
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("AzureConnectedMachineAgentDsc")]
class MSFT_AzureConnectedMachineAgentDsc : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("The GUID Id for the Azure tenant. This can be found using Get-AzSubscription.")] String TenantId;
    [Required, Description("The GUID Id for the Azure subscription. This can be found using Get-AzSubscription.")] String SubscriptionId;
    [Required, Description("The name of the Azure Resource Group. This can be pre-created using New-AzResourceGroup.")] String ResourceGroup;
    [Required, Description("The Azure location name where the machine resource should be created. The available list of locations can be found using 'Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.HybridCompute'.")] String Location;
    [Write, Description("The tags to be applied to the machine resource. This is formatted as 'property=value,property=value'")] String Tags;
    [Required, Description("The Application ID and Secret stored as a Credential object."), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] String Credential;
    [Read, EmbeddedInstance("Reason")] String Reasons[];
class Reason
    [Read] String Phrase;
    [Read] String Code;