.SYNOPSIS This cmdlet lets you verify if IP address is Azure datacenter IP Address or no. This information is based from publicly available document: Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP Ranges from: .DESCRIPTION Use this cmdlet for verifying if IP address is from known Azure datacenter IP address space. NOTE: This script uses "IPInRange" function from PSMailTools repository: Original source url: .PARAMETER IP IP address to check if it's part of the know Azure Datacenter IP Ranges. .PARAMETER UpdateCache Fetch updated IP address range file from internet. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureDatacenterIPOrNo -IP .EXAMPLE Get-AzureDatacenterIPOrNo -IP -UpdateCache .LINK #> function Get-AzureDatacenterIPOrNo ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="IP address to check if it's part of the know Azure Datacenter IP ranges.")] [string] $IP, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Update cache file.")] [switch] $UpdateCache = $false ) { # Below "IPInRange" function from PSMailTools: # # # IPInRange: # function IPInRange { [cmdletbinding()] [outputtype([System.Boolean])] param( # IP Address to find. [parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [validatescript({ ([System.Net.IPAddress]$_).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetwork' })] [string] $IPAddress, # Range in which to search using CIDR notation. (ippaddr/bits) [parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)] [validatescript({ $IP = ($_ -split '/')[0] $Bits = ($_ -split '/')[1] (([System.Net.IPAddress]($IP)).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetwork') if (-not($Bits)) { throw 'Missing CIDR notiation.' } elseif (-not(0..32 -contains [int]$Bits)) { throw 'Invalid CIDR notation. The valid bit range is 0 to 32.' } })] [alias('CIDR')] [string] $Range ) # Split range into the address and the CIDR notation [String]$CIDRAddress = $Range.Split('/')[0] [int]$CIDRBits = $Range.Split('/')[1] # Address from range and the search address are converted to Int32 and the full mask is calculated from the CIDR notation. [int]$BaseAddress = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32((([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($CIDRAddress)).GetAddressBytes()), 0) [int]$Address = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32(([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IPAddress).GetAddressBytes()), 0) [int]$Mask = [System.Net.IPAddress]::HostToNetworkOrder(-1 -shl ( 32 - $CIDRBits)) # Determine whether the address is in the range. if (($BaseAddress -band $Mask) -eq ($Address -band $Mask)) { $true } else { $false } } $cacheFileName = "$PSScriptRoot\PublicIPs.xml" $cacheSource = "$PSScriptRoot\CacheSource.txt" if ((Test-Path -Path $cacheFileName) -eq $false -or $UpdateCache) { if ($UpdateCache) { Write-Host "Updating cache from $url..." } else { Write-Warning "Cache file not found. Downloading it from $url..." } $url = "" $response = Invoke-WebRequest $url -UseBasicParsing $fileStartIndex = $response.Content.IndexOf("PublicIPs_") $fileEndIndex = $response.Content.IndexOf(".xml", $fileStartIndex) $file = $response.Content.Substring($fileStartIndex, $fileEndIndex - $fileStartIndex) $global:IP_ADDRESS_FILE = $file Set-Content $cacheSource -Value $file $downloadLink = "$file.xml" Invoke-WebRequest $downloadLink -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $cacheFileName } [xml] $xml = Get-Content $cacheFileName $source = Get-Content $cacheSource foreach($region in $xml.AzurePublicIpAddresses.Region) { foreach($range in $region.IpRange) { $isInside = IPInRange -IPAddress $IP -Range $range.Subnet if ($isInside) { return new-object psobject -property @{ Region = $region.Name IpRange = $range Ip = $IP Source = $source } } } } return new-object psobject -property @{ Region = "Non-Azure IP" Ip = $IP } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-AzureDatacenterIPOrNo |