
function Get-AHUnusedNICs {
    Gets a list of unused NICs in the environment.

    Get-AHUnusedNICs is a function that returns a list of NICs that are not attached
    in the environment. This can occur when VMs are deleted but not the NICs attached
    to the VM.

.PARAMETER AllSubscriptions
    Run this command against all subscriptions.

.PARAMETER Subscription
    Specifies the subscription to run against. The default is the current subscription.

.PARAMETER IncludeCost
    Include cost data in the output - This makes the command take about 25x longer to run.

    Get-AHUnusedNICs -AllSubscriptions

    Get-AHUnusedNICs -AllSubscriptions | Export-Csv UnusedNICs.csv -NoTypeInformation



    Author: Paul Harrison

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    begin {

        $MyScriptBlock = {
            $CurrentSubscription = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Name
            $SelectSplat = @{N = "Subscription"; E = { $CurrentSubscription } }, 'ResourceGroupName', 'VirtualMachine', 'MacAddress', 'NetworkSecurityGroup', 'PrivateEndpoint', 'Location', 'Id', 'Name'
            If ($IncludeCost) {
                $SelectSplat += @{N = 'Last30DayCost'; E = { Get-AHResourceCost -ResourceId $_.Id -ToThePenny } }

            Get-AzNetworkInterface | Where-Object {
                $null -eq $_.ManagedBy
            } | Select-Object -Property $SelectSplat
    process {
        if ($Subscription) { $Subscription | Invoke-AzureCommand -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock }
        else { Invoke-AzureCommand -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -AllSubscriptions:$AllSubscriptions }