
Function Remove-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo {
    Remove one or more items from the list the resources to add or remove my IP to.
    Remove one or more items from the list the resources to add or remove my IP to.
.Parameter Id
    A resource ID or array of resource IDs to remove.
    Remove-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -ResourceId /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-a123-asdf-1234-123456abcdef/resourceGroups/Test1RG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/sa2
    (Get-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo).Id | Remove-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo
    Removes all resources from the list
    Author: Paul Harrison

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    process {
        $Script:ResourceToAddMyIPTo = $Script:ResourceToAddMyIPTo | Where-Object { $_.Id -notin $ResourceId }