional. The connection state of the site. You can set the
            connection state to Connected, Connecting, or NotConnected.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection.EgressBytesTransferred">
            Optional. The number of bytes of data transferred out through
            this connection since it was started.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection.IngressBytesTransferred">
            Optional. The number of bytes of data transferred in through
            this connection since it was started.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection.LastConnectionEstablished">
            Optional. The time that the last connection was established.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection.LastEvent">
            Optional. A record of the last provisioning event for this
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListConnectionsResponse.GatewayConnection.LocalNetworkSiteName">
            Optional. The name of the local network site represented by the
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse">
            The response to the list supported devices request.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Vendors">
            Optional. The set of supported vendors.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Version">
            Optional. The version for this device configuration list.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.OSFamily.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the OSFamily class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.OSFamily.Name">
            Optional. The name of the OS family.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Platform">
            The name and supported OS families for this vendor on the platform.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Platform.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the Platform class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Platform.Name">
            Optional. The platform name.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Platform.OSFamilies">
            Optional. The supported OS families for this platform.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Vendor">
            The name and supported platforms for the vendor.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Vendor.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the Vendor class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Vendor.Name">
            Optional. The vendor name.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayListSupportedDevicesResponse.Vendor.Platforms">
            Optional. The supported platforms for the vendor.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayOperationResponse">
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayOperationResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayOperationResponse class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayOperationResponse.OperationId">
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayOperationStatus">
            The status of the asynchronous request.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayOperationStatus.InProgress">
            The asynchronous request is in progress.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayOperationStatus.Successful">
            The asynchronous request succeeded.
        <member name="F:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayOperationStatus.Failed">
            The asynchronous request failed.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayProcessorArchitecture">
            The processor architecture for the generated VPN client package.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayProfile">
            Possible values for the Gateway Profile.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayProvisioningEventStates">
            Standard states for Virtual Network Gateway Provisioning Events.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters">
            The length of shared key to generate.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters.KeyLength">
            Optional. The number of bytes in the shared key. Minimum is 1 and
            maximum is 128
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters">
            The shared key value to set for the connection.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters.Value">
            Optional. Contains the shared key used by the gateway to
            authenticate connections to sites on a virtual network.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.LocalNetworkConnectionType">
            Possible values for the Local Network Connection Type.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkGetConfigurationResponse">
            The Get Network Configuration operation response.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkGetConfigurationResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkGetConfigurationResponse
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkGetConfigurationResponse.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkGetConfigurationResponse
            class with required arguments.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkGetConfigurationResponse.Configuration">
            Required. The network configuration for this subscription.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse">
            The response structure for the Network Operations List operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkListResponse class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.GetEnumerator">
            Gets the sequence of VirtualNetworkSites.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
            Gets the sequence of VirtualNetworkSites.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSites">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.AddressSpace.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the AddressSpace class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.AddressSpace.AddressPrefixes">
            Optional. Address spaces, in CIDR format in the virtual network.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Connection">
            Specifies the type of connection of the local network site. The
            value of this element can be either IPsec or Dedicated. The
            default value is IPsec.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Connection.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the Connection class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Connection.Type">
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.DnsServer.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the DnsServer class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.DnsServer.Address">
            Optional. The IPv4 address of the DNS server.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.DnsServer.Name">
            Optional. The name of the DNS server.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Gateway">
            Contains gateway references to the local network sites that the
            virtual network can connect to.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Gateway.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the Gateway class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Gateway.Profile">
            Optional. The gateway connection size.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Gateway.Sites">
            Optional. The list of local network sites that the virtual
            network can connect to.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Gateway.VPNClientAddressPool">
            Optional. The VPN Client Address Pool reserves a pool of IP
            addresses for VPN clients. This object is used for
            point-to-site connectivity.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite">
            Contains the list of parameters defining the local network site.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the LocalNetworkSite class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite.AddressSpace">
            Optional. The address space of the local network site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite.Connections">
            Optional. Specifies the types of connections to the local
            network site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite.Name">
            Optional. The name of the local network site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite.VpnGatewayAddress">
            Optional. The IPv4 address of the local network site.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Subnet.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the Subnet class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Subnet.AddressPrefix">
            Optional. Represents an address space, in CIDR format that
            defines the subnet.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.Subnet.Name">
            Optional. Name of the subnet.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite">
            Contains the collections of parameters used to configure a virtual
            network space that is dedicated to your subscription without
            overlapping with other networks
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the VirtualNetworkSite class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.AddressSpace">
            Optional. The list of network address spaces for a virtual
            network site. This represents the overall network space
            contained within the virtual network site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.AffinityGroup">
            Optional. An affinity group, which indirectly refers to the
            location where the virtual network exists.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.DnsServers">
            Optional. The list of available DNS Servers associated with the
            virtual network site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.Gateway">
            Optional. The gateway that contains a list of Local Network
            Sites which enable the Virtual Network Site to communicate
            with a customer's on-premise networks.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.Id">
            Optional. A unique string identifier that represents the
            virtual network site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.Label">
            Optional. The friendly identifier for the site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.Name">
            Optional. Name of the virtual network site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.State">
            Optional. Current status of the virtual network. (Created,
            Creating, Updating, Deleting, or Unavailable.)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite.Subnets">
            Optional. The list of network subnets for a virtual network
            site. All network subnets must be contained within the overall
            virtual network address spaces.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VPNClientAddressPool">
            The VPN Client Address Pool reserves a pool of IP addresses for VPN
            clients. This object is used for point-to-site connectivity.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VPNClientAddressPool.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the VPNClientAddressPool class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkListResponse.VPNClientAddressPool.AddressPrefixes">
            Optional. The CIDR identifiers that identify addresses in the
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters">
            Parameters supplied to the Create Reserved IP operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters.DeploymentName">
            Optional. The name of the deployment the IP belongs to, if used.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters.Label">
            Optional. The friendly identifier for the site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters.Location">
            Optional. Location where the virtual network exists.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters.Name">
            Optional. Name of the reserved IP.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters.ServiceName">
            Optional. The name of the service the IP belongs to, if used.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse">
            A reserved IP associated with your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkReservedIPGetResponse
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.Address">
            Optional. The IP address of the reserved IP.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.DeploymentName">
            Optional. The name of the deployment the IP belongs to, if used.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.Id">
            Optional. A unique string identifier that represents the reserved
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.InUse">
            Optional. The indicator of whether the reserved IP is used.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.Label">
            Optional. The friendly identifier of the site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.Location">
            Optional. Location where the virtual network exists.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.Name">
            Optional. Name of the reserved IP.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.ServiceName">
            Optional. The name of the service the IP belongs to, if used.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPGetResponse.State">
            Optional. Current status of the reserved IP. (Created, Creating,
            Updating, Deleting, or Unavailable.)
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse">
            The response structure for the Server List operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkReservedIPListResponse
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.GetEnumerator">
            Gets the sequence of ReservedIPs.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
            Gets the sequence of ReservedIPs.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIPs">
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP">
            A reserved IP associated with your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the ReservedIP class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.Address">
            Optional. The IP address of the reserved IP.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.DeploymentName">
            Optional. The name of the deployment the IP belongs to, if used.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.Id">
            Optional. A unique string identifier that represents the
            reserved IP.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.InUse">
            Optional. The indicator of whether the reserved IP is used.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.Label">
            Optional. The friendly identifier for the site.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.Location">
            Optional. Location where the virtual network exists.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.Name">
            Optional. Name of the reserved IP.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.ServiceName">
            Optional. The name of the service the IP belongs to, if used.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPListResponse.ReservedIP.State">
            Optional. Current status of the reserved IP. (Created,
            Creating, Updating, Deleting, or Unavailable.)
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters">
            Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkSetConfigurationParameters
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters.#ctor(System.String)">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkSetConfigurationParameters
            class with required arguments.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters.Configuration">
            Required. The network configuration for this subscription.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkStaticIPAvailabilityResponse">
            A response that indicates the availability of a static IP address, and
            if not, provides a list of suggestions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkStaticIPAvailabilityResponse.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the
            NetworkStaticIPAvailabilityResponse class.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkStaticIPAvailabilityResponse.AvailableAddresses">
            Optional. The list of the available IP addresses.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkStaticIPAvailabilityResponse.IsAvailable">
            Optional. Whether the IP address is available.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.VirtualNetworkState">
            Possible values for the Virtual Network State.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient">
            The Service Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkManagementClient class.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.SubscriptionCloudCredentials,System.Uri)">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkManagementClient class.
            <param name='credentials'>
            Required. Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify
            Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of
            the URI for every service call.
            <param name='baseUri'>
            Required. Gets the URI used as the base for all cloud service
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.SubscriptionCloudCredentials)">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkManagementClient class.
            <param name='credentials'>
            Required. Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify
            Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of
            the URI for every service call.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.#ctor(System.Net.Http.HttpClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkManagementClient class.
            <param name='httpClient'>
            The Http client
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.SubscriptionCloudCredentials,System.Uri,System.Net.Http.HttpClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkManagementClient class.
            <param name='credentials'>
            Required. Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify
            Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of
            the URI for every service call.
            <param name='baseUri'>
            Required. Gets the URI used as the base for all cloud service
            <param name='httpClient'>
            The Http client
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.SubscriptionCloudCredentials,System.Net.Http.HttpClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkManagementClient class.
            <param name='credentials'>
            Required. Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify
            Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of
            the URI for every service call.
            <param name='httpClient'>
            The Http client
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.Clone(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Common.ServiceClient{Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient})">
            Clones properties from current instance to another
            NetworkManagementClient instance
            <param name='client'>
            Instance of NetworkManagementClient to clone to
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.GetOperationStatusAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Operation Status operation returns the status of the
            specified operation. After calling an asynchronous operation, you
            can call Get Operation Status to determine whether the operation
            has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='requestId'>
            Required. The request ID for the request you wish to track. The
            request ID is returned in the x-ms-request-id response header for
            every request.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.ParseLocalNetworkConnectionType(System.String)">
            Parse enum values for type LocalNetworkConnectionType.
            <param name='value'>
            The value to parse.
            The enum value.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.LocalNetworkConnectionTypeToString(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.LocalNetworkConnectionType)">
            Convert an enum of type LocalNetworkConnectionType to a string.
            <param name='value'>
            The value to convert to a string.
            The enum value as a string.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.ApiVersion">
            Gets the API version.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.BaseUri">
            Gets the URI used as the base for all cloud service requests.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.Credentials">
            Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft
            Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for
            every service call.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout">
            Gets or sets the initial timeout for Long Running Operations.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout">
            Gets or sets the retry timeout for Long Running Operations.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.ClientRootCertificates">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            client root certificates for your subscription. (see
            for more information)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.Gateways">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            gateways for your subscription. (see
            for more information)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.Networks">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            virtual networks for your subscription. (see
            for more information)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.ReservedIPs">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            reserved IPs for your subscription.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient.StaticIPs">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            static IPs for your subscription.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkManagementClientExtensions">
            The Service Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkManagementClientExtensions.GetOperationStatus(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient,System.String)">
            The Get Operation Status operation returns the status of the
            specified operation. After calling an asynchronous operation, you
            can call Get Operation Status to determine whether the operation
            has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='requestId'>
            Required. The request ID for the request you wish to track. The
            request ID is returned in the x-ms-request-id response header for
            every request.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkManagementClientExtensions.GetOperationStatusAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkManagementClient,System.String)">
            The Get Operation Status operation returns the status of the
            specified operation. After calling an asynchronous operation, you
            can call Get Operation Status to determine whether the operation
            has succeeded, failed, or is still in progress. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='requestId'>
            Required. The request ID for the request you wish to track. The
            request ID is returned in the x-ms-request-id response header for
            every request.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkOperations.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the NetworkOperations class.
            <param name='client'>
            Reference to the service client.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkOperations.BeginSettingConfigurationAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Setting Network Configuration operation asynchronously
            configures the virtual network. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkOperations.GetConfigurationAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Network Configuration operation retrieves the network
            configuration file for the given subscription. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The Get Network Configuration operation response.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkOperations.ListAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Virtual network sites operation retrieves the virtual
            networks configured for the subscription. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response structure for the Network Operations List operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkOperations.SetConfigurationAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Set Network Configuration operation asynchronously configures
            the virtual network. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkOperations.Client">
            Gets a reference to the
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions">
            The Service Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions.BeginSettingConfiguration(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters)">
            The Begin Setting Network Configuration operation asynchronously
            configures the virtual network. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions.BeginSettingConfigurationAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters)">
            The Begin Setting Network Configuration operation asynchronously
            configures the virtual network. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions.GetConfiguration(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations)">
            The Get Network Configuration operation retrieves the network
            configuration file for the given subscription. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            The Get Network Configuration operation response.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions.GetConfigurationAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations)">
            The Get Network Configuration operation retrieves the network
            configuration file for the given subscription. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            The Get Network Configuration operation response.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions.List(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations)">
            The List Virtual network sites operation retrieves the virtual
            networks configured for the subscription. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            The response structure for the Network Operations List operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions.ListAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations)">
            The List Virtual network sites operation retrieves the virtual
            networks configured for the subscription. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            The response structure for the Network Operations List operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions.SetConfiguration(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters)">
            The Set Network Configuration operation asynchronously configures
            the virtual network. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.NetworkOperationsExtensions.SetConfigurationAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.INetworkOperations,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkSetConfigurationParameters)">
            The Set Network Configuration operation asynchronously configures
            the virtual network. (see
            for more information)
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the
            reserved IPs for your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the ReservedIPOperations class.
            <param name='client'>
            Reference to the service client.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations.BeginCreatingAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Creating Reserved IP operation creates a reserved IP from
            your the subscription.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Reserved IP
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations.BeginDeletingAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Begin Deleting Reserved IP operation removes a reserved IP from
            your the subscription.
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations.CreateAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Create Reserved IP operation creates a reserved IP from your
            the subscription.
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Create Reserved IP operation.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations.DeleteAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Delete Reserved IP operation removes a reserved IP from your
            the subscription.
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations.GetAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Get Reserved IP operation retrieves the details for the virtual
            IP reserved for the subscription.
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP to retrieve.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A reserved IP associated with your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations.ListAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The List Reserved IP operation retrieves all of the virtual IPs
            reserved for the subscription.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            The response structure for the Server List operation.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.ReservedIPOperations.Client">
            Gets a reference to the
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions">
            The Service Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.BeginCreating(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters)">
            The Begin Creating Reserved IP operation creates a reserved IP from
            your the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Reserved IP
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.BeginCreatingAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters)">
            The Begin Creating Reserved IP operation creates a reserved IP from
            your the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Begin Creating Reserved IP
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.BeginDeleting(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,System.String)">
            The Begin Deleting Reserved IP operation removes a reserved IP from
            your the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.BeginDeletingAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,System.String)">
            The Begin Deleting Reserved IP operation removes a reserved IP from
            your the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP.
            A standard service response including an HTTP status code and
            request ID.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.Create(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters)">
            The Create Reserved IP operation creates a reserved IP from your
            the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Create Reserved IP operation.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.CreateAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.NetworkReservedIPCreateParameters)">
            The Create Reserved IP operation creates a reserved IP from your
            the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='parameters'>
            Required. Parameters supplied to the Create Reserved IP operation.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.Delete(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,System.String)">
            The Delete Reserved IP operation removes a reserved IP from your
            the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.DeleteAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,System.String)">
            The Delete Reserved IP operation removes a reserved IP from your
            the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP.
            The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous
            operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or
            has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status
            code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If
            the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes
            the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the
            asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP
            status code for the failed request, and also includes error
            information regarding the failure.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.Get(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,System.String)">
            The Get Reserved IP operation retrieves the details for the virtual
            IP reserved for the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP to retrieve.
            A reserved IP associated with your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.GetAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations,System.String)">
            The Get Reserved IP operation retrieves the details for the virtual
            IP reserved for the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='ipName'>
            Required. The name of the reserved IP to retrieve.
            A reserved IP associated with your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.List(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations)">
            The List Reserved IP operation retrieves all of the virtual IPs
            reserved for the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            The response structure for the Server List operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ReservedIPOperationsExtensions.ListAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IReservedIPOperations)">
            The List Reserved IP operation retrieves all of the virtual IPs
            reserved for the subscription.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            The response structure for the Server List operation.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.StaticIPOperations">
            The Network Management API includes operations for managing the static
            IPs for your subscription.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.StaticIPOperations.#ctor(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.NetworkManagementClient)">
            Initializes a new instance of the StaticIPOperations class.
            <param name='client'>
            Reference to the service client.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.StaticIPOperations.CheckAsync(System.String,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            The Check Static IP operation retrieves the details for the
            availability of static IP addresses for the given virtual network.
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            <param name='ipAddress'>
            Required. The address of the static IP.
            <param name='cancellationToken'>
            Cancellation token.
            A response that indicates the availability of a static IP address,
            and if not, provides a list of suggestions.
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.StaticIPOperations.Client">
            Gets a reference to the
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StaticIPOperationsExtensions">
            The Service Management API includes operations for managing the virtual
            networks for your subscription. (see
            more information)
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StaticIPOperationsExtensions.Check(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IStaticIPOperations,System.String,System.String)">
            The Check Static IP operation retrieves the details for the
            availability of static IP addresses for the given virtual network.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            <param name='ipAddress'>
            Required. The address of the static IP.
            A response that indicates the availability of a static IP address,
            and if not, provides a list of suggestions.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StaticIPOperationsExtensions.CheckAsync(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.IStaticIPOperations,System.String,System.String)">
            The Check Static IP operation retrieves the details for the
            availability of static IP addresses for the given virtual network.
            <param name='operations'>
            Reference to the
            <param name='networkName'>
            Required. The name of the virtual network.
            <param name='ipAddress'>
            Required. The address of the static IP.
            A response that indicates the availability of a static IP address,
            and if not, provides a list of suggestions.
        <member name="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics">
            Parameters supplied to the Create Virtual Network Gateway operation.
        <member name="M:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics.#ctor">
            Initializes a new instance of the UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics.CaptureDurationInSeconds">
            Optional. The duration of the capture in seconds (between 1 and 300)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics.ContainerName">
            Optional. The container name provided by customer (optional)
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics.CustomerStorageKey">
            Optional. The customer's storage account key
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics.CustomerStorageName">
            Optional. The customer's storage account name
        <member name="P:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.Models.UpdateGatewayPublicDiagnostics.Operation">
            Optional. The update gateway diagnostics operation to perform on
            the gateway tenant