
# # DOCS:


# # DOCS:

# # NOTE: You may need to run this if you have IISAdministration 1.0.0 installed:
# # Install-Module -Name IISAdministration -AllowClobber -Force

# #Requires -RunAsAdministrator
# #Requires -Version 5.0
# $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
# Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

# [string[]] $desiredFeatures = @(
# 'IIS-WebServerRole',
# 'IIS-WebServer',
# 'IIS-CommonHttpFeatures',
# 'IIS-HttpErrors',
# 'IIS-HttpRedirect',
# 'IIS-ApplicationDevelopment',
# 'NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45',
# 'IIS-NetFxExtensibility45',
# 'IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics',
# 'IIS-HttpLogging',
# 'IIS-LoggingLibraries',
# 'IIS-RequestMonitor',
# 'IIS-HttpTracing',
# 'IIS-Security',
# 'IIS-RequestFiltering',
# 'IIS-Performance',
# 'IIS-WebServerManagementTools',
# 'IIS-Metabase',
# 'IIS-ManagementConsole',
# 'IIS-BasicAuthentication',
# 'IIS-WindowsAuthentication',
# 'IIS-StaticContent',
# 'IIS-DefaultDocument',
# 'IIS-WebSockets',
# 'IIS-ApplicationInit',
# 'IIS-ISAPIExtensions',
# 'IIS-ISAPIFilter',
# 'IIS-HttpCompressionStatic',
# )

# # TODO: Move this to the private folder
# function _determineIfFeatureIsActive(
# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $featureName
# ) {
# (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | Where-Object FeatureName -eq $featureName).State
# }

# # TODO: Move this to the private folder
# function _enableWindowsFeature(
# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $featureName
# ) {
# (Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $featureName).Online
# }

# function InstallIISWebServer(
# [Parameter(mandatory=$false)]
# $features = $desiredFeatures
# ) {
# foreach ($feature in $desiredFeatures) {
# [string] $result = _determineIfFeatureIsActive -featureName $feature
# if ($result -eq 'Disabled') {
# _enableWindowsFeature $feature
# }
# }
# }

# function InstallIISAdminModule(
# [Parameter(mandatory=$false)]
# [bool] $clobberIISModule = $true
# ) {
# Install-Module `
# -Name IISAdministration `
# -AllowClobber:$clobberIISModule `
# -WarningAction SilentlyContinue `
# -Force
# }

# function TestForIISSiteExistence(
# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $siteName
# ) {
# if ($null -eq (Get-IISSite $siteName -WarningAction SilentlyContinue)) {
# return $false
# }
# return $true
# }

# # NOTE: Any sites or app pools that already exist will not be recreated.
# # NOTE: Depends on module IISAdministration having been previously loaded
# # App pool should be created before site so we can add the site to the pool after the site's creation
# function CreateIISWebsite(
# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $siteName,

# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $port,

# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $siteArtifactsFolder,

# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [bool] $useSelfSignedSSLCert
# ) {
# # In case previous invocations left one open
# Stop-IISCommitDelay -commit $false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
# $absPathToSiteFiles = "$siteArtifactsFolder"
# # # App pool should be created before site so we can add the site to the pool after the site's creation
# $pool = Get-IISAppPool $siteName -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
# if($null -eq $pool){
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Creating app pool: $siteName"
# CreateAppPool -appPoolName $siteName
# }
# $site = Get-IISSite $siteName -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
# if($null -eq $site) {
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Creating site: $siteName"
# Start-IISCommitDelay
# $site = New-IISSite `
# -Name $siteName `
# -BindingInformation $("*:8081:" + $siteName) `
# -PhysicalPath $absPathToSiteFiles `
# -PassThru
# # Examples of -BindingInformation:
# # "*:80:" - Listens on port 80, any IP address, any hostname
# # "" - Listens on port 80, specific IP address, any host
# # "*" - Listens on port 80, specific hostname
# # Set the Application Pool for the newly-created site.
# $site.Applications["/"].ApplicationPoolName = $siteName
# if ($useSelfSignedSSLCert -eq $true) {
# $port = "443"
# $bindingInformation = "*:" + $port + ":" + $siteName
# $info = CreateSelfSignedCert -siteName $siteName
# New-IISSiteBinding -Name $siteName -BindingInformation $bindingInformation `
# -CertificateThumbPrint $info['thumbPrint'] -CertStoreLocation $info['storePath'] `
# -Protocol https -Verbose -SslFlag 'Sni'
# }
# Stop-IISCommitDelay -Commit $true
# }
# }

# # NOTE: Depends on WebAdministration module, which depends on IIS being installed
# function AddVirtualDirectoryToSite(
# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $siteName,

# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $virDirName,

# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $pathToArtifacts,

# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $workDir
# ) {
# Set-Location $PSScriptRoot
# $scriptRootParent = (Get-Item .).Parent.FullName
# Import-Module "$scriptRootParent\ModuleHelpers\Module.Functions.psm1"
# LoadModule -moduleNameOrPath 'WebAdministration' -installViaNuGet $true

# if ($null -ne (Get-WebVirtualDirectory -site $siteName -Name "/$virDirName")) {
# Remove-Item "IIS:\Sites\$siteName\$virDirName" -Force -Recurse
# }
# # TODO : Use IIS provider (see if() above) to create virtual directory?
# New-WebVirtualDirectory -Site "$siteName" -Name $virDirName -PhysicalPath $pathToArtifacts
# Set-Location $workDir
# }

# function ConfigureIISFilesystemPermissions(
# [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
# [string] $dirToChmod,

# [Parameter(mandatory=$false)]
# [string] $webUser = 'IIS_IUSRS'
# # [string] $webUser = 'Everyone'
# ) {
# # NOTE: IIS_IUSRS(local user) needs READ/WRITE/MODIFY in $artifactDestinationDir
# $acl = Get-Acl $dirToChmod
# $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule(
# $webUser,
# 'FullControl',
# 'ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit',
# 'None',
# 'Allow'
# )
# $acl.SetAccessRule($accessRule)
# $acl | Set-Acl $dirToChmod
# }

# Export-ModuleMember -Function "*"