
function Invoke-AzCli
    Invokes the az cli from PowerShell, providing better error handling and converting the output from JSON to a custom object.
    Invokes the az cli from PowerShell.
    Unless specified otherwise, converts the output from JSON to a custom object. This make further dealing with the output in PowerShell much easier.
    Provides better error handling, so that script fails more easily if the az cli fails.
    Fixes the console colors back to what they were before calling az, as the az cli tends to screw up the colors on errors, verbose, and other cases.
    Allows to set most of the common az cli parameters through PowerShell parameters:
     - -Output for --output
     - -Help for --help
     - -Query for --query
     - -Subscription for --subscription
    In most cases only the PowerShell or the az cli version of a parameter can be used. Specifying both is an error.
    .PARAMETER Subscription
    Adds the --subscription common parameter. Specify the name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `Invoke-AzCli account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.
    .PARAMETER Query
    Adds the --query common parameter. Provide the JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
    .PARAMETER Output
    If Output is set to object (the default), then the JSON output of the az cli will be converted to a custom object for easy processing in PowerShell
    Otherwise adds the --query common parameter. Valid values are json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, and yamlc.
    .PARAMETER SuppressCliWarnings
    Suppress warnings from the result of calling the az cli. This is passed on as '--only-show-errors' to the az cli.
    .PARAMETER SuppressOutput
    Suppress any object output from the result of calling the az cli. This is passed on as '--output none' to the az cli.
    Do not process the output of az cli.
    Get the help text from the az cli.
    .PARAMETER Arguments
    All the remaining arguments are passedon the az cli.
    Invoke-AzCli storage account list -Subscription "My Subscription"
    List all storage accounts in the given subscription.
    iaz version
    Use the alias for Invoke-AzCli to get the verion information of az cli.

    <# Enable -Verbose, -Force and -WhatIf. #>
    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
        [string] $Subscription = $null,

        [string] $Query = $null,

        [ValidateSet("json", "jsonc", "none", "table", "tsv", "yaml", "yamlc")]
        [string] $Output = $null,

        [Switch] $SuppressOutput,

        [Switch] $SuppressCliWarnings,

        [Switch] $Raw,

        [Switch] $Help,

        [string[]] $Arguments

        $verbose = $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue'
        $additionalArguments = @()

        $hostInfo = Get-Host
        $ForegroundColor = $hostInfo.ui.rawui.ForegroundColor
        $BackgroundColor = $hostInfo.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor

        if ($Output)
            if ($Arguments -contains "--output")
                throw "Both -Output and --output are set on the commandline."
            $additionalArguments += '--output', $Output
            $outputRequested = $true
        elseif ($Arguments -contains "--output")
            $outputRequested = $true

        if ($Arguments -contains "--help")
            $helpRequested = $true
        if ($Help.IsPresent)
            $additionalArguments += '--help'
            $helpRequested = $true

        if (-not $helpRequested -and $SuppressOutput.IsPresent)
            if ($Arguments -contains "--output" -or $Output)
                throw "Both -SuppressOutput and --output are set on the commandline."
            $additionalArguments = @('--output', 'none')

        if ($SuppressCliWarnings.IsPresent)
            $additionalArguments += '--only-show-errors'

        if ($verbose)
            $additionalArguments += '--verbose'

        if ($Subscription)
            if ($Arguments -contains "--subscription")
                throw "Both -Subscription and --subscription are set on the commandline."
            $additionalArguments += '--subscription', $Subscription

        if ($Query)
            if ($Arguments -contains "--query")
                throw "Both -Query and --query are set on the commandline."
            $additionalArguments += '--query', $Query

        Write-verbose "Invoking [az $Arguments $additionalArguments]"
        if ($Raw.IsPresent)
            az @Arguments @additionalArguments
            $hostInfo.ui.rawui.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor
            $hostInfo.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor
            $result = az @Arguments @additionalArguments
        # Restore console colors, as az cli likely to change them.
        if (-not $?)
            if($null -ne $result)
                throw "Command exited with error code ${LASTEXITCODE}: ${result}"
            throw "Command exited with error code ${LASTEXITCODE}"
        $hostInfo.ui.rawui.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor
        $hostInfo.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor
        if ($helpRequested -or $outputRequested -or $Arguments.Length -eq 0)
        elseif ($null -ne $result -and -not $SuppressOutput.IsPresent -and -not $outputRequested)
            $result | ConvertFrom-Json

New-alias -Name iaz Invoke-AzCli