
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<helpItems xmlns="http://msh" schema="maml">
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
    <!--Generated by PS Cmdlet Help Editor-->
        <maml:para>Gets predefined Azure tags</maml:para>
        <maml:para />
      <dev:version />
      <!--This is the Description section-->
      <maml:para>The Get-AzureRmTag cmdlet gets predefined Azure tags in your subscription. This cmdlet returns basic information about the tags or detailed information about tags and their values. All output objects include a Count property that represents the number of resources and resource groups to which the tags and values have been applied. Get-AzureRmTag is part of a set of cmdlets (New/Get/Remove) that help you manage predefined Azure tags.An Azure "tag" is a name-value pair that you can use to categorize your Azure resources and resource groups, such as by department or cost center, or to track notes or comments about the resources and groups. You can define and apply tags in a single step, but predefined tags let you establish standard, consistent, predictable names and values for the tags in your subscription. If the subscription includes any predefined tags, you cannot apply undefined tags or values to any resource or resource group in the subscription.To create a predefined tag, use the New-AzureRmTag cmdlet. To apply a predefined tag to a resource or resource group. use the Tag parameters of the New and Set cmdlets in the AzureResourceManager module. To search for resources or resource groups with a specified tag name or name and value, use the Tag parameters of the Get-AzureRmResource and Get-AzureRmResourceGroup cmdlets.</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="0">
            <maml:para>Gets detailed information about the predefined tag with the specified name. By default, Get-AzureRmTag gets basic information about all predefined tags in the subscription.When you use the Name parameter, the Detailed parameter has no effect.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Adds information about tag values to the output.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="0">
          <maml:para>Gets detailed information about the predefined tag with the specified name. By default, Get-AzureRmTag gets basic information about all predefined tags in the subscription.When you use the Name parameter, the Detailed parameter has no effect.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Adds information about tag values to the output.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Tags.Model.PSTag, Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Tags</maml:name>
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:para>Keywords: azure, azurerm, arm, resource, management, manager, tag, tags, resource, group</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 1: Get all predefined tags --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;Get-AzureRmTag
Name Count
======== =====
Department 5
FY2015 2
CostCenter 20</dev:code>
          <maml:para>This command gets all predefined tags in the subscription. The Count property shows how many times the tag has been applied to resources and resource groups in the subscription.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 2: Get a tag by name --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;Get-AzureRmTag -Name Department
Name: Department
Count: 5
        Name Count
        ========== =====
        Finance 2
        IT 3</dev:code>
          <maml:para>This command gets detailed information about the Department tag and its values. The Count property shows how many times the tag and each of its values has been applied to resources and resource groups in the subscription.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 3: Get values of all tags --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;Get-AzureRmTag -Detailed
Name: Department
Count: 5
        Name Count
        ========== =====
        Finance 2
        IT 3
Name: FY2015
Count: 2
Name: CostCenter
Count: 20
        Name Count
        ========== =====
        0001 5
        0002 10
        0003 5</dev:code>
          <maml:para>This command uses the Detailed parameter to get detailed information about all predefined tags in the subscription. It's the equivalent of using the Name parameter for every tag.</maml:para>
        <maml:linkText>Online Version:</maml:linkText>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
    <!--Generated by PS Cmdlet Help Editor-->
        <maml:para>Creates a predefined Azure tag or adds values to an existing tag</maml:para>
        <maml:para />
      <dev:version />
      <!--This is the Description section-->
      <maml:para>The New-AzureRmTag cmdlet creates a predefined Azure tag with an optional predefined value. You can also use it to add additional values to existing predefined tags. To create a new predefined tag, enter a unique tag name. To add a value to an existing predefined tag, specify the name of the existing tag and the new value. This cmdlet returns an object that represents the new or changed tag with its values and the number of resources to which it has been applied. New-AzureRmTag is part of a set of cmdlets (New/Get/Remove) that let you manage predefined Azure tags.An Azure "tag" is a name-value pair that you can use to categorize your Azure resources and resource groups, such as by department or cost center, or to track notes or comments about the resources and groups. You can define and apply tags in a single step, but predefined tags let you establish standard, consistent, predictable names and values for the tags in your subscription. If the subscription includes any predefined tags, you cannot apply undefined tags or values to any resource or resource group in the subscription.To apply a predefined tag to a resource or resource group. use the Tag parameters of the New and Set cmdlets in the AzureResourceManager module. To search for resources or resource groups with a specified tag name or name and value, use the Tag parameters of the Get-AzureRmResource and Get-AzureRmResourceGroup cmdlets.Every tag has a name. The values are optional. A predefined Azure tag can have multiple values, but when you apply the tag to a resource or resource group, you apply the tag name and only one of its values. For example, you can create a predefined Department tag with a value for each department, such as Finance, Human Resources, and IT. When you apply the Department tag to a resource, you apply only one predefined value, such as Finance.</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="0">
            <maml:para>Specifies the tag name. To create a new predefined tag, enter a unique name. To add a new value to an existing tag, enter the name of the existing tag.If an existing predefined tag has the specified name, New-AzureRmTag adds the specified value, if any, to the tag with that name, instead of creating a new tag.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="1">
            <maml:para>Specifies a tag value. Predefined tags can have multiple value, but you can enter only one value in each command. This parameter is optional, because tags can have names and no values.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="0">
          <maml:para>Specifies the tag name. To create a new predefined tag, enter a unique name. To add a new value to an existing tag, enter the name of the existing tag.If an existing predefined tag has the specified name, New-AzureRmTag adds the specified value, if any, to the tag with that name, instead of creating a new tag.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="1">
          <maml:para>Specifies a tag value. Predefined tags can have multiple value, but you can enter only one value in each command. This parameter is optional, because tags can have names and no values.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:para>Keywords: azure, azurerm, arm, resource, management, manager, tag, tags, resource, group</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 1: Create a predefined tag --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;New-AzureRmTag -Name FY2015
Name: Department
Count: 0
        Name Count
        ========= =====
        Finance 0</dev:code>
          <maml:para>This command creates a predefined tag named "FY2015". This tag has no values. You can apply a tag with no values to a resource or resource group, or use New-AzureRmTag to add values to the tag. You can also specify a value when you apply the tag to the resource or resource group.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 2: Create a predefined tag with a value --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;New-AzureRmTag -Name Department -Value Finance
Name: Department
Count: 0
        Name Count
        ========= =====
        Finance 0</dev:code>
          <maml:para>This command creates a Department predefined tag with a value of Finance.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 3: Add a value to a predefined tag --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;New-AzureRmTag -Name Department -Value Finance
Name: Department
Count: 0
        Name Count
        ========= =====
        Finance 0
PS C:\&gt;New-AzureRmTag -Name Department -Value IT
Name: Department
Count: 0
        Name Count
        ========= =====
        Finance 0
        IT 0</dev:code>
          <maml:para>These commands creates a Department predefined tag with two values. When the tag name exists, New-AzureRmTag adds the value to the existing tag, instead of creating a new one.</maml:para>
            <command:commandText>You can create multiple values for a predefined tag. When you apply the tag to a resource, you apply just one of its values.</command:commandText>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 4: Use a predefined tag --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;New-AzureRmTag -Name CostCenter -Value 0001
Name: CostCenter
Count: 0
        Name Count
        ========= =====
        0001 0
PS C:\&gt;Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name EngineerBlog -Tag @{Name="CostCenter";Value="0001"}
Name: EngineerBlog
Location: East US
    Name Type Location
    =============== ======================= ========
    EngineerBlog Microsoft.Web/sites West US
    EngSvr01 Microsoft.Sql/servers West US
    EngDB02 Microsoft.Sql/databases West US
    Name Value
    ========== =====
    CostCenter 0001
PS C:\&gt;Get-AzureRmTag -Name CostCenter
Name: CostCenter
Count: 1
        Name Count
        ========= =====
        0001 1
PS C:\&gt;Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Tag @{Name="CostCenter"}
Name: EngineerBlog
Location: East US
     Name Type Location
    =============== ======================= ========
    EngineerBlog Microsoft.Web/sites West US
    EngSvr01 Microsoft.Sql/servers West US
    EngDB02 Microsoft.Sql/databases West US
    Name Value
    ========== =====
    CostCenter 0001</dev:code>
          <maml:para>The commands in this example create and use a predefined tag.</maml:para>
            <command:commandText>The first command uses the New-AzureRmTag cmdlet to create a predefined CostCenter tag with a value of 0001. You can use New-AzureRmTag again to add more values to the predefined tag.The second command uses the Set-AzureRmResourceGroup cmdlet to apply the CostCenter tag to the EngineerBlog resource group.The third command uses the Get-AzureRmTag cmdlet to get the CostCenter tag. The output shows that the Count property of the tag and its values were incremented when the tag was applied to the EngineeringBlog resource group.The fourth command uses the Tag parameter of the Get-AzureRmResource cmdlet to search for resource groups with the CostCenter tag (and any value). The cmdlet returns the EngineeringBlog resource group.</command:commandText>
        <maml:linkText>Online Version:</maml:linkText>
  <command:command xmlns:maml="" xmlns:command="" xmlns:dev="">
    <!--Generated by PS Cmdlet Help Editor-->
        <maml:para>Deletes predefined Azure tags or values</maml:para>
        <maml:para />
      <dev:version />
      <!--This is the Description section-->
      <maml:para>The Remove-AzureRmTag cmdlet deletes predefined Azure tags and values from your subscription. To delete particular values from a predefined tag, use the Value parameter. By default, Remove-AzureRmTag deletes the specified tag and all of its values.You cannot delete a tag or value that is currently applied to a resource or resource group. Before using Remove-AzureRmTag, use the Tag parameter of the Set-AzureRmResource or Set-AzureRmResourceGroup cmdlets to delete the tag or values from the resource or resource group. The Remove-AzureRmTag cmdlet is part of a set of cmdlets (New/Get/Remove) that help you to manage your predefined Azure tags.An Azure "tag" is a name-value pair that you can use to categorize your Azure resources and resource groups, such as by department or cost center, or to track notes or comments about the resources and groups.You can define and apply tags in a single step, but predefined tags let you establish standard, consistent, predictable names and values for the tags in your subscription. If the subscription includes any predefined tags, you cannot apply undefined tags or values to any resource or resource group in the subscription.</maml:para>
        <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="0">
            <maml:para>Specifies the name of the tag to be deleted. This parameter is required. By default, Remove-AzureRmTag removes the specified tag and all of its values. To delete selected values, but not delete the tag, use the Value parameter.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="1">
            <maml:para>Deletes the specified values from the predefined tag, but does not delete the tag.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="true">String[]</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Suppresses the confirmation prompt. By default, Remove-AzureRmTag prompts for confirmation before deleting a predefined Azure tag.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
        <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="named">
            <maml:para>Returns an object that represents the deleted tag or the resulting tag with deleted valued.</maml:para>
          <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
      <command:parameter required="true" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="0">
          <maml:para>Specifies the name of the tag to be deleted. This parameter is required. By default, Remove-AzureRmTag removes the specified tag and all of its values. To delete selected values, but not delete the tag, use the Value parameter.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="false">String</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="true" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="1">
          <maml:para>Deletes the specified values from the predefined tag, but does not delete the tag.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="true" variableLength="true">String[]</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Suppresses the confirmation prompt. By default, Remove-AzureRmTag prompts for confirmation before deleting a predefined Azure tag.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
      <command:parameter required="false" variableLength="false" globbing="false" pipelineInput="true (ByPropertyName)" position="named">
          <maml:para>Returns an object that represents the deleted tag or the resulting tag with deleted valued.</maml:para>
        <command:parameterValue required="false" variableLength="false">SwitchParameter</command:parameterValue>
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:uri />
          <maml:name>None or Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Tags.Model.PSTag</maml:name>
          <maml:uri />
        <maml:para>Keywords: azure, azurerm, arm, resource, management, manager, tag, tags, resource, group</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 1: Delete a predefined tag --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;Remove-AzureRmTag -Name Department</dev:code>
          <maml:para>This command deletes the predefined Department tag and all of its resources. If the tag has been applied to any resources or resource groups, the command fails.</maml:para>
        <maml:title>-------------------------- Example 2: Delete a value from a predefined tag --------------------------</maml:title>
        <dev:code>PS C:\&gt;Remove-AzureRmTag -Name Department -Value HumanResources -PassThru
Name: Department
Count: 14
        Name Count
        ========= =====
        Finance 2
        IT 12</dev:code>
          <maml:para>This command deletes the HumanResources value from the predefined Department tag. It does not delete the tag. If the value has been applied to any resources or resource groups, the command fails.</maml:para>
            <command:commandText>Because the command uses the PassThru parameter, the cmdlet returns the object tag without the HumanResources value.</command:commandText>
        <maml:linkText>Online Version:</maml:linkText>